Yeah now im more interested in the most perfect butthole than Silent Hill comebackButthole reveal in a few hours
Even if there's nothing released right now, this train will keep on rolling, it's a self perpetuating hype machine, it doesn't even need tracks.Here before the shitstorm, whether the app is released or not
Butthole reveal in a few hours
The movie Midsommar is some seriously fucked up shit.Something is up. They are revealing it on Midsommar. I’ll get drunk like every other swede and in the meantime Blue Box will create a global pagan ritual self-sacrifice by unveiling Abandoned = Knack 3.
What's the cannibal one that came out recently? That, Midsommar and Hereditary really fucked me (not a big horror watcher)The movie Midsommar is some seriously fucked up shit.
The real midsommar is pretty fucked up too. We eat fermented fish, dance around a big phallic symbol penetrating the earth while pretending to be frogs, getting too drunk and revealing our true nature (assholes) for our mother in laws.The movie Midsommar is some seriously fucked up shit.
Here in East Jutland near Kattegat, the old hippies and the younger trance generation get together, eating shrooms, smoking pot and drinking their minds off, for 3 days straight. Was fun back in the day - but I never became an old hippie.The real midsommar is pretty fucked up too. We eat fermented fish, dance around a big phallic symbol penetrating the earth while pretending to be frogs, getting too drunk and revealing our true nature (assholes) for our mother in laws.
Knack 3.... one can dreamSomething is up. They are revealing it on Midsommar. I’ll get drunk like every other swede and in the meantime Blue Box will create a global pagan ritual self-sacrifice by unveiling Abandoned = Knack 3.
Can't decide if this is #TeamReal or.#TeamFake.
I mentioned a few pages back that there were weird video and audio artifacts happening but....I couldn't identify for myself what felt weird but maybe I'm sensitive to phased mono ticking. I should go see someone about that.Now this is wild... people with ear of the dog mentioned they heard the ticking in the original !!!
I dunno.. she's a little sore from the other night, might need to hold off on that.
There’s a countdown clock here.
Dunno if it’s official but the graphic would have taken some work so???
I'll be mildly surprised if anything is released today at all, even an empty app that does nothing but give you a prompt to wait for content to be added to it with future updates.I know many of you are expecting some closure in the Silent Hill conspiracy today - cause of the "app" - but I expect it to be another rabbit hole - cause of the PSX event.
#TeamReal - in it for the long run!
There’s not that many possible positive outcome for Hasan at this point (assuming all this is real), unless he brings something really awesome to the tableIf it turns out that we (myself included) got caught up in the conspiracy theories and this really is a new IP from bluebox. Then, I hope that the disappointment is only momentary and we move from being detectives and back to being gamers.
Gamers who are ready to judge this new IP on its merits, not on what we hoped it would be.
When is the news suppose to drop?
On Twitter ? A Stream?
awwww it's cute you still think this is a big game hiding behind "small indie dev" ruse LOLA Stream?
"What, were you expecting Silent Hill?" Emma Kent going for the KO.This is what you all have been playing:
Konami announces multiplayer detective game Crimesight
Good news everyone, Konami's working on a brand new game - other than New Football Game Online Performance Test - and t…
#TeamFake right now.Hasan right now: