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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


There's a discussion on it a few posts up, but basically it seems the image quality isn't as good as it should have been. From what I hear, the sound and English Dub are pretty good though.


I can't resist the new dub. Cancelled my Right Stuff order and placed an order at Amazon instead. Even with tax, it ends up a couple of dollars cheaper.
There's a discussion on it a few posts up, but basically it seems the image quality isn't as good as it should have been. From what I hear, the sound and English Dub are pretty good though.
Oh, lol, even on the same page, I fail XD Thank you. :)

It's a shame, but there are no releases over here, so it's the best you can get with the English dub and subtitles, I wish they would release it in the UK, but oh well,

I'm editing the Swedish dub and I would prefer the best image quality possible, so in that case I would probably need to import all the Japanese volumes. :(


There's a discussion on it a few posts up, but basically it seems the image quality isn't as good as it should have been. From what I hear, the sound and English Dub are pretty good though.

It's Sailor Moon so it's sort of pre-disposed to some sort of gigantic fuck up but Jesus christ, Viz.


How are the subtitles doing on Crystal now a days? Are they still laughably bad, in several languages? Surely hope they fixed that for the release.


Well, the re-release of the manga here is pretty good.


I'd watch it.


Sailor Moon R 73

Best character debuts. Oh, and Chibiusa steals the Silver Crystal, which doesn't go so well. Lots of great character moments here:


Mamoru: Father of the Year...


...uh maybe not if he allows his daughter to do this.


Gotta throw the Inner Senshi a bone too.

I wonder how many times the Inner Senshi/Chibiusa/Mamoru
get kidnapped
in the series anyway?


There's gotta be some sort of statute of limitations on double posting.

Not sure what you mean.. that it should be alright if it has been days since the last post?

Either way, I don't want the thread to die out so I wanted to post regardless.


I found the reunion for Kimagure Orange Road that features Furuya. Not SM, but I thought you'd be interested in it anyway. Let me know if he says anything noteworthy, if you watch it.


Sailor Moon R 74

Boss Battle: Usagi Vs Rebeus. Really good battle and lots of good character growth here for Usagi and Chibiusa.

There's gotta be some sort of statute of limitations on double posting.
Aha, well it does seem like I do that a lot. I just generally like my episode thoughts being different posts. Although, anything more than two posts in a row would definitely be tedious.
The Amazon page wont work for me. Could you copy it here?

24 of 31 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Sailor Moon by Viz, a complete and utter disaster., November 7, 2014
Anon "Anon"
This review is from: Sailor Moon Season 1 Part 1 [LE Blu-ray/ DVD COMBO]] (Blu-ray)
This review will only address video quality issues on the new Blu-ray and DVD releases. There has been a lot said here and on various forums about the issues with these discs, and this review will address and explain concisely exactly what the problems are and why not only is this set a complete and utter disaster, but that there are very good grounds for a recall and replacement program. In other words, not only are there serious image quality problems, there are also image quality mistakes that should never have gotten past the QC stage and need rectifying.

When Viz announced they were releasing Sailor Moon this year, they took part in an interview with ANN and it was made clear that they would be using Toei's old standard definition masters for the basis of their release. This was disappointing considering they had announced Blu-rays, but let me be clear that none of the issues with these sets have anything to do with them being in standard definition. We knew that going in and were prepared for it. You can read the full interview here:


The real problem lies in Viz's announcement that they were going to “remaster” these SD files to make them look HD. Alarm bells went off in every videophiles head when reading this, as what Viz was describing was simply not possible. Remastering in this sense means to post process to try and remove the inadequacies of the SD source, and to then smooth everything over to make it “look HD”. On top of this, the comparison picture Viz used in the interview to show how their release was going to be so much better than the most recent Japanese version turned out to be doctored:

How Viz said the Japanese DVDs looked: http://i.imgur.com/7n6t4KF.jpg
How the Japanese DVDs actually look: http://i.imgur.com/jFoolUH.jpg

Videophiles were rightly very worried, but they had to wait to see the discs themselves and now that they have, they are in uproar, and rightly so. So, onto the image problems:

1) The little detail that was in the SD source has been wiped away by aggressive filtering techniques, in an attempt to make everything look bright, clean and glossy. Below is a comparison with the Japanese SD master (used on the Japanese DVDs, and recent Italian and German DVDs):


The DVD is first, and when you mouse over the Viz Blu-ray is revealed. At first it may seem like the the Viz image is better and more “HD like” but this is exactly what Viz are going for. If you look closer you'll see that there is no longer any fine detail in the image. The lines on the garden wall and road are gone, the tiles on the roof are gone, the markings on the car tyres are gone, the trees and their leaves are heavily blurred, along with everything else.

2) There is severe split second ghosting noticeable whenever there is fast movement within the frame, likely due to poor inverse telecine (the one worthwhile thing Viz attempted for their remaster; sadly, they totally botched it).

Basically, whenever something moves fast it leaves behind a “ghost” image of itself in the next frame. This will be more noticeable to some, but crucially it was not something present on the Japanese or Italian DVDs. There are many comparisons and examples available:


Combine these two issues together and you have a very poor looking release indeed, one that falls far short of what was released in Japan and Italy and Germany, despite Viz saying in the aforementioned interview that “It looks significantly better than any other DVD that's come out, lots of care was put into it”.

I don't doubt Viz's sincerity. They may believe, like many people who have bought this set, that it looks great and better than anything that has come before. No videophile would ever agree with that since it is simply a fact that there are filtering and ghosting problems with the release, but Viz and others are welcome to feel that they genuinely improve on the image. Which release is best is down to personal opinion.

What is not a matter of opinion is the very unfortunate encoding mistake that Viz have made with this set. It is a mistake that only affects the DVDs, but one should keep in mind that most people are still not Blu-ray compatible, that many people will be buying the DVDs alone because of this, and that they deserve a high quality release as well. Even people who can play Blu-rays may be opting for the much cheaper DVD only release because as the below image shows, there is very little difference between the Blu-rays and the DVDs in these sets. Keep in mind that the source for all of these discs was standard definition, so this shouldn't be a surprise:


As you can see, there is no more detail or sharpness on the Blu-rays compared to the DVDs, though the Blu-rays are a little brighter.

The DVDs that Viz have released have been encoded in anamorphic 16x9 widescreen, despite Sailor Moon being a 4x3 show. When Viz received the 4x3 masters from Toei, they had to add large black pillar bars to the side of the image so that it conformed to the 16x9 HD standard. This was absolutely fine and is necessary with all 4x3 titles that receive a Blu-ray release.

But because DVD is a 4x3 format, one must remember to remove these pillar bars before authoring the DVDs. In its “HD” form, Sailor Moon is 16x9, and because Viz have kept this form for the DVD, the DVDs interpret the files to be in widescreen. What this means is that the large black pillar bars remain on the DVDs, burnt into the image, and an anamorphic flag is present to stretch the image to its proper proportions on playback.

This affects the image in two ways. First, instead of using the entire 720x480 resolution that the Japanese and Italian DVDs did, the Viz DVDs instead only use 540x480. They are thus of lower resolution, and lose sharpness and detail on top of all the detail already removed by the filtering.

Second, anyone who is watching the DVDs on a 4x3 shaped screen (a CRT for example) is going to be forced to see these black bars, even though they shouldn't have to. If they were watching the Japanese or Italian DVDs, the image would appear like this on their 4x3 TV:


But when they watch the Viz DVDs, they'll see the black bars:

http://i.imgur.com/H99p9Ys.png (incidentally, one can see more ghosting here!)

But it gets worse, as they won't just see those black bars. The anamorphic flag will first stretch the image to 16x9, and more black bars will appear on the top and bottom of the screen to maintain the proper image dimensions. What viewers will actually see is this:


A small image surrounded by thick black bars on all 4 sides.

As I've said before, unlike the filtering and ghosting of these releases, this encoding issue is not a by-product of Viz's “remaster”. It is completely unintentional and somehow Viz have let it slip through QC. It is a simple, standard practice to remove black bars from 4x3 HD masters when authoring DVDs.

On this issue at least, Viz owe their customers a recall and replacement program. So far they have been completely silent on the issue and as far as we know have no intention of doing anything. Regarding the remastering issues this is to be expected (all this “work” didn't come cheap after all!), but it would be unprofessional in the extreme to not do anything about the DVDs.

What I would like to see is instead of Viz going back and manually removing the black bars from their new remaster, they would be better off taking the original Japanese master that they had before they tinkered with it, and put that on the DVDs instead. This would fix the black bar problem as there are no black bars on the Japanese master, and on top of that there would be a general improvement in the image. There would be no more ghosting, and all the detail would come back. This way consumers would get a choice: if they want to watch the smooth, ghosty HD versions they can do so by watching the Blu-rays (and Viz will not feel the whole thing was a waste of time and money), or they can watch the DVDs and have something on par with the Japanese and Italian discs. Viz would then just need to follow this style of releasing for their future sets (and to keep a sharper eye on QC!)

Doing this would solve every single problem I've mentioned in this review, and everyone could be happy. I hope Viz will give it serious consideration.



Yeah, it's a lot...maybe too much. Not sure if I'll read it myself.

And it's my character from Sunset Overdrive, based loosely on Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill.

The TL;DR is that they applied sloppy filters to make it look 'HD' and instead it loses a lot of quality and image detail.

And they botched the widescreen format.

The TL;DR is that they applied sloppy filters to make it look 'HD' and instead it loses a lot of quality and image detail.

Haven't we known that for months, since the Hulu versions came out?

I think the widescreen thing bugs me more than the filters, though. I wanted to just get the DVDs and watch those on my 4:3 TV. :/


Haven't we known that for months, since the Hulu versions came out?

I think the widescreen thing bugs me more than the filters, though. I wanted to just get the DVDs and watch those on my 4:3 TV. :/

I was never interested because of that, and also because I adore my ADV sets. I guess people didn't realize how bad that really was until now.
Hey there, been a fan of Sailor Moon since I first caught the syndicated run of the English dub back in '96. Just popping in with some of my random thoughts on the Viz release and comparing it to the old ADV release.

I've watched through the first 16 or so episodes of the Viz blu-ray and I honestly have no problem with the picture quality. I only really noticed ghosting in the OP right after the title when it shows and Luna and Sailor Moon jump down in front of the moon. Otherwise, I haven't noticed ghosting effects while playing the video at normal speed, only when I paused to look for them.

I figured I'd try comparing it to the first episode from the old ADV DVD set, and wow, I had forgotten what total ass those old DVDs were. Immediately obvious was how muffled and terrible-sounding the mono audio is, as well as how every second of the OP and most of the first episode had grain and dirt everywhere.

I forget if I'd noticed it before, but the audio timing of Moonlight Densetsu was completely off on the ADV DVD too... the masks should have popped up in time with the beat in music, Luna should pop up in time to a drumbeat, "tsuki no hikari" should have started when the Sailors started spinning, the emphasized "do" in "nando mo" timed with when it zooms in on Usagi's face, etc. It really ruins the flow of the OP with the messed up audio timing, even worse than Funimation did with Detective Conan OP and ED audio timing, which really annoyed me.

The OP and ED having 2 variations actually was really surprising to me. Since I'd mostly only seen the ADV version which used the only "clean" versions of the OP and ED available without the Japanese credits and lyrics, I didn't realize the versions I was used to seeing were the "updated" versions. I'd always thought that each season only had 2 OP variations each, but looking into it, apparently Super also had 3 different OPs.

Interesting how the Viz Moonlight Densetsu lyric translation left "gomen-ne" and "shinjiteiru-no" as-is. I'm guessing maybe to keep in the spirit of the English words sprinkled throughout the song.

I watched subbed and dubbed for the first disc, and then continued watching the dub up to episode 16 so far. The dub is quite solid. I really think the dub nails the humor well and for the most part stays far more faithful to the original, although they couldn't resist an "over 9,000" joke, as well as commenting that Mamoru needs to find something different to wear. It would be nice if this dub could find its way to be shown on TV.


I've watched through the first 16 or so episodes of the Viz blu-ray and I honestly have no problem with the picture quality.
I get that a lot of people won't mind the picture quality of the Blu-rays (DVD is another story), but what bugs me is that most of these people probably also wouldn't mind the picture quality they'd get if they simply put a (proper) DVD into their Blu-ray player and let the player do the upconverting. As a point of fact, putting the Japanese DVD into your Blu-ray player (region locks aside) would produce an objectively better picture than putting Viz's Blu-ray into your Blu-ray player.

So the Blu-ray is basically a waste of time and effort and money. It's a placebo. It tricks people into thinking they're watching something good.

So what else could Viz put into their LE boxsets to justify the increased price? How about looking to the mid-90's, in the opposite technological direction, and including soundtrack CDs with the LE set? Sailor Moon has an amazing soundtrack, and it's all been preserved on CD, in Japan. Include three CDs worth of songs with each LE. Sell the individual tracks for a buck apiece on iTunes.

Even DiC released multiple CDs in America, one of which included Moonlight Densetsu and Ai no Senshi.

I figured I'd try comparing it to the first episode from the old ADV DVD set, and wow, I had forgotten what total ass those old DVDs were.
At the time, VHS fansubs had better quality than ADV's set, because they were copied from laserdiscs. ADV admitted that they knew that they could have better quality if they borrowed a fan-owned set of laserdiscs to copy, but legally they couldn't touch them. They were required to use what Toei gave them, which was worn out and degraded magnetic tape.

The dub is quite solid. I really think the dub nails the humor well and for the most part stays far more faithful to the original, although they couldn't resist an "over 9,000" joke, as well as commenting that Mamoru needs to find something different to wear.
IIRC, they also made a "the Internet is a series of tubes" joke. It's kind of distracting, and it takes you out of the moment, but it's not frequent. Usagi constantly ripping on Mamoru's 90's attire is more bothersome. The dub needs to decide what year the show's being set in.


Welcome to the thread eternalblue.

Sailor Moon R 75

So we got an anime version of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors where Chibiusa is attacked in her dream and the others have to enter her dream to rescue her. Also, Sailor Pluto debuted, which makes this episode is even better.


The dub does seem really solid, except for Usagi's brother's voice. He is utterly miscast, and that's silly. it can't be that hard to find someone who can do a little boy's voice.

Haven't we known that for months, since the Hulu versions came out?

I think the widescreen thing bugs me more than the filters, though. I wanted to just get the DVDs and watch those on my 4:3 TV. :/

Waiting for 2020 to upgrade your TV? ;)
Sailor Moon R 08

Rei is popular with the girls then.

It's a school festival episode where Rei does a lot of hard work, Ail and An gets to dress as aliens and even Yuichiro shows up for a split second. There's lots of funny Luna and Artemis faces as well.


I like how in the Minako episode they are targeting kindergarteners, and next episode are targeting babies. They keep getting younger and younger.

Completely unrelated, but a few years ago I uploaded my short film (MP4 file I believe) to my PS3, and now I think the version I had on my laptop seems to have disappeared. Is it possible to get it from my PS3 to my laptop with a USB or something?
Completely unrelated, but a few years ago I uploaded my short film (MP4 file I believe) to my PS3, and now I think the version I had on my laptop seems to have disappeared. Is it possible to get it from my PS3 to my laptop with a USB or something?

Try pressing Triangle while highlighting the video to see if an option to copy it pops up.



Today, we’re going to show you something really special and let you peek at some of what went into the Blu-ray releases.
*proceeds to make half-assed excuses for the complaints of terrible video quality*

That's not how interlacing works. Also, Viz has a bad habit of comparing their ideal picture to compromised source, resizing the original picture and not correcting the aspect ratio. If it was pixel-perfect, sure, leave the aspect ratio as the pixels are stored on the DVD, but if you're going to bloat it to 1080p, don't make people think that the extra resolution caused an aspect ratio problem. Toei clicked the "4:3" checkbox. "Wow gee, I sure am glad Viz corrected and enhanced that screwy DVD into a Blu-ray. I would get dizzy if I was forced to watch a DVD as broken as what Viz had to deal with."

Unfortunately, the original film from 1992 just does not exist.
Not sure if I believe Viz. If true, abandon all hope for anything better than the Japanese DVD.

In 2009, Japan released the seasons on DVD using the best materials available

In making our Blu-ray releases, we used the same masters used to create the those beautiful releases, but make them work for the modern Blu-ray format.
Because everybody knows that DVD doesn't work on modern Blu-ray format.

we will be omitting pillarboxing on the Sailor Moon DVD sets going forward.
So they admit that they fucked up the DVDs on set 1, but they don't say anything about a recall.

Also, they don't say anything about learning how to interlace, and don't say that they're going to quit upsizing the video to 1080p, applying vaseline to the picture, then downsizing it back down to 480p, and generally producing a worse transfer than any DVD or laserdic or maybe even VHS in Sailor Moon's long history, worldwide (groups like ADV debatably produced a worse picture, but that was due to bad source, the transfer itself was competent).


Someone in the Amazon review thread claims that Viz responded to them, saying...

Viz said:
"You have to keep in mind that we aren't working off of the original film of Sailor Moon. There are issues with the master we are working off of. There are certainly imperfections on our release, but those imperfections are generally improvements over the master we received. For example, we think the screenshots show pretty clearly that the ghosting is much worse on the master than our release."

Viz claims in their blog post that film of Sailor Moon does not exist anymore, therefore Sailor Moon cannot ever be truly remastered, but says that Toei used (vaguely) "the best materials available" to put together masters that were able to be used to make the Japanese DVD release, and that they have access to those.

Someone else in the Amazon thread put together a comparison of what the Japanese DVDs look like, plainly upscaled to 1080p, compared to what Viz claims that the masters used to make those DVDs look like.

If nothing else, take a close look at Luna's whiskers.

So basically, Viz is blaming the above on Toei. Viz says they definitely got the masters that Toei used to make their DVDs, but somewhere along the line, someone (definitely not Viz) cleaned it and blurred it and adjusted the colors and messed up the interlacing. Viz only tried to clean and blur and deinterlace and adjust the colors back to normal.


Sailor Moon R 76

Esmeruade's first encounter with the Senshi. Need I say more? Personally I'd say Esmeruade is the hottest character in this series. Then again, I'm biased, I'm a fan of the villains.


Not even Mamoru wants to buy the DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack.


On a whim, I decided to take some screenshots from the ADV DVDs and blow them up to 1080p, to compare them to the Japanese DVD screenshots.

(JPN first, ADV second)

I should point out that audio, not video, was the biggest complaint against the ADV DVDs, but it's still kind of shocking how the picture from ADV's worn-out masters is beating Viz's washed-out picture.
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