Sasha's looks for the finale were phenomenal, she definitely won the night.
Although I still dont understand why she keeps saying she represents some sort of niche drag, what exactly about her is strange or different from other queens?
Unique aesthetic NEVER done beforewell you see she doesn't wear a wig
ongina who?Unique aesthetic NEVER done before
Sasha revolutionized wearing the exact same beat and pencil skirts, hunty. Reads woke tumblr.
she did, but at least nobody pretended there was anything radical about haTo be fair, Bianca del Rio won drag race wearing the same dress in different colours for the entire season.
Guys, she's intellectual ok.
Shea revolutionized boots and a swimsuit.Sasha revolutionized wearing the exact same beat and pencil skirts, hunty. Reads woke tumblr.
I want like every queen from season 7 on AS3
It would probably be the best season ever. And the best part? Katya would win, yessI want AS3 only with Katya! They can shoot different Katya's and edit them as if each queen is a Katya...
'I need to go to the end of this competition. I need to.'that interview cher's mom and son challenge in season 6 might be the most uncomfortable thing ever
like what the fuck at adore's interview
'we were broke as it was the depression'
like that had to be the editing or something
that interview cher's mom and son challenge in season 6 might be the most uncomfortable thing ever
like what the fuck at adore's interview
'we were broke as it was the depression'
like that had to be the editing or something
that interview cher's mom and son challenge in season 6 might be the most uncomfortable thing ever
like what the fuck at adore's interview
'we were broke as it was the depression'
like that had to be the editing or something
Garret Hawke sis I've never seen someone so salty over drag race. SEETHE!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, Sasha is such a fucking icon. SHE DID THAT. The best lipsync in drag race history.
Garret Hawke sis I've never seen someone so salty over drag race. SEETHE!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, Sasha is such a fucking icon. SHE DID THAT. The best lipsync in drag race history.
Garret Hawke sis I've never seen someone so salty over drag race. SEETHE!!!!!!!!!!
Eh, I can (and do) believe that her lip syncs that night were incredible while also disagreeing firmly with the idea of a finale having that much weight. Just personally. 🌝Honestly, Sasha is such a fucking icon. SHE DID THAT. The best lipsync in drag race history.
Garret Hawke sis I've never seen someone so salty over drag race. SEETHE!!!!!!!!!!
I read wikipedia too.
A winner from a season could never be decided from two lipsyncs, but I'm not Ru or one of the producers.
There's been a 4-way lip sync the last few seasons, and they've filmed an elim for all 4 girls. It's really not been about the lip sync at all really, just overall performance.There's always been a final lipsync battle of some form, always. I'm not sure how it went down in season 7 because I stopped seeing it the moment Katya was eliminated, but the did some sort of final number didn't they? How much it weights is anyone's guess since it's never explicitly mentioned but it is very obviously an important part of chosing the winner.
There's always been a final lipsync battle of some form, always. I'm not sure how it went down in season 7 because I stopped seeing it the moment Katya was eliminated, but the did some sort of final number didn't they? How much it weights is anyone's guess since it's never explicitly mentioned but it is very obviously an important part of chosing the winner.
I've always felt that beside Ru's own opinion, the past finales paid a lot of attention to social media.Filming several crownings is to avoid leaks, you really can't say the lipsyncs don't matter.
They filmed two endings. Normally, they had filmed an ending for all the girls.I've always felt that beside Ru's own opinion, the past finales paid a lot of attention to social media.
For what it's worth, I'm under the assumption that they only filmed one finale this season, hence why the leaks were true. Am I correct?
The one that got the highest score/challenges won each season. The finale is just an event to legitimize that winner, it's always chosen from those parameters.
I've always felt that beside Ru's own opinion, the past finales paid a lot of attention to social media.
For what it's worth, I'm under the assumption that they only filmed one finale this season, hence why the leaks were true. Am I correct?
Ironically Raja had the same number of wins as Manila so that was ACTUALLY a close season.That doesn't set that decision as a rule though, and I think it's obvious that if you stick by that it means the finale is a huge waste of time. If you know the winner based on results, then basically Shea won before even the last proper elimination if you're going purely off number of wins.
I haven't seen seasons 2 or 8 yet, but from my perspective there's only been two seasons where it was absolutely stone cold obvious who was going to win - Rajah in season 3 and Bianca Del Rio in season 6, as they both walked all over the competition in their season without anyone else coming close. I could easily see (and indeed hoped for) Ginger Minge to win in 7, maybe Alaska in 5, and others.
Ironically Raja had the same number of wins as Manila so that was ACTUALLY a close season.
There hasn't ever been a season where the winner didn't have the most number of wins until now.
Had the top two been Shea and Sasha, and Sasha won then the "most wins = winner" theory would have been truly demolished. But there was no way for Shea to proceed after her battle with Sasha. And between Sasha and Peppermint, Sasha had the most wins, so the theory still stands.Season 1, Bebe had the most wins.
Season 2, Tyra had the most wins.
Season 3, it was a three-way tie, although Alexis had a few bottom two placements so it was between Raja and Manilla.
Season 4, Sharon had the most wins.
All-Stars, Chad had the most wins (against Raven).
Season 5, it was a three-way tie, but Roxxxy had no chance whatsoever.
Season 6, it was a tie between Adore and Bianca, although Bianca never landed in the bottom two.
Season 7, it was a tie between Violet and Ginger, but Violet never landed in the bottom two either.
Season 8, Bob had the most wins.
All-Stars 2, Alaska had the most wins.
From eight regular and two All-Stars seasons, the queen that had the most wins ended up taking the crown. It's a fact, even Alaska said so in interviews after she won All-Stars 2, that she was not worried that she'd win the season judging that she had the most wins and got to the finale.
Had the top two been Shea and Sasha, and Sasha won then the "most wins = winner" would have been truly demolished. But there was no way for Shea to proceed after her battle with Sasha. And between Sasha and Peppermint, Sasha had the most wins, so theory is still somewhat true.
The format/curveball decided the top two, then things went back to normal— two finale conclusions were shot, and the one with the most wins and more passionate fanbase won.
Honestly, I was perfectly fine with Sasha winning the rainbow episode like I've said before, then we'd have a three-way tie between Sasha, Shea and Trinity. That way, I wouldn't feel as bad for Shea losing, but I don't get why she won that challenge to tie with Sharon and Alaska, just to lose the crown.
Edit: What the fuck? Is Shea really recording a song with Azealia?