Valentina told Farrah to shut up because she knew she could. Do you think she'd tell Trinity or Shea to shut up like that?
The way they would drag her ass
And people don't think she should be Miss congenialityBONUS CLIP
Apparently Valentina shared her porn with the other girls.
Apparently Valentina shared her porn with the other girls.
Yep, that's the business."I watched ESPN" I lol'd hahahaha, Eureka knows what's up.
Watching UFC fights also greatly helps for erotic inspiration
Can we talk about how beautiful they looked though, they were glowing, I especially loved Shea's makeup.
It was! I actually don't remember looking at her face much because of it!Peppermint boob highlight was hypnotic tbh
I think we've already seen all Kim Chi has to offer...If Shea doesn't win S9, they might as well turn AS3 into "Chicago Edition", because with Shea, Pearl, Trixie and Kim Chi, it's all Chicago.
If Shea doesn't win S9, they might as well turn AS3 into "Chicago Edition", because with Shea, Pearl, Trixie and Kim Chi, it's all Chicago.
If Shea doesn't win S9, they might as well turn AS3 into "Chicago Edition", because with Shea, Pearl, Trixie and Kim Chi, it's all Chicago.
I feel like you're joking.
But you didn't say jk tho.
If you were joking you would have said jk.
Oh. It will be attempted again. And again.Rib, not hip.
The cheerleading challenge was an absolute nightmare and nothing like it will ever be attempted again.
T.I never was a huge fan of Valentina, she is pretty, had some nice outfits, but thats it. But those attacks at her, that was really hard to watch, especially after everyone attacking her on not speaking out against online bullying, and then they bully her in front of the camera... wtf.
Of course not. Are you crazy?I wonder if Valentina returns for all-stars she'll just drop the pretense and act like a normal human being
I never watch telenovelas, but this sounds hilarious.If this were La Usurpadora, Valentina started the season off as Paulina and ended it as Paola.
Those other bitches are just that. Bitches.And people don't think she should be Miss congenialityBONUS CLIP
Apparently Valentina shared her porn with the other girls.
Goddamn lolIf this were La Usurpadora, Valentina started the season off as Paulina and ended it as Paola.
If this were La Usurpadora, Valentina started the season off as Paulina and ended it as Paola.
She deleted them lol.This roses stun shows that Valentina is in another league of stardom that her S9 only wish they could achieve. The way Shea's instagram is FILLED with ROSES. She must be shook.
OVH stay losing. 🌹
If Shea doesn't win S9, they might as well turn AS3 into "Chicago Edition", because with Shea, Pearl, Trixie and Kim Chi, it's all Chicago.
If this were La Usurpadora, Valentina started the season off as Paulina and ended it as Paola.
Is is just Brazil or is the whole world hating on Shea just because she "came" for Valentina? Shea was always like that, always came with the T. She had the best Untucked moments, a very honest person. What the fuck is wrong with this fanbase? That's the problem I have with Rupaul: this is not being adressed by her; instead, she put everything on Valentina. Because yeah, it's her fault, not the show's. Fuck this. She should have made something since S5's Roxxxy Andrews scandal, but she capitalises on bullying and harassment.
Same here. Trinity and Shea were the standouts for me this season as far as personality goes.I'm a brazilian and I don't hate Shea, so there's that. I'm #teamShea ever since Blac Chyna.
I am still trying to get why are they all so mad at Valentina
- She came to win (umm, duh)
- She wasn't that much into getting to know them (is this a must?)
- She is a bitch (so are all of them, but she didn't attack anyone, she was just cute and pretty)
- She didn't address the bullying online, but she said she didn't paid attention to anything, she had problems to leave the house, and they all nodded, causes she called and talked to them about it. Still, she should have said something online
The biggest bitch in my opinion was Aja.
is there any chance ru could choose another winner besides shea? just to mix it up. i would be happy as a clam if trinity won
is there any chance ru could choose another winner besides shea? just to mix it up. i would be happy as a clam if trinity won
Oh my God, those Shea Coulee music videos! I guess this is Alaska 2.0, such a talented queen, even more robbed on her season, in it to slay the next All-Stars.
The next All-Stars is going to be a bloodbath. Multiple amazing queens with attitude and rabid fanbases. That snake emoji is gonna be wore out!
Rumbling is that if you didn't make T4 on AS1, they're open to having you return in future AS editions because of how awful that format was. Which explains why AS3 is rumored to be coming a season earlier than expected - they have a few extra stars in the pool.I still think All-Stars 2 had a better selection than the next one will, even if it was mostly from S5. It's just that All-Stars 3 will have a few stronger contenders overall, like Shea and Trinity.
Rumbling is that if you didn't make T4 on AS1, they're open to having you return in future AS editions because of how awful that format was. Which explains why AS3 is rumored to be coming a season earlier than expected - they have a few extra stars in the pool.
Rumbling is that if you didn't make T4 on AS1, they're open to having you return in future AS editions because of how awful that format was. Which explains why AS3 is rumored to be coming a season earlier than expected - they have a few extra stars in the pool.