First thing I noticed wasn't the make-up, but the hair. Category is "big hair everywhere" and Ru comes out wearing that? Not only was she outshined by the girls, but even Michelle had a more voluminous and s rounded hair than hair. I bet she won't be happy.
Other thoughts: I liked the challenge and runway. I've had mixed feelings about this season, but this episode proved the cast is capable.
I know the forced touchy-feely make-up moments can be polirizing, but I truly like them when they're genuine and personal. The show has had flat moments when out-of-touch queens spoke unintelligently about LGBT issues, but I have a soft spot for drag acceptance and how drag mean something different to different people. Case in point: Sasha's story. I've written her off as the Princess of this season at the beginning of the season. But I really like her now.
This is a common theme for me and this season, all favorite queens are ones I've written off or disliked due snap assumptions: Sasha (the Princess), Shea (the filler), Trinity (The Talentless), Valentina (The T. Sanchez), Eureka (The Bitch)... Well Eureka ended being a bitch, albeit a lovable one.
I still don't know though whether I'm changing my mind about some of them because of they're strong enough to demand reconsideration, or because there to are no flawless, obvious, front-running queens this season that I'm forced to dig deep and reconcile.
Anyhow. Bye Aja. You were a mess.