Hi friends. After seeing Katy Perry's performance on SNL it made me wonder what specifically draws people into drag and watching drag?
This probably applies to a lot of other folks as well, but I'm mostly speaking for myself.
What draws me to drag (specifically drag queens) as a gender-nonconforming queer man is:
The gender-conformity/effeminacy. Growing up, all of the images that I ever saw of fem/effeminate men were incredibly negative. And anytime I attempted to express femininity I was threatened or punished in some way.
So for me it's been incredibly awesome and super inspiring to see glamorous confident, crossdressing queer men do incredibly awesome stuff and be celebrated for their various (
and "unmanly") skills and talents.
The fashion and beauty. What can I say? I love pretty makeup, I love a pair cute sky-high pumps (
10+ points if they're hot pink or sparkle), I love big beautiful hair, I love pretty dresses (
10+ points if they sparkle), and I love love LOVE super long acrylic/fake nails.
It's my aesthetic. I follow a lot of queens on instagram simply because they're fashionistas/beauty gurus.
The performances. Watching a queen literally embody the lady singing the song as they dance, slink, and twirl about is absolutely magical. Plus it's fun to lip sync and it's easy to relate to a queen who's just killing on stage, you can practically feel how much fun she's having.
The comedy. Most queens aren't funny or even trying to be, but a lot of comedy queens are really quick witted and manage to bring a whole new perspective to comedy as queer fem/crossdressing men. Plus, it's always super fun to watch a queen "read' (
it's basically a term for highly exaggerated criticism/ribbing) other queens without being off-putting or really bitchy.
the artistry/theatrical nature of it. Some queens are
WORKS OF ART. it's amazing, they'd be show stoppers at museums.
When it specifically comes to RPDR itself though I'm drawn to it because:
- It's funny.
- It's campy.
- its got a lot of delicious drama.
- It's got a diverse assortment of awesome queer men with varying personalities and skin colors.
- It introduces the world to a myriad of beautiful and talented queens.
- there are actual sincere moments we're we get to see these queens cry and be vulnerable.
- And it's pretty damn inclusive, which is always a plus.
Btw folks, we do have an OT for
drag, crossdressing, and gender-nonconformity. Anybody with questions like this could always hop in there and ask.
Plus I think it's a great place to talk about everything drag that isn't specifically related to RPDR.
I gushed over Farrah Moan quite often in that thread before she was on season 9. haha