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Russian parliament give preliminary approval to decriminalizing domestic violence

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The willful ignorance and hypocrisy that are eternally present in the phrase "government interference" is just... it's beyond frustrating.
What a shithole of a country Russia is becoming.

This post is highly offensive. GAF is too lenient on people claiming other countries as shitholes. Fuck off.

Furthermore this law aims to get rid of cases where people end up in prison or losing custody over a sole event that does not cause injuries. It explicitly states that a second offense, or one offense that involves visible evidence (e.g. bruising) will still be a crime with the same consequences.

I do not agree with domestic violence however mild it may be, but this isn't as black and white as one may think.


I feel like the type of people who would beat their wives/children aren't super concerned with the legal ramifications anyway. Of course that's not to say it won't cause an increase, but I think "skyrocket" is a bit over-reaching.

I dunno, when laws or elections turn out in favour of something regressive, that regressive element probably does spike because people feel as if the world has kind of given them justificationf or it. I don't have loads of facts to back that up but since the Brexit vote, racist incidents in the UK did 'skyrocket' and polls suggest the majority of the UK agrees the country is more racist now.

Yes people who will commit domestic violence aren't going to be the most logical in the moment, weighing up the pros and cons of hitting a family member, but if they have an existing sense that doing so would not be looked at as a crime, that's one mental restriction taken away.

There are certains kinds of actions which I think legal consequences do provide some kind of deterent, where I don't think the law just doesn't matter and people are gonna do what they're gonna do anyway.


This post is highly offensive. GAF is too lenient on people claiming other countries as shitholes. Fuck off.

Furthermore this law aims to get rid of cases where people end up in prison or losing custody over a sole event that does not cause injuries. It explicitly states that a second offense, or one offense that involves visible evidence (e.g. bruising) will still be a crime with the same consequences.

I do not agree with domestic violence however mild it may be, but this isn't as black and white as one may think.

Its extremely black and white. Just because something doesn't leave lasting physical damage on the body doesn't somehow make it not abuse.

You think that if a husband slaps his wife, he should be allowed to do this under the law as much as he wants as long as it doesn't leave a bruise?
Its extremely black and white. Just because something doesn't leave lasting physical damage on the body doesn't somehow make it not abuse.

You think that if a husband slaps his wife, he should be allowed to do this under the law as much as he wants as long as it doesn't leave a bruise?

If the wife reports him saying it happened multiple times, it will be considered a crime with the same ramifications. Again, a repeat of a mild offense will still count as domestic abuse punishable by law.


You cannot be serious?

Hitting the most vulnerable members in society should not be punished harsher than hitting an adult? Get out of here with that utter shite.

No respect for parents that are so bad at the job of raising a kid that they have to resort to violence against them.

Its all in the context like I said I would not hit my kids. I was in Africa recently and staying at a place run by a family. One of the guys kids was acting up and not listening and the guy gave him a smack. He did not injury the kid but he got the kids attention and in that situation I complete agree the guy did the right thing. You're in a situation that fucking around can get you eaten by a lion. Sitting little Timmy down and have a chat sounds well and good but I'm not taking that fucking risk with my kids and you can damn sure my kids got the message of the seriousness of the situation real quick. A man should not end up in prison and lose his family in that situation.
I asked this before but don't think I got a definite response.

Do we gave any GAFers that live in Russia? or is the internet locked down enough there that it wouldn't be possible?

Those Juniors come out of the woodwork when anyone posts a negative thing about them. They used to swarm over the site I was a CM at when anything remotely anti-soviet was posted.

If the wife reports him saying it happened multiple times, it will be considered a crime with the same ramifications. Again, a repeat of a mild offense will still count as domestic abuse punishable by law.

Not only juniors, we've got people defending domestic abuse right in this thread!!!

E92 M3

The "good" old days when giving your wife a black eye was the real secret to a happy marriage..... Not like today with all the hippie counselling and talking.




Slap your spouse in the US? Jailtime for you.

Slap your three year old child in the US? You're just raising that little sucker right!

I don't condone either one, but it's crazy how these are treated differently in the US and how people view laws like this in other countries.


Slap your spouse in the US? Jailtime for you.

Slap your three year old child in the US? You're just raising that little sucker right!

I don't condone either one, but it's crazy how these are treated differently in the US and how people view laws like this in other countries.

Uh. The second is jailable in the U.S. Like, that's child abuse. I don't know why you're trying so hard to equate the U.S. to Russia here.


Slap your spouse in the US? Jailtime for you.

Slap your three year old child in the US? You're just raising that little sucker right!

I don't condone either one, but it's crazy how these are treated differently in the US and how people view laws like this in other countries.

Mental health is never taken seriously here. Just look at the thread we had about a trans prisoner.


Junior, please.
"Yeah, that horrible stuff that we made illegal before? It's fine now, don't worry about it."

The car is in full reverse the world over.
This is very regressive. While of course any legislation is open to abuse, that hardly invalidates the differences a law like this can make, especially with the statistics that Russia seems to have....


I recommend posters stick to the topic, which is not Russian trolls on GAF. If you have a problem with a poster, contact a moderator rather than derailing the thread to grind your axe.


This is unfortunate.

Given the vast amounts of alcohol being consumed over there, I can only imagine how much spousal-abuse is going to skyrocket in the wake of this ruling.


It got through a second reading.
Controversial plans to partially decriminalize domestic violence in Russia took a step towards becoming law on Wednesday after Russian MPs approved a second reading of the legislation.

The State Duma voted overwhelmingly in favour of a legal amendment that would end criminal liability for battery of family members that does not cause bodily harm and is not a repeat offence.
The amendment will have to pass a third reading in the Duma and be approved by the upper house and president Vladimir Putin before it becomes law.

The second reading was the last chance to amend the bill before it lands on Mr Putin's desk.

According to Swedish DN.se, out of 360, only two members of Parliament voted against it.

Last reading is on Friday.


My condolences go out to the families of those two members of Parliament as they will soon be subject to a freak "disappearance" of some kind.

And my condolences go out to the families of all of the other members of Parliament as they will soon be subjected to beatings and sexual assault. Family values everybody!

Someone in the media should ask Trump his opinion on this policy and whether this is something he'd consider adding to his platform after seeing through all of his election promises.


So, basically what happened was that a bunch of Russki trogs hated the idea of being forbidden from IRL re-enacting Punch-Out!! with the rest of their family members.
Therefore, they created a crazily harsh anti-violence law, shoved it down the public's throat then used the (directed) mediatisation of its excesses as a means to devalue the very idea of anti-domestic violence legislation, ensuring not only that the current law will be struck down without replacement, but also sabotaging future attempts by continuously waving around the first one's failure as justification.

Good ol' Soviet playbook....


what purpose does it server? so it's legal to give a black eye to your wife/husband?

The State Duma voted overwhelmingly in favour of a legal amendment that would end criminal liability for battery of family members that does not cause bodily harm and is not a repeat offence.
No idea how any battery could not cause any kind of bodily harm, but I guess the idea is "be not too hard but also creative! Slap one day and spank the other!"
This smells like something politicians associated with the Family would want in the US.

Reading old Jeff Sharlet interviews and yeah.... there are some dangerous people out there in positions of power.
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