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Sailor Moon Community Thread: She Blinded Me With Science!


Sailor Moon R 84

The Senshi plus Tuxedo Mask battle a Fire-Breathing Dragon, need I say more? I will miss Esmeraude though.

Wasn't it a manga attack?
I think so, but I only really skimmed through it. Still haven't gotten around to finishing Short Stories.

Now with Chibiusa and Freeza returning to Toei in 2015, the fight can commence!
Wasn't it a manga attack?

And based on those clips, I love dub Jupiter but I'm indifferent to dub Venus.

Yeah, Mercury Aqua Mirage was used during the Mugen part of the manga and, of course, in the short story the special was based off of. It's probably pretty easy to forget since, like so many attacks in the manga, it gets limited use and lacks the distinctiveness of watching an animated attack. That and Ami has about a million "Mercury Aqua Whatever" attacks to start with.




Sailor Moon 22

Okay, I'm going to try to go at this the best way I can, so it doesn't seem like I'm freaking the fuck out or like I'm over-thinking this, but I really feel like this episode has brought to the fore an aspect of the show I need to talk about. Because, well, it's just hard to avoid this at this point in the show's run.

I get that Sailor Moon is written primarily for young women. And I get that part of the Princess Young Woman mystique is that an older man will come along and sweep her off her feet. I don't pretend to really understand it, but I remember well enough that my female friends had significantly older boyfriends when we were in Junior High and High School. I won't even deny that guys do the same, and I can hazard reasons there. So I get that, and when you add in the whole ambiguous allegiance it makes it an obvious sort of Catwoman/Black Cat sort of thing and I appreciate that. I mean, if Batman and Spider-Man can be having hanky-panky adventures with their erstwhile allies, why not Sailor Moon?

I get that, I do, but let me just talk about what bugs me about this whole thing.

When Mamoru is first introduced, we're not told his name. He's older than Usagi, that much is clear, yes. His exact age isn't spelled out, but around the time he starts dating Rei its pointed out Mamoru is in college. Mind you the Sailor Scouts are fourteen, so I'm assuming dude is at least six years their senior. And on his dates with Rei he's clearly uncomfortable and has a paling of excuses for being on these dates that one can at least throw out to claim he's not out and out dating a bunch of junior high girls.

But this episode pretty much discards that. Granted he doesn't know Sailor Moon's age because somehow that tiara conceals her identity, but by the end of the episode Mamoru waits until an obviously inebriated Sailor Moon passes out and then kisses her. Taking advantage of a drunk girl is a major faux pax anyway, but a drunken minor is just several million miles worse. The weirdest part of this show is that Mamoru and Usagi's relationship isn't portrayed as wrong in any way, while we see Masato Sanjoin aka Nephrite creeping on Naru in what I'd describe as an out and out unhealthy way. Now, the show doesn't actually condemn that relationship either, and the creep could just be because Nephrite is an evil school boy from another dimension, but still. It's a really weird disparity.

The short version of this is, though, it's hard to overlook a grown man kissing a girl who is 1) drunk and losing consciousness and 2) barely an adolescent.


The anime really screwed up there. He's not supposed to be in college. He wasn't ever supposed to date Rei. He wasn't supposed to be unaware of Tuxedo Mask.

He was supposed to know Usagi's identity in that scene.

What is he even doing at the party? In the anime-verse he's not supposed to transform at that point unless Usagi transforms.

His exact age isn't spelled out, but around the time he starts dating Rei its pointed out Mamoru is in college. Mind you the Sailor Scouts are fourteen, so I'm assuming dude is at least six years their senior.

According to his character sheet for the R movie, he's 18.


CorvoSol if you thought this was awkward, wait til the next three seasons where
Mamoru's daughter shows up and obsessively wants to shack up with him

Also he's meant to be a lot younger, but the 90s TV Series boosts his age for some reason.


Furuya is getting his own LINE stickers! (So is Hikaru Midorikawa)

I wonder if the one where he sits on the Moon is a reference to Sailor Moon?


The anime really screwed up there. He's not supposed to be in college. He wasn't ever supposed to date Rei. He wasn't supposed to be unaware of Tuxedo Mask.

He was supposed to know Usagi's identity in that scene.

What is he even doing at the party? In the anime-verse he's not supposed to transform at that point unless Usagi transforms.

According to his character sheet for the R movie, he's 18.

How long after the first season is the R movie, cuz like, the way his character is treated is like him being 20 at least.


Classic and R are supposed to happen within the same year*, so it's all during Usagi's year in 8th grade and what's assumed to be his first year in college.

* (in the manga it takes place over two years, but then it's retconned into one...)
Mamoru's actions can only somewhat be excused by anime weirdness. The kissing of a passed out Usagi , who he barely knows beyond running into her several times both as a civilian and as Tuxedo Kamen, occurs even in the manga and it's really not any less creepy there for me. Luna has good reason to be suspicious of this weird and skeevy guy at that point.


The short version of this is, though, it's hard to overlook a grown man kissing a girl who is 1) drunk and losing consciousness and 2) barely an adolescent.

As far as I know, Japanese people have much different attitudes towards age of consent than Western cultures. To them, the age difference is not a big deal. Ayumi could confirm for sure.


Well I get home at 3PM, so anytime after that on Thursday.

Depends on Hattsu and CJ want as well.
3 PM your time? What time would that be for me? I don't remember where you live, sorry.

As far as I know, Japanese people have much different attitudes towards age of consent than Western cultures. To them, the age difference is not a big deal. Ayumi could confirm for sure.

It's not as weird as everyone believes. The age of consent is 13 in Japan. It probably sounds very low compared to other countries, but to Japan, it's normal as they're used to it. We all know Usagi is 14. 8th grade in Japan is 13-14 years. I don't think there's a matter of figuring out ways that Mamo-chan would be able to guess her age early on, because as long as we're sure we know she's 14, it doesn't really matter how much older he is, unless it's grossly high. I don't think 3 years is bad. Besides, if you puzzle things together, Mamo would be perfectly capable of guessing how old she is, at least a bit later in the manga. Not like they had sex the first time they met, so it didn't even matter back then.

I mean, Usagi is in 8th grade and he's in 11th (at the start). I don't see how that's gross at all. I mean, even in the manga he's 17 when they meet. That's only 3 years.

Personally I don't think it would be the same if they made Mamoru 14. He's supposed to be a character Usagi can look up to and admire. It's just easier that way if he's a bit older and has "more life experience" than her. If they were the same age, it would probably have been some weird high school crush with Mamo being awkwardly shy ー just like Umiko.

It's not like 3 years will make him look 10 years older than her. Asian genes, anyone? I see tons of Usagi and Mamoru's every day, standing on the sidewalk flirting with each other. lol


It's not as weird as everyone believes. The age of consent is 13 in Japan. It probably sounds very low compared to other countries, but to Japan, it's normal as they're used to it. We all know Usagi is 14. 8th grade in Japan is 13-14 years. I don't think there's a matter of figuring out ways that Mamo-chan would be able to guess her age early on, because as long as we're sure we know she's 14, it doesn't really matter how much older he is, unless it's grossly high. I don't think 3 years is bad. Besides, if you puzzle things together, Mamo would be perfectly capable of guessing how old she is, at least a bit later in the manga. Not like they had sex the first time they met, so it didn't even matter back then.

Thank you. The thought process that adolescents shouldn't have sex or date older people is an artificial construction and not something existed in Western society until very recently. I hate when people think of it as a universal thing. You guys in Nippon need to get rid of the censorship that has created countless bizarre fetishes (for better or worse, and no offense intended), but I like that you've stuck with tradition/nature on this particular subject.


Thank you. The thought process that adolescents shouldn't have sex or date older people is an artificial construction and not something existed in Western society until very recently. I hate when people think of it as a universal thing. You guys in Nippon need to get rid of the censorship that has created countless bizarre fetishes (for better or worse, and no offense intended), but I like that you've stuck with tradition/nature on this particular subject.

But.. I like crazy weird fetishes. ( ´_ゝ`)

Hmm, well 10pm my time is 3pm your time. So seven hour difference.

Ahhh.. I thought it was 3 PM your time. I won't be home at that time tomorrow. :<


But.. I like crazy weird fetishes. &#65288;&#12288;´_&#12445;`&#65289;

I do too! That was one of my gateways into Japanese culture, right alongside games and anime. That's why I said for better or worse, because some fetishes are really bad (I honestly believe many H manga artists dislike or hate women) but most of us have some that we harmlessly enjoy. :D

But! Have you seen what passes for kissing in live-action Japanese H? It's exactly the same as a dog slobbering on someone's face. I hope Japanese people don't watch that grossness and come away thinking that's how human beings kiss each other.

Anyway, my point was that censorship is culturally harmful, which manifests itself in numerous and sometimes unpredictable ways. Sorry for going off-topic. ;-P


As far as I know, Japanese people have much different attitudes towards age of consent than Western cultures. To them, the age difference is not a big deal. Ayumi could confirm for sure.

See I don't think consent has anything to do with a girl who is drunk, though. Usagi was black-out drunk, man, and dude comes up and kisses her.

Ami's the only person on the team who has any brains so far, but she's kind of mitigated by having exactly 0 useful powers and challenging Nephrite head on despite the aforementioned lack of powers.


But! Have you seen what passes for kissing in live-action Japanese H? It's exactly the same as a dog slobbering on someone's face. I hope Japanese people don't watch that grossness and come away thinking that's how human beings kiss each other.
Unfortunately, that's how it works. They see it on TV and think that it's the way they should do it. I've been kissed that way before, it's not nice. lol

I'll be at home all day after 3pm I meant lol.

OH! That works then. Not sure what time.. you guys can just plan/set up, but I won't be here until at least maybe 5 or 6 PM. The train ride home is almost an hour.


Yeah, we just have to see what cj_iwakura and MikeHattsu can do, and anyone else that wants to join.

Also, no review tonight because I'm tired, so I'll leave this here instead:


Sailor Moon R 85

The Dark Kingdom
kidnap Mamoru and turn him evil
. Usagi almost fixes everything but Queen Beryl takes him back before he is completely healed. All jokes aside, episode was worth it just for Wiseman's Evil Talk no Jutsu alone.

I'm at work :p
Probably for the best since you are still on R's first arc anyway.
So I found out a curious little thing today about Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble and it's that hidden deep within its code lies a reference to Sailor Moon of all things!

Hey, wait a second; why would you copy this? In the name of the ROM, I will punish you!! If you're reading this, you're a bad person. Oh? You weren't trying to copy it, you say. Well, I'm sorry then. Got it, everyone? You can't go around copying games! Copying games is just for bad old men. So, anyway, thanks to those who bought this game. Best regards!

Developers typically leave little messages in the game's code to people that decide to take a look inside. Some of them can be pretty rude to the people looking but this one's pretty nice actually!

Source (The Cutting Room Floor).


I met (one of) Sailor Moon's voice actress at Animate Miami:


Linda Ballentyne(from S/Super S).

She was nice enough to sign something I've had forever:


Also, Dance Central Moon quartet go!

I met (one of) Sailor Moon's voice actress at Animate Miami:


Linda Ballentyne(from S/Super S).

She was nice enough to sign something I've had forever:
That's so cool! I'm actually one of the few who preferred her over Terri Hawkes, in he beginning of S when she tried to imitate Hawkes, she sounded awful, but she eventually made the character her own. She was amazing in serious scenes and made a awesome Serenity. :)


If you don't like the new blu-ray, prepare to stay that way:
Zac Bertschy &#8207;@ANNZac

Finished Viz interview. No plan for replacement program, no plan to use a different authoring house for future releases.

A week late to the party, but I just listened to Zac's interview with Viz.

Zac made the guys from Viz squirm, asking the hard questions and not letting up. Unfortunately, Viz didn't say much of anything, mostly PR speak and "We really tried hard because we love this series and our fans." Followed by "We're not changing a damn thing for our future releases, and there will be no recall."

Viz kind of squirmingly threw Toei under the bus, implying but not exactly saying that Toei gave them shit masters, while simultaneously saying that Toei gave them awesome masters. When Zac pointed out that the clean opening was beautiful, unlike the rest of their flawed video, they agreed that it was beautiful, and explained that the clean opening wasn't among the amazing masters that Toei first sent them, but they knew fans wanted one, so they had to accept what they could get, even if it wasn't up to their standards (WTF?).

A guy who works in video production (including anime restoration), called them out on their bullshit (in a lengthy rant), accusing them of lying and incompetence. He also doesn't buy the theory that Toei doesn't have HD-capable masters, they're simply pretending they don't, until the inevitable (real) Blu-ray milking.


And I just figured out that my preorder might not ship until 2015, so I cancelled my preorder. Viz apparently doesn't want or need my money, they're going to make a fortune no matter what happens, so I don't care anymore.


Sailor Moon 24


I . . . really don't know how I feel about this episode, guys. On the one hand, Nephrite is a scummy slimebag who snuck into a little girl's bedroom, used magic to look at a little girl naked, and exploited said little girl whilst leading her on for episodes on end. Was the tale of Nephrite and Naru one of admonition, meant to warn little girls against the dangers of dating sketchy playboys who may or may not be extradimensional bishonen? I mean, the scene where Naru is cradling the phone and talking to Usagi in the middle of the night and she's a complete and utter wreck suggests that yes, yes it is. Especially as Naru tells Nephrite that she has no problem with him constantly lying to her.

On the other hand, you can't really argue that Nephrite's love of Naru, however inappropriate I find it, did sort of convert him from evil to good. And he did seem to love her in the end. And the show at times seemed to portray their relationship as a romantic, albeit tragic, one. Especially since Nephrite himself couldn't really deny that he had come to like the girl. It lead to Naru performing an action far more heroic and courageous than anything Usagi's done as Sailor Moon, too.

So was this an example of an utterly unhealthy relationship, or just a tragic and unfortunate one? It definitely smacked of the unhealthy idea that you can change a bad boy just by the power of your love and acceptance, but does that invalidate the fact that, by the end, the two sort of kind of actually did seem to love each other? I mean, from where I stand, their relationship was all manner of unacceptable, but the age factor alone is one I can't completely come down on. Not because I want to be one of those weird pedo defenders, but more because I've met a few examples of age disparity in relationships that I would otherwise categorize as completely healthy.

All of this sort of reminds me of this line from an episode of Doctor Who where a villain confronts the Doctor with the line: "It would be so much easier for you, wouldn't it? If I were just one thing or the other; good or evil."

I really can't say, then, one way or another, whether Naru's relationship with Masato Sanjoin was completely and totally fucked up and an example of what little girls ought not to do, or if it was just a tragic victim of numerous circumstances, I guess. Whichever which way, though, I suppose I will resolve to feel bad for Naru, who is certainly the victim of being the Magical Girl's Muggle Best Friend. If Utena taught me anything, it is that these poor girls will always be made to suffer because of their asshole super heroine friends.

Oh well, at least it gives Usagi a reason to care about having a secret identity.


Really, Black Lady is what happens when a kid goes searching for superman and finds (what she thinks is) movie Hal Jorden.
Heh, interesting comparison.

So I found out a curious little thing today about Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble and it's that hidden deep within its code lies a reference to Sailor Moon of all things!

Developers typically leave little messages in the game's code to people that decide to take a look inside. Some of them can be pretty rude to the people looking but this one's pretty nice actually!

Source (The Cutting Room Floor).
That's really cool to know. I only ever played the 2nd Bust a Move game. Came free with my PlayStation.

I met (one of) Sailor Moon's voice actress at Animate Miami:
Awesome! I've always wanted to meet Mitsuishi and Furuya.

A week late to the party, but I just listened to Zac's interview with Viz.

Zac made the guys from Viz squirm, asking the hard questions and not letting up. Unfortunately, Viz didn't say much of anything, mostly PR speak and "We really tried hard because we love this series and our fans." Followed by "We're not changing a damn thing for our future releases, and there will be no recall."

Viz kind of squirmingly threw Toei under the bus, implying but not exactly saying that Toei gave them shit masters, while simultaneously saying that Toei gave them awesome masters. When Zac pointed out that the clean opening was beautiful, unlike the rest of their flawed video, they agreed that it was beautiful, and explained that the clean opening wasn't among the amazing masters that Toei first sent them, but they knew fans wanted one, so they had to accept what they could get, even if it wasn't up to their standards (WTF?).

A guy who works in video production (including anime restoration), called them out on their bullshit (in a lengthy rant), accusing them of lying and incompetence. He also doesn't buy the theory that Toei doesn't have HD-capable masters, they're simply pretending they don't, until the inevitable (real) Blu-ray milking.


And I just figured out that my preorder might not ship until 2015, so I cancelled my preorder. Viz apparently doesn't want or need my money, they're going to make a fortune no matter what happens, so I don't care anymore.
Yeah, I returned my purchase. Not gonna support Viz for this release.

Sailor Moon 24


I . . . really don't know how I feel about this episode, guys. On the one hand, Nephrite is a scummy slimebag who snuck into a little girl's bedroom, used magic to look at a little girl naked, and exploited said little girl whilst leading her on for episodes on end. Was the tale of Nephrite and Naru one of admonition, meant to warn little girls against the dangers of dating sketchy playboys who may or may not be extradimensional bishonen? I mean, the scene where Naru is cradling the phone and talking to Usagi in the middle of the night and she's a complete and utter wreck suggests that yes, yes it is. Especially as Naru tells Nephrite that she has no problem with him constantly lying to her.

On the other hand, you can't really argue that Nephrite's love of Naru, however inappropriate I find it, did sort of convert him from evil to good. And he did seem to love her in the end. And the show at times seemed to portray their relationship as a romantic, albeit tragic, one. Especially since Nephrite himself couldn't really deny that he had come to like the girl. It lead to Naru performing an action far more heroic and courageous than anything Usagi's done as Sailor Moon, too.

So was this an example of an utterly unhealthy relationship, or just a tragic and unfortunate one? It definitely smacked of the unhealthy idea that you can change a bad boy just by the power of your love and acceptance, but does that invalidate the fact that, by the end, the two sort of kind of actually did seem to love each other? I mean, from where I stand, their relationship was all manner of unacceptable, but the age factor alone is one I can't completely come down on. Not because I want to be one of those weird pedo defenders, but more because I've met a few examples of age disparity in relationships that I would otherwise categorize as completely healthy.

All of this sort of reminds me of this line from an episode of Doctor Who where a villain confronts the Doctor with the line: "It would be so much easier for you, wouldn't it? If I were just one thing or the other; good or evil."

I really can't say, then, one way or another, whether Naru's relationship with Masato Sanjoin was completely and totally fucked up and an example of what little girls ought not to do, or if it was just a tragic victim of numerous circumstances, I guess. Whichever which way, though, I suppose I will resolve to feel bad for Naru, who is certainly the victim of being the Magical Girl's Muggle Best Friend. If Utena taught me anything, it is that these poor girls will always be made to suffer because of their asshole super heroine friends.

Oh well, at least it gives Usagi a reason to care about having a secret identity.
I enjoy the Nephrite arc and the climax since it provides a sense of loss and really helps set up Zoisite for what a bastard he truly is. Seriously, the Zoisite episodes are the some of the best episode in the anime in my opinion, so you're in for a treat. Oh, and Makoto will be in it too!


Sailor Moon R 86

Wiseman continues his manipulations even among his own henchmen. Well it was nice to see the Sisters and their friendship with the Sailor Senshi again. Decent episode. Weird to think I'm almost at S, haven't seen that in a while.

Also, new Mamoru reaction face:


Sailor Moon R 87

Diamande boss fight time! Kind off felt a little too similar to the Endymion boss fight in the first season, but Wiseman's awesome trolling made this episode worth watching. Next one is the finale!

Also, does Kae Araki voice Black Lady too?


Sailor Moon R 87

Diamande boss fight time! Kind off felt a little too similar to the Endymion boss fight in the first season, but Wiseman's awesome trolling made this episode worth watching. Next one is the finale!

Also, does Kae Araki voice Black Lady too?

I want to say yes on that one.
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