While Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator responsible for over 250,000 deaths in his various purges and genocides, the Iraq War claimed an estimated 150,000 - 600,000 Iraqi civilian lives in the first four years, over 5000 American soldiers, 30,000 Iraq soldiers and lead to the birth of ISIS which lead to countless more deaths. (Source: Wiki)
So, when America intervened in the name of "weapons of mass destruction', "freedom" and "democracy", the death toll and cost of human misery was much higher than anything Saddam Hussein did himself. We're not even counting the deaths from the War in Afghanistan, which was at least somewhat more justified. So yes, Bush was a monster, even though he might seem like a kindly painting Grandpa now. Or at the very least, the American political-military establishment that empowered Bush to destroy countless lives and continues to perpetuate human misery, leading to a cyclical rise in more terrorism around the world, is a monster.