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S______L for PS5 to be revealed soon (The dedicated blueballs/Kojima 'conspiracy' thread)

Is this new Silent Hill real or fake?

  • Real

    Votes: 330 44.6%
  • Fake

    Votes: 410 55.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
He's literally saying he will make a launch trailer for Death Stranding PS5.

It doesn’t matter anymore what you bring to the table here. It’s flat-earth society. They’ll see those tweets and make connections with god knows what. They also don’t understand that we’re not party poopers. We’re just mitigating the disappointment that half of this thread will go through.

But there’s nothing we can do for now. We will come back to help with kind words and not “we told you so”.




Reseterror Resettler
It doesn’t matter anymore what you bring to the table here. It’s flat-earth society. They’ll see those tweets and make connections with god knows what. They also don’t understand that we’re not party poopers. We’re just mitigating the disappointment that half of this thread will go through.

But there’s nothing we can do for now. We will come back to help with kind words and not “we told you so”.



Clearly it's coded. He brings up the list of associated artists, then zeroes in SPECIFICALLY on CHVRCHES. You know what (famously) has recurring churches? Silent Hill.


I hear you say


V in place of U. Kind of seems...Cult. Who else has a cult? Silent Hill. Still not convinced? V is the roman numeral for 5. The next number after 4. The last numbered SH was 4.



Gold Member
Clearly it's coded. He brings up the list of associated artists, then zeroes in SPECIFICALLY on CHVRCHES. You know what (famously) has recurring churches? Silent Hill.


I hear you say


V in place of U. Kind of seems...Cult. Who else has a cult? Silent Hill. Still not convinced? V is the roman numeral for 5. The next number after 4. The last numbered SH was 4.

I’m back to #teamreal after these revelations. Praise the Sun!


Hahaha what is that gif from. I know someone who came home to find a drunk girl passed out on the floor with explosive diarrhea all over the bathroom wall! Hahaha
That sounds like a great night, for your friend at least. I honestly have no idea, it looks like a TV show though.


Reseterror Resettler
but have you tried reading it backwards?

"smurd tnatropmi ti gnikniht ereh" sounds like a phonetic rendition of old Magyar Runes from the Halo of the Sun


Kojima is verified on Twitter. A BLUE (Box) checkmark. If a Halo of the Sun is drawn in blue, it's meaning is inverse, and it's a curse on God. God could be Konami in the metaphorical sense, and this text could be related to his liberation of the franchise from "The Order," it's been trapped in since it's inception!


The app is coming on 29 July as preload.
Still so fucking weird to have a dedicated app for a game from a nobody. Where's the Little Devil Inside trailer app? That game had more hype going for it than Abandoned, until people started to realize that the latter was associated with Kojima. Stray too had more hype. It's just too out of the ordinary. This is Kojima, forildo.
Still so fucking weird to have a dedicated app for a game from a nobody. Where's the Little Devil Inside trailer app? That game had more hype going for it than Abandoned, until people started to realize that the latter was associated with Kojima. Stray too had more hype. It's just too out of the ordinary. This is Kojima, forildo.
EXACTLY my bruda. To quote master Sun Tzu, "Ain't no way in hell Sony letting a no body teasing and releasing a 'Realtime Trailers app' on PSN"


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Even you think this reasoning is flimsy.
I don't.. at all. You guys just overthink everything. Submitting to the store doesn't cost anything or require Sony to really "allow" stuff outside of the certification process, which doesn't exist to heavily vet content.

You guys are getting hung up on shit like Hasan using the term "app".. that's not any sort of qualification Sony uses on the store.. this isn't going to show up as an "app" other than Hasan throwing "trailers app" in the description.
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Reseterror Resettler
You know what else was more like an app than a game and was released on the PSN?

The Metal Gear Database that came out to supplement MGS4 on the PS3. Was like a half assed Metal Gear wiki. Weirdest thing.



I don't.. at all. You guys just overthink everything. Submitting to the store doesn't cost anything or require Sony to really "allow" stuff outside of the certification process, which doesn't exist to heavily vet content.

You guys are getting hung up on shit like Hasan using the term "app".. that's not any sort of qualification Sony uses on the store.. this isn't going to show up as an "app" other than Hasan throwing "trailers app" in the description.
You have not provided any evidence supporting the notion that the ability to get an app published is as easy as you keep saying it is. On the contrary, we have an entire thread dedicated to an indie dev complaining about how hard it is to get their game published and put on sale for PSN. Also, while the idea that getting an app published is not simple is just as much conjecture as your claims, it's at least supported by the current lack of such apps populating the store. This is something we've seen play out a ton of times in other storefronts. When there's a lack of oversight/regulation, the channels get flooded with shovelware. This can not be denied.

So, if submitting to the store is cheap and doesn't require certification, then where are the other such apps? Saying it's an idiotic idea runs counter to the glut of worthless shovelware that's been published elsewhere. Given that marketing is NOT free, and is a budgeted expense for any business, this is far from an idiotic strategy. Look at how much interest it has garnered already. Just being the first to produce such an app would be valuable in a way that others would have attempted this at least once in the now 3 generations of the PSN store. Being first would at the very minimum get you the curiosity clicks. When marketing is all about playing the numbers game, to get eyeballs on your product, that is valuable for a small studio. Yet, we haven't seen this done until now.

The argument is flimsy, because it's nothing more than hand-waving based on an unsupported claim that the publication process is simple, and counterintuitive suggestion that there's no intrinsic value in such an app. It's dismissive in a way that some of your other arguments have not been. You've put forward far better arguments than this one. This one rings hollow.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
When there's a lack of oversight/regulation, the channels get flooded with shovelware. This can not be denied.

So, if submitting to the store is cheap and doesn't require certification, then where are the other such apps?

1) They regulate the number of dev kits... but there are quite a few to go around for indies, and quite a bit of shovelware on PS4, just nothing anywhere near something like Steam.. because again.. Sony controls dev kits/developer accounts

2) Because it's idiotic and nobody would download that shit lol

That dev was mostly whining about lack of placement on the store, and lack of the ability to set a sale price.. that's about it. Beyond the basics of.. submitting for certification. Clearly Hasan got ahold of whoever he needed to to get a blog post (one of the devs other complaints,).. nothing in that dev whining contradicts what I'm saying.
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1. This doesn't preclude devs from doing this very thing, limited dev kits or not. There are still SDKs that can be used to create a simple app for trailers. You don't need an HDK to build a simple trailer app. Abandoned may be a realtime trailer ala 3DMark, but having an app for IndieGameX, that just features a bunch of trailers, is another marketing channel that doesn't cost a thing, as you note. The mere presence of the game logo and name in the store is a form of marketing.

2. You don't think anybody is going to download the Abandoned app? You don't think people would download IndieGameX app, if it was the first of its kind, and appeared in the store for free? You're dismissing basic human behavior, and a simple rule of marketing. There's a reason SEO is so important. Get your product visible to people who are browsing, and you are guaranteed a certain number of clicks, just out of curiosity. You can lol if you want, but you're out of your mind if you think nobody would download a free app with a game logo on it. Getting users in the door to survey your app is what mobile ad campaigns revolve around.

Sorry, not buying it for a second. Unless PS5 owners are somehow immune to the basic rules of human gullibility and stupidity, then you're trying to sell an alternate reality, where there's no value in exposure. Any publicity is good publicity, and that's what placement in the store front is. Instead of just your game listing, you double your effort with a game and an app. I'd fire any marketing agent who didn't understand the basic value presented there. Why else do stores waste floor/shelf space with empty boxes of products? Because that's marketing. Increased visibility is like rule #1.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
2. You don't think anybody is going to download the Abandoned app? You don't think people would download IndieGameX app, if it was the first of its kind, and appeared in the store for free?
People are only downloading this because of some ridiculous conspiracy theory.

If any other random indie dev submitted a dumb ass "trailers app" it would barely get noticed; I'm obviously being hyperbolic with "nobody" here. It's a total waste of time for a real developer, with a real dev team.. Just.. upload an actual trailer.. to your game's page lol

Anyways.. less than a month away from the excitement of the real time non-interactive trailers app!
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Gold Member
People are only downloading this because of some ridiculous conspiracy theory.

If any other random indie dev submitted a dumb ass "trailers app" it would barely get noticed; I'm obviously being hyperbolic with "nobody" here. It's a total waste of time for a real developer, with a real dev team.. Just.. upload an actual trailer.. to your game's page lol

Anyways.. less than a month away from the excitement of the real time non-interactive trailers app!
Number of downloads will go down fast when we all realize how crappy the trailer is.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Kojima did it before.
That was playable... basically a demo with "trailer" in the name.

Obviously what Hasan is trying to relate to here, but failed since it's not playable lol.. it's literally pointless to make as an app, as you could just.. release a trailer.
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Gold Member
That was playable... basically a demo with "trailer" in the name.

Obviously what Hasan is trying to relate to here, but failed since it's not playable lol.. it's literally pointless to make as an app, as you could just.. release a trailer.
What makes you think this won’t be playable?
The file size is even larger than PT.
Playable Teaser / Realtime Trailer.
It’s the same phrase with different wording.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Submitting to the store doesn't cost anything or require Sony to really "allow" stuff outside of the certification process, which doesn't exist to heavily vet content.
This isn't entirely true, unless something changed with the submission process in the last 5 years. Do you know this for sure?
I think the conference will be end of August at the time the first trailer releases. If we are lucky there are some clues in the app already but I don’t think it will reveal the game yet.
Remember this?

Gonna be fun. Again that updated ps5 game hub page announcing the app preload date literally just has the logo, they could’ve put some concept in the background but purposefully decided against it to remain cryptic.
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If this would be really an indie developer, the story would be that Hasan is making the app and the game itself is made by a couple of homeless guys who get in exchange a shelter. That would at least explain the lack of information of any other people involved.
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