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Ryse: Son of Rome |OT| Are You Not Entertained?!


that would be amazing. make it happen ms/crytek!

the goat man would be cool, but I really really hate the way skin looks on the MP skins. It's why I never play as the default guy

the skin? like, the epidermis?
whats wrong with the skin.

i too would like a king oswald skin.


the skin? like, the epidermis?
whats wrong with the skin.

i too would like a king oswald skin.

haha yes, the epidermis -- it looks really bad on the default skin and the glott. I don't have a problem w/ the other skins or NPCs, but they are less exposed. Here is an example (which I would like to stress is not a good SS and a poor representation of the game since so many images I post get reposted on other forums): http://www.thesangreal.net/gafpics/skin.png

It's just weird, dimply and leathery. Doesn't look like skin at all. I can look for a better example if you're not seeing it


haha yes, the epidermis -- it looks really bad on the default skin and the glott. I don't have a problem w/ the other skins or NPCs, but they are less exposed. Here is an example (which I would like to stress is not a good SS and a poor representation of the game since so many images I post get reposted on other forums): http://www.thesangreal.net/gafpics/skin.png

It's just weird, dimply and leathery. Doesn't look like skin at all. I can look for a better example if you're not seeing it

hmm. i guess. looks suitably scarred and weathered to me. i just dont like the glott costume at all. its a cool looking character design, but hes too pudgy for the voice over and seeing that character wield weapons he probably wouldnt and move faster than he does in the campaign is strange to me.

you always have such great screen shots. the reflections on the tier 6 shields are god like. they look like jan van eyck paintings. should get a couple of those for the screen shot thread.


hmm. i guess. looks suitably scarred and weathered to me. i just dont like the glott costume at all. its a cool looking character design, but hes too pudgy for the voice over and seeing that character wield weapons he probably wouldnt and move faster than he does in the campaign is strange to me.

you always have such great screen shots. the reflections on the tier 6 shields are god like. they look like jan van eyck paintings. should get a couple of those for the screen shot thread.

thanks! I'll try to post some tier 6 shots in the SS thread this week. I think it is a huge visual upgrade over tier 5 so I'm hoping the final DLC gives us tier 7 (though I would not be crushed if it doesn't)


4500 gold.

You need some help? I could hop on right now.

i like to go in equipped with two revival potions. if your partner goes down and is too far away to reach, using one will revive him with 4 bars of health. make use of those god idols that pop up on the edges of the map. those heal you to full health.


i like to go in equipped with two revival potions. if your partner goes down and is too far away to reach, using one will revive him with 4 bars of health. make use of those god idols that pop up on the edges of the map. those heal you to full health.

You don't need to tell me. I helped twelve people get it this weekend. Best run was 45:22.


I've noticed that Diana's move can push people off ledges and it counts as a kill. I wonder if it would work for survival on Island.


I've noticed that Diana's move can push people off ledges and it counts as a kill. I wonder if it would work for survival on Island.

Works but you it counts as a normal kill and as a result you get less health than from an execution.


I think it would be cool if there were a mode where there were X amount of environmental traps (pits, those spinning blades things, fire cauldrons, etc) and you had to do Y amount of environmental kills on each to win/earn gold. It would be all about managing your enemies health and the space in between them, you, and the traps. It could make for some fun co op... uhhh.. cooperation.

Or if you could choose from the gladiator menu whether or not to bring in pila instead of potions. I like throwing pila, but it never seems like there are enough in the different maps. It would be a good enough trade off I think and wouldn't break the game too much.


victory at last!


we ended up just under 35


Played this game the first time today. Was a daylight level in the campaign with a lot of vegetation. I was completely blown off, never saw something like this.

Can't imagine what we will see on PC with this engine.


Played this game the first time today. Was a daylight level in the campaign with a lot of vegetation. I was completely blown off, never saw something like this.

Can't imagine what we will see on PC with this engine.

I bought an Xbone today and am installing Ryse as I type this. I cant wait to see what this game is all about!
I love reading new impressions and thoughts on Ryse. It truly is a standout game, especially for being a launch title. I hope they continue developing the series.


http://a.pomf.se/hzkarn.webm http://a.pomf.se/ahlxzv.webm

http://a.pomf.se/ltyyrz.webm http://a.pomf.se/xcejmt.webm

http://a.pomf.se/xjmgjr.webm http://a.pomf.se/wzmlve.webm

Because there was just to many of them, i'll selected few to be watchable. For more add extension ".webm" to the links below.


Quick test :) The 'bigger' post will follow about this presentation [link thanks to Dictator93]

I'll sort it soon for better visibility :)


I really hope this game gets the Games with Gold treatment as soon as possible (July?), just to see it given the proper reception it deserves.

edit: hey, sangreal. Suggestions to keep the combo going during archers objectives and catapult parades?


I greatly enjoyed this game. Fantastic visuals, music, and an engaging story. The game play was a bit clunky and repetitive but it was generally a enjoyable. I'm a big QTE fan (seriously don't get the negativity around QTEs)... imagine if this game had Red/Blue/Yellow/Green QTEs instead of just Yellow/Blue. *swoon*.w

So... I finished off Legendary and almost every single player achievement. I now want to mop up the multiplayer and go for 1500/1500. It keeps saying "Failed to reach Xbox Live services".

Is the multiplayer population down to zero for this game??

edit: Killing the Ryse "app" and re-launching worked. Lol... I hate that this worked. We shouldn't need to ever kill an "app" or "game" on a console. This isn't a PC.


And you would have done what exactly if this had happened on 360? Oh right either exit back to dashboard and restart the game (which is the same as killing the app on One) or restart the entire console (hard reset on One also fixes this issue).

Anyway hit me up mate. I can help you finish this quite quickly. I always love playing Rice


And you would have done what exactly if this had happened on 360? Oh right either exit back to dashboard and restart the game (which is the same as killing the app on One) or restart the entire console (hard reset on One also fixes this issue).

Anyway hit me up mate. I can help you finish this quite quickly. I always love playing Rice

You're right - but lately those things issues seem to occur more on XB1. To be expected since the OS is so feature-rich.

Thanks for the offer. :) That's very nice of you my friend. I'm planning on playing a mix of Ryse and Child Of Light all day today.


The more I think about this game, the more impressed I am. What game did the critics and naysayers on GAF play? This is a legitimately amazing exclusive, a fantastic new IP. It has some game play warts but the game overall was great. I am hoping the rumour of a Ryse 2 being shown at this E3 is true.

My biggest gripe: Boss fights are way too repetitive. Any fight with Boudica or Commodus consisted of waiting for them to initiate, time four hits of the A button, and then slash three times. Rinse and repeat up to 10 times. And remember the boss's health will annoyingly reset to full several times after mid-fight cutscenes. I get that they want to stagger the fight in between cutscenes and give the boss a lot of health - just give the boss a gigantic health bar then!

My favourite parts:

*The fighting in general. I am a big fan of QTEs. I loved them in Lollipop Chainsaw, Bayonetta, RE4, etc... I actually like them in Tomb Raider 2013 too - but I think QTEs truly shine when the player is forced to aggressively test his/her hand-eye coordination. Tomb Raider failed in this regard - every single QTE involved only the Y button. Obviously Ryse is better since its QTEs involve the Y and X buttons 99.9% of the time. I think it would have been much much better to involve all four face buttons: A, B, X, and Y. It would have made Legendary even more tense - in that mode it is absolutely critical to hit the QTEs during executions - I would have liked the added challenge of more varied button combinations there.

*The slow-mo: Pure coolness. *swoon* I'm a huge fan of Zack Snyder movies - this entire game felt like Watchmen: The Game. Slow-mo is one of my favorite gimmicks in gaming. I loved it in Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Max Payne 3, games in which slow-mo were fundamental centerpieces of the game play. Slow-mo is not quite as fundamental to Ryse's core mechanics, but it helps you feel like the ultimate bad ass everytime you're going through the QTE executions.

*Kudos to Crytek on the neat story, how it begins and ends in the same place. First cutscene is bad ass: "Place this [item] on the highest point you can find; when the barbarians see it the battle will be ours." And that "item" turned out to be you-know-who's head, hahah. I liked that the game started with you rescuing and protecting Nero, telling him a campfire story, and the story explaining in vivid detail why Nero deserves to die, and why Marius, the "protector", deserves vengeance.

*Favourite cut scenes are a) when Marius is rallying his troops at Dover after destroying the chain tower: "brave men taste death once", and b) the entire scene where Oswald and Boudica are interrogated / verbally abused by Basilius, and c) when Vitallion and Marius are rolling their eyes at Commodus, just before rescuing him from The Edge Of The World, and d) Near the end of the game there is a crazy oracle lady covered from head-to-toe in body paint - I liked her exchange with Marius.

*Favourite game play moments are a) when Vitallion leaves York on the one of the escape ships, and Marius stays behind to hold back the Briton rebellion (thank you Commodus). Marius runs up to a bridge full of barbarians for a lengthy fight. I love this fight so much because of the fantastic music blaring during its entirety, and b) ending fight against all those guards in the palace halls - the definition of bad ass - there were practically 20 consecutive slow-mo executions. So good.


The multiplayer is surprisingly good. Wow, Ryse is turning out to be a solid all-around package in my eyes...

With Lima's help, and some high-level randoms, I went from basically level 2 to 77 in one weekend. And with my increased experienced/skill, and higher quality gear, I should be way more efficient moving forward to level up. I'm definitely gunning for the 1500/1500 in this one.

Yesterday evening I played Survival in the Dockyard MAP for about an hour. It feels so good to reach the 20-minute mark in this mode.


game definitely deserves a sequel. my favorite launch title followed by dead rising 3. no medieval setting, though. keep it in Rome. still some great stories to be told there.

or as ive said before in this and other threads: set it in mesoamerica - maya or aztec. their weaponry is perfect for brutal hand to hand brawler type combat with enough oomph to the visual splendor of their cities to rival rome. those next gen jungles would look great.


Tier 6 achievement glitched. =(

I only needed this achievement plus the level 150 achievement for the 1500/1500. Damn.

After surpassing level 130 and unlocking tier 6, I bought loads of golden tier 6 booster packs. I equipped myself with a lot of tier 6 items and then played a match - no achievement. In the achievement app, the achievement has a completion rate of 100% but it is locked. I tried the following to no avail. Anyone know of a fix?

a) I noticed the Duel of Fates DLC from the season pass wasn't installed - I don't think that should matter but I went ahead and installed it.

b) Cleared cache (held xbox button for 20 seconds to trigger hard shutdown).

c) Disconnected from internet, deleted save, reconnected to internet, launched Ryse, synced save with the cloud. I also made sure I was wearing only one tier 6 item (instead of many). Then played a full round in Round To Round. Didnt help.


Tier 6 achievement glitched. =(

I only needed this achievement plus the level 150 achievement for the 1500/1500. Damn.

After surpassing level 130 and unlocking tier 6, I bought loads of golden tier 6 booster packs. I equipped myself with a lot of tier 6 items and then played a match - no achievement. In the achievement app, the achievement has a completion rate of 100% but it is locked. I tried the following to no avail. Anyone know of a fix?

a) I noticed the Duel of Fates DLC from the season pass wasn't installed - I don't think that should matter but I went ahead and installed it.

b) Cleared cache (held xbox button for 20 seconds to trigger hard shutdown).

c) Disconnected from internet, deleted save, reconnected to internet, launched Ryse, synced save with the cloud. I also made sure I was wearing only one tier 6 item (instead of many). Then played a full round in Round To Round. Didnt help.

I had this exact issue with Titanfall oddly. 100% achievement proress in the achievement app, but the achievement wouldn't trigger.

I fixed it by doing this:
Uninstalled Titanfall, Uninstalled all DLC.
Cleared Cache
Installed DLC and THEN Installed Titanfall
Booted Titanfall, Achievement popped.

For me I'm assuiming its because my install had gone a bit... strange. Titanfall was constantly marked "ready to start" as if I'd just installed. Doing the above fixed that and got me my achievement.


If it shows as 100% locked don't worry about it. The achievement is already unlocked but the system didn't process it yet. Happened to a friend in Child of Light. It unlocked like 4 days later while playing a completely different game.


Thanks guys, that sounds okay.

Edit: Heh, i didn't even launch Ryse today. I'm watching snapped Netflix while browsing the achievements app (it should really be the other way around, hopefully one day we can snap achievements) and i see the achievement is already popped. Nice. :)


Haven't seen it mentioned:


Next DLC is the "Morituri Pack", part of the season pass or £6.39 on its own.

Five new maps: Beacon, False Gods, Revolution, Sulfur and Forbidden forest.

New MP skin in the form of "Oswald" too.

awesome; I was hoping for Oswald or Vitallion. I wonder if any of those are Survival maps

but when does it come out?

oh, and I hope that image is not the Oswald skin


Nice - I want an excuse to boot the game again. It's insanely fun to string a 200x combo in this game.

It will be interesting to see what kind of timed challenge they have this time.


So I picked this game up for $25 from GameFly.

I'm through to Chapter 3, and I have to say the game is beautiful and more than competent. Not a glowing review, but it's solidly average, which is a nice to find in a launch-era title.

Definitely didn't deserve all the hate it had gotten prior to launch. A little limited in move set, yes, but overall a worthy $25 purchase - don't think I could say the same for full price.


Man this is still the best launch game for the Xbox One.

Decided to play it a bit after moving it over to the external and oh boy it's so much fun. Played the Ruins map which for some reason I had never played before (which was part of the Day One edition I think) and damn the lighting there at night.

Then I played a survival on Dockyard with a cool guy. We kept going and going and ended up at 67:04 where we decided to stop cause he had to go do something. Not bad, not bad at all.

Up to rank 426 now. I think I will keep on playing this every now and then. Can't wait for the DLC.


Fired up the MP last night, I'm still dreadful, but at least im now level 18.

Was matched up with someone who was level 2020, who merrily quite after the match loaded.

2020?? Madness


Fired up the MP last night, I'm still dreadful, but at least im now level 18.

Was matched up with someone who was level 2020, who merrily quite after the match loaded.

2020?? Madness

Nope not madness. I have a level 40000 (max level) on my list. I'm 1233 now.


Nope not madness. I have a level 40000 (max level) on my list. I'm 1233 now.


I'm either doing it wrong, or everyone else plays a lot. Or both.

Is there some "trick" to leveling quickly and earning gold quickly? It seems to take me forever.



I'm either doing it wrong, or everyone else plays a lot. Or both.

Is there some "trick" to leveling quickly and earning gold quickly? It seems to take me forever.

Play survival on Dockyard and never let your combo break. My highest combo there is like 1544x and then I fucked up. Gave me over 4 million XP. Hit me up if you wanna play.


Play survival on Dockyard and never let your combo break. My highest combo there is like 1544x and then I fucked up. Gave me over 4 million XP. Hit me up if you wanna play.

Cheers, I'll give that a shot and throw you a friends request later.


hmm I cant seem to be able to transfer this game to the external drive. it keeps saying that is installing and need to "finish installing before you can copy", but it doesnt install shit, everything is already installed and updated..

any ideas?
(ah, digital download, not disk)


hmm I cant seem to be able to transfer this game to the external drive. it keeps saying that is installing and need to "finish installing before you can copy", but it doesnt install shit, everything is already installed and updated..

any ideas?
(ah, digital download, not disk)

Had same issue (actually with a few games).

had to forcibly uninstall them, hard reboot and then redownload it.


what? no! too many gigabytes for my tier 3 connection (COD does the same thing too the fuck!), it will take time. any other solution? :)

I would just wait. This is a beta after all. Let them know on the preview forums and see if you can move it after the next beta update if they fixed it then.

Just had another fantastic round. New highest combo get!

2112 Aw yiss baby

Got me 6.5 million XP. Teh lulz


I would just wait. This is a beta after all. Let them know on the preview forums and see if you can move it after the next beta update if they fixed it then.

Just had another fantastic round. New highest combo get!

2112 Aw yiss baby

Got me 6.5 million XP. Teh lulz

I will wait. and i wont even write to the preview forums, since I really doubt I am the only one with this thing. only problem is, you will wait too -for my slow internal to load when you are playing ryse with me ;PPp

I thought I was pretty bad ass at level TWO HUNDREND, but you had to go and be level one thousand couple hundrend :D


New achievements are up on the achievements app.

LOL, there is an achievement for having 1000 executions in multiplayer, which is already at 100% for me. =p

A new achievement for reaching level 200 too. I stopped at level 147, the moment I hit 1500/1500gs (I was lucky and had the level 150 achievement pop a little early). Should be easy to reach level 200 within a couple of hours. Once you're a high level and you have the right gear, it becomes AMAZINGLY satisfying and fun running up combos on Survival Dockyard.
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