These St. Patrick's Day parades need to drop the bigotry. The fight is over and join the right side of history. Especially since the Catholic Church lost their moral high ground on sexuality a long time ago.
when did chicago turn into kings landing?
These St. Patrick's Day parades need to drop the bigotry. The fight is over and join the right side of history. Especially since the Catholic Church lost their moral high ground on sexuality a long time ago.
Good for Sam Adams. Granted, it's trash beer.
I won't buy a six pack under $12 due to quality.
Alright, I'm just going to shoot this from the hip...
I feel like Boston Beer Company usually finds themselves on the right side of things. I can't put my finger on it and I'm far too lazy to search but I want to say I've seen them portray similar shows of support for various things over the years, and I always find myself liking the company more and more each time.
Alright, I'm just going to shoot this from the hip...
I feel like Boston Beer Company usually finds themselves on the right side of things. I can't put my finger on it and I'm far too lazy to search but I want to say I've seen them portray similar shows of support for various things over the years, and I always find myself liking the company more and more each time.
Really happy to see news outlets in the States are getting past the horrible name of "St. Patty's Day" that the holiday has somehow picked up
It's St. Paddy's Day.
If you want to annoy an Irish person, call it St. Patty's Day in their presence, it's infuriating
As the only person in this thread who actually likes Sam Adams Boston Lager(I'm not a beer snob and I think that excess hops ruins beer - sorry, IPA lovers), good for them. Let the bigots drink their Natty Light or whatever in protest. I've never seen a bigger bunch of persecuted people than modern Republicans.
I'm sure it's been addressed but South Boston is like it's own little islandI find it funny that Boston of all places is having a flap over gay veterans walking in St. Pat's parade, where here in Columbia, SC we have both a Pride float and a Harriet Hancock float (LGBT center here in SC).
The US never realized paddy's isnt a shortening of Patrick but PádraigDid news outlets make that mistake? I'd have thought they'd have editors to catch that kind of thing.
The US never realized paddy's isnt a shortening of Patrick but Pádraig
A lot of people have said they like the beer (myself included) I love the 'higher' end stuff too but you can't go wrong with a Sam Adams (even if it's just their seasonal stuff)
The US never realized paddy's isnt a shortening of Patrick but Pádraig
Pádraig is the Irish equivalent of Patrick, both from the same Latin root. Hence the Irish shortening of Patrick being Paddy, and Paddy being slang for an Irish person. And since it's an Irish holiday, it's St Paddy's Day.
These St. Patrick's Day parades need to drop the bigotry. The fight is over and join the right side of history. Especially since the Catholic Church lost their moral high ground on sexuality a long time ago.
Alright, I'm just going to shoot this from the hip...
I feel like Boston Beer Company usually finds themselves on the right side of things. I can't put my finger on it and I'm far too lazy to search but I want to say I've seen them portray similar shows of support for various things over the years, and I always find myself liking the company more and more each time.
The shortening of Patrick is Pat in English. Patty is the short form of Patricia. Its a girls name.Wouldn't this same reasoning lead one to think "St. Patrick's" is also wrong?
But it's the short name for St. Patrick's Day, not St. Pádraig's Day. It's a really weird thing to care about.
Good for Sam Adams. Granted, it's trash beer.
I won't buy a six pack under $12 due to quality.
Good for Sam Adams. Granted, it's trash beer.
I won't buy a six pack under $12 due to quality.
Isn't St. Patrick's Day/St. Padraig's Day meant to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland, Irish culture and the Catholic Church and is both a religious/cultural festival?
I don't think they'll ever really "celebrate" LGBT rights within the parade until the Catholic Church officially changes its stance no?
Beer hipster
I'm a self-proclaimed beer snob, and Samuel Adams Boston Lager is meh, but their other beers are fantastic. Cherry Wheat is excellent, and their more micro-brewery styled ones are amazing, such as Dark Depths (a Baltic IPA).
On Friday, Heineken announced that it was dropping its sponsorship of New Yorks upcoming St. Patricks Day celebration. We believe in equality for all. We are no longer a sponsor of Mondays parade, the company said.
I must have completely missed the "controversy" about the Declaration/Under God ad.
Also, Parade is fucked for not letting gay veterans participate. They fought, you respect that. Period.
Organizers said gays couldnt march
Shyamalan twist: Stormtrooper armor is now official gay pride attire.Just to be clear, they don't ban you from marching if your gay. A gay veteran can still march with some veterans group or whatever. They banned gay focused groups such as a gay veterans group from participating. Their reasoning was because the parade should be focused on Irish/St. Patricks Day/Boston things.... Which clearly explains why groups like this march in the parade...
(this is a picture I took from last years parade)
There were also groups such as "pirates of boston" or something like that. Just a bunch of people dressed as pirates....
It's still a shitty situation. The Mayor tried to boycott/stop the parade but it failed. Good on Sam Adams for stepping up though.
Wow, good for Sam Adams. Glad to see them on the right side of history.
These St. Patrick's Day parades need to drop the bigotry. The fight is over and join the right side of history. Especially since the Catholic Church lost their moral high ground on sexuality a long time ago.
I always find this phrase strange in this context. The whole notion that there are sides is what's inherently wrong with the entire debate. To say that someone is on "a side" plays into the whole morality lingo of opposites.