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Sailor Moon Crystal |OT| In the name of the manga, I'll entertain you!

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I'm amazed that you haven't gotten any jail time from all of the gifs you've stolen from me. :p

Anyway, I saw the latest episode when it came out, but never got around to posting. I liked it. Not sure what else to say...which is probably why I didn't post before. Hah.

More like all the ones I steal from keyofnik. Speaking of which...



Unconfirmed Member
Great, just what we needed for Sailor Moon Crystal to really reach unwatchable levels. The little pink devil bitch.

Sugar's dub voice killed her for me until I saw the original. I mean, she's still a bit whiny and annoying, but there was still a huge difference, I thought.


Sugar's dub voice killed her for me until I saw the original. I mean, she's still a bit whiny and annoying, but there was still a huge difference, I thought.

Oh my exposure to dub Chibiusa is limited. I hated her in the original too. If she and Rei were both purged from the series canon I think nothing of value would be lost. Wouldn't really care if Uranus and I guess by extension Neptune got less screentime too.


Oh my exposure to dub Chibiusa is limited. I hated her in the original too. If she and Rei were both purged from the series canon I think nothing of value would be lost. Wouldn't really care if Uranus and I guess by extension Neptune got less screentime too.

PGSM has none of those characters except Rei but she's totally different.

For the record Haruka and Michiru are my least favorite characters. Part of the reason why I don't like S that much.


PGSM has none of those characters except Rei but she's totally different.

For the record Haruka and Michiru are my least favorite characters. Part of the reason why I don't like S that much.

I suppose the rank among my favorites, but Ihave mixed feelings about them, on the one hand, they are hands down my favorite romantic couple in this series, having a much more mature and sophisticated relationship then the main one, as they acted as contrast to the Sailor Scouts in many regards. Indeed from a metatextual perspective they are by far the more groundbreaking and important relationship That being said, I do not like the fact that their extremism causes them to do evil.
I don't think I ever fully forgave them for betraying the team and killing their comrades in the name of a failed deep cover mission.


I also have problems with Michiru feeling like less of a character than Haruka, in the sense that often it felt like Haruka got more exposure and spotlight while Michiru was just her sidekick if that makes sense. And I hate Haruka, so...


I suppose the rank among my favorites, but Ihave mixed feelings about them, on the one hand, they are hands down my favorite romantic couple in this series, having a much more mature and sophisticated relationship then the main one, as they acted as contrast to the Sailor Scouts in many regards. Indeed from a metatextual perspective they are by far the more groundbreaking and important relationship That being said, I do not like the fact that their extremism causes them to do evil.
I don't think I ever fully forgave them for betraying the team and killing their comrades in the name of a failed deep cover mission.
Well, the entire Galaxia battle was full of sacrificing character for plot. Not a big fan of S or Stars due to how constantly this stuff happens.

I also have problems with Michiru feeling like less of a character than Haruka, in the sense that often it felt like Haruka got more exposure and spotlight while Michiru was just her sidekick if that makes sense. And I hate Haruka, so...
I agree. I'm currently rewatching S and it bothered the hell out of that when Ami/Michiru were paired up they were on equal footing but when Haruka/Makoto were paired up Makoto gets trashed. Why do you hate Makoto, 90s anime?

That's because
Luna could turn into a human and fit into that little girl soldier gap
Well played sir!


Sugar's dub voice killed her for me until I saw the original. I mean, she's still a bit whiny and annoying, but there was still a huge difference, I thought.
Honeslty between the two; the first one sounded like a squeeky old woman trying to be 10 (when 'Usa was like 6) and Sugar actauly sounded like a young girl of about 10.

Woudln't it be funny if Maaya Sakamoto got
? after all, she did travel with a
Time Lord


I wonder if we'll get to see Endymion interact with the Shitennou since the Shitennou are still alive.

Too bad they are bland as fuck in this version.


I haven't watched Crystal since episode 5 or 6 I think.. but I still try to keep myself somewhat up to date. There's no rush, I guess. I'll watch it all eventually.


CR has blocked Japanese IPs so I can never read their articles and stuff. It's pretty rude.. FAKKU also blocks Japanese IPs because they don't want the original artists to find their stolen/scanned doujin art. ._.
Sailor Moon Crystal 11

That's some crappy alarm system they have if the enemies just sat there the whole time watching and it didn't go off sooner...

A former ally gets turned evil, the legendary silver crystal gets taken and lots of full length transformation sequences.


Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 11:

You know, it is not often that I will praise the 1990s anime series above the original manga and its surrogate Crystal but this is one of those times. First off the original series had the good sense to move most of the boring evil Endymion to earlier in the season and also it raised the stakes to the appropriate level. In short, this felt like a mid-season episode that got jolted to the penultimate episode in the last two minutes and is pretty boring because of it.
I feel the episode didn't get grimy enough. Ending should've been Beryl kissing him just to rub in IMEVALNOWMAN!

At least we're back to the 2 week wait again.


- evil Endymion is fun; it's a shame that he was so underused though; I agree with ReXXXSoprano that this episode should be more grimmy
- maybe I'm biased, but there sure was a homoerotic feeling between Mamoru and Matoki ;)
- 3.5 minutes of full transformation sequences (that's like 1/6 of the whole episode); it really broke the pacing (what was of it at least) of this episode;
- Usagi didn't even bat an eye when Mamoru used one of her friends and attacked the remaining three of them with a powerful force; but when he threw Luna away - that was it, that was all she needed to finally get that this is not Mamoru she loved
- as usual, I liked the action scene - it was pretty cool and dynamic
- Minako sure knows how to use that *whip of love*


I watched the first episode recently and the change in animation style during the transformation sequence was really jarring to me.
Also, the lips are really weird to me for some reason.


The implication in the manga was Luna's hit was fatal.

Then they failed to portray this properly here, because he simply threw her away. It didn't even look brutal or powerful. :/

But my point still stands. He hypnotized Makoto and Matoki, trespassed into squats' secret base, tried to steal Silver Crystal and attacked her friends with some kind of evil force and Usagi was still "why are you fighting Tuxedo Mask?".


Unconfirmed Member
Cause Crystal doesn't want to display any violence. Makes me worried about the next episode :\

Yeah this does suck. I LIKED how dark and brutal the manga got. Sure, blood more looked like a gooey splatter, but still. It showed the "other" side of Sailor Moon, for what people grew up with the dubbed/cut Toei version. Even the Toei (uncut) version got a bit brutal at times, but still not bloody. Here it's more dramatic, but it SHOULD be a little bit more eye-popping when something serious does go down.


A truly horrendous episode. Awful in every sense. If I didn't love Sailor Moon I wouldn't watch this poor excuse of, well, ANY form of entertainment in almost 2015.

I hope Toei goes bankrupt or up in flames.


My biggest issue with this show is the piss poor animation and the badly designed characters that show up every now and then.

Honest question, is this a budget project? Did Toei Animation released this because they could?
Because I simply don't understand how a 20+years anime is leaps and bounds better in basically every department, especially when both come from the same studio


My biggest issue with this show is the piss poor animation and the badly designed characters that show up every now and then.

Honest question, is this a budget project? Did Toei Animation released this because they could?
Because I simply don't understand how a 20+years anime is leaps and bounds better in basically every department, especially when both come from the same studio

If you think this is cheap, Toei's Dragon Ball Z remake was basically the old show with a few scenes cut out here and there.

Although at least they brought back the old voices...


Sailor Moon Crystal Original Soundtracks will be on sale from December 24th 2014.
This includes the OP, as well as the various music used in the anime.

Item number: KICA 3226-7
Price: 3,000円 (plus tax) (1 USD is now 121.50 Yen, so this is a good time!)
2-discs (54 songs)

WARNING. Do not read below if you don't want to get spoiled.

Where to buy:
Amazon.co.jp | yesasia.com | CDJapan


WARNING. Do not read below if you don't want to get spoiled.

序章:伝説 Prelude: The Legend
1.月の伝説 (Moonlight Destiny)

Chapter I:メイクアップ! Make Up!
2.ムーン・プリズム・パワー・メイクアップ! (Moon Prism Power Make Up!)
3.スター・パワー・メイクアップ! (Star Power Make Up!)
4.月にかわっておしおきよ! (In the name of the moon, I will punish you!)

オープニングテーマ (Opening Theme)
5.MOON PRIDE(TVサイズ)(TV Size)

Chapter II:タキシード・ロマンス (Tuxedo Romance)
6.タキシード仮面 (Tuxedo Mask)
7.衛のテーマ (Mamoru's Theme)

Chapter III:妖気 (Sign of Phantom)
8.闇にひそむ影 (Shadow lurking in the darkness)
9.怪異の始まり (Beginning of the mystery/strangeness)

Chapter IIII (IV):美しき戦士たち (Pretty Guardians)
10.セーラームーンのテーマ (Sailor Moon's Theme)
11.セーラーマーキュリーのテーマ (Sailor Mercury's Theme)
12.セーラーマーズのテーマ (Sailor Mars' Theme)
13.セーラージュピターのテーマ (Sailor Jupiter's Theme)
14.セーラーヴィーナスのテーマ (Sailor Venus' Theme)

Chapter V (5):セーラー戦士の休日  (Girls' Holiday)
15.明るい陽射しの中で (In Bright Sunlight)
16.目ざめはまだ訪れず (Awakening Has Yet to Come)
17.おっちょこちょいだけどいいじゃない (It's Not Good That I'm Clumsy/Careless)
18.毎日がワンダーランド (Every Day is Wonderland)

Chapter VI (6):愛の試練  (The Ordeal of Love)
19.闇の仮面 (The Mask's Darkness)
20.葛藤する心 (Conflict to Mind)
21.悲しみの深き淵 (Deep Abyss/Edge of Sorrow/Sadness)
22.愛はふたたび (Love Again)

Chapter VII (7):戦い  (The Battle )
23.衝撃 (Shock)
24.闇の襲撃 (Attack of Darkness)
25.ムーン・ヒーリング・エスカレーション! (Moon Healing Escalation!)
26.愛と正義のセーラー戦士 (Love and Justice for the Sailor Senshi/Guardians)

Chapter VIII (8):友情  (Friendship)
27.愛するものとの絆 (Bonding With Your Love)
28.かけがえのない友情 (Irreplaceable Friendship)
29.ひとときの平安 (Peace of Moments)

インターミッション (Intermission)
30.セーラーVゲーム (Sailor V Game)

Chapter IX (9):素顔のセーラー戦士たち  (Pretty Girls) ← Bad official translation. lol
1.うさぎのテーマ (Usagi's Theme)
2.亜美のテーマ (Ami's Theme)
3.レイのテーマ (Rei's Theme)
4.まことのテーマ (Makoto's Theme)
5.美奈子のテーマ (Minako's Theme)

Chapter X (10):小さな来訪者 (Little Moon)
6.ちびうさのテーマ (Chibiusa's Theme)
7.まぶしい世界 (Dazzling World)
8.夢見心地のワルツ (Dreamy Waltz)

Chapter XI (11):妖魔の復活  (The Return of Phantom)
9.闇はとこしえより (Darker Than Ever/More Darker Than Ever)
10.不安と焦燥 (Anxiety and Impatience)
11.悲壮な戦い (A Tragic Battle)

Chapter XII (12):哀しき黒い乙女 (Sad Black Lady)
12.ブラック・レディ (Black Lady)
13.静かなる哀しみ (The Quiet Sorrow)
14.解き放たれた怒り (Unleashed Anger)

Chapter XIII (13):時の扉を開けて (Through the Gate of Time)
15.時の扉 (Door of Time)
16.セーラーちびムーンのテーマ (Sailor Chibi Moon's Theme)

Chapter XIV (14):決意 Determination
17.破局の前兆 (A Warning of Catastrophe)
18.月に祈りを (A Prayer to the Moon)
19.決意を胸に (This one is kinda hard to translate, if I do it directly, it doesn't make much sense/it sounds weird, so I'd say it means to determine something based on the feelings in your chest.
Maybe "Determination of the chest" however weird that sounds in English.)

Chapter XV (15):決戦 The Final Battle
20.最後の戦い (Final Battle)

Chapter XVI (16):愛の奇跡 The Miracle of Love
21.愛のテーマ (Theme of Love)

終章:未来へ Finale: To the Future
22.さわやかな風のように (Breezy/Refreshing like the Wind)
23.明日に続く物語 (A Tale Continuing Tomorrow)

エンディングテーマ (Ending Theme)
24.月虹(TVサイズ)(Moonbow (TV Size))

Translation Disclaimer: Except the English next to the chapter numbers, my translation is in the brackets. The official future translation of the song names will most likely differ from mine, as mine are literal translations just to let people be able to see what they mean. I know some people like to compare to the old song/anime anyway.


Maybe I'm just weird or something, but I've liked every episode so far. Heh.
I like the series too, I missed the humor at first but I just had to get used to the tone, I really enjoy Crystal but I think it will work better if it's marathoned and not at a pace of 2 episodes per month.

Sailor Moon Crystal Original Soundtracks will be on sale from December 24th 2014.
I didn't expect it to be released so soon, awesome news and the cover is beautiful.


My biggest issue with this show is the piss poor animation and the badly designed characters that show up every now and then.

Honest question, is this a budget project? Did Toei Animation released this because they could?
Because I simply don't understand how a 20+years anime is leaps and bounds better in basically every department, especially when both come from the same studio
I always found Toei's anime and tokusatsu efforts to be very cheap. I'm more surprised how they even manage to get even cheaper every decade.


That UsaMamo picture is awesome! Thanks Ayumi!

So what do you think of Act 11 Zoe?

As for me, my opinion on this series will be solely on how they handle Black Moon. I didn't really care for Dark Kingdom here considering it already got a remade in 2003.


Maybe I'm just weird or something, but I've liked every episode so far. Heh.

I like to nitpick and complain about each episode, but I really enjoy them. Apart from the animation that can be really shoddy here and there* I can't say a really bad word about it.

*When Venus, Mars and Mercury started doing their "I'm the soldier of xxx and in the name of yyy I will punish you!" poses it was hard not to notice their rubber limbs; especially with all those *whoosh* sounds they were making.

Yesterday I borrowed the first three volumes of manga from my friend and started to compare it with Crystal. I'm surprised the anime is so faithful (well, with the addition of Shitennou still living). Take the previous episode for example: the only thing missing was the funny scene with Venus dropping the sword on a marble floor in Ami's condo (but Toei, for some reason, decided to remove all the humorous scenes from the anime, so that wasn't a surprise). Instead they prolonged the fight scene between Sailor Scouts and Tuxido Mask (in the manga only Venus fights him, Mercury and Mars just stand there in the background doing nothing). Everything else was translated to anime almost panel by panel.

And yeah, in the manga you can clearly see some goo (blood) under Luna after she was thrown by Mamoru. They really shouldn't cut this from the anime; or if they did, they should at least make Mamoru's attack look more brutal (e.g. he should kick Luna or something).
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