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Samsung Galaxy Note II (new flagship Android phone from Samsung)


More I read about this phone more I want it! I'm going to wait one month and if apple doesn't come up with Ipad mini by then, I will buy Note 2.
When would hot swapping either of those things come in handy?

SIM swapping? people who travel, etc... or in countries where some things are cheaper on one company than another and vice versa...

Micro SD swapping? people who record lots of HD video? or just have lots of HD video? or lots and lots of music... or photos... or SD video...


Just when I was ready to buy SG3.

This or Galaxy III?

This is a big ass device. I mean.... I guess it depends, do you want a hybrid device? If you are ok with such a larger device then the Note II is the sort of obvious choice IMO. But the S3 is smaller and still a fantastic device.


upgrade just became available yesterday for t-mobile. Was thinking about the S3, now i'm not sure.

It's really, really big, but it's nice. If it's over 250, i'm going to just get the S3.


"Click to enlarge"

As if the shit wasn't big enough?

Some people like me have big hands. Don't like it buy a 3.5 inch phone for your 10 year old girl hands.

I have the original note and use it 99% no stylus/1 handed. Traded my 4s for it and have never been happier with a piece of tech.

Emily Chu

this is a nexus 7 in normal size pants with a normal size pocket




get on my level NeoPAF

the only downside to this is I still have to carry my main Galaxy Nexus in the other pocket

because I need a phone on the go

now if they made Nexus 7 LTE phone edition that would be another story
I would love the note, but how is the application support? Are there a lot of good applications made for it?
Also, I'm really into hacking/rooting/modding all my stuff, so I couldn't not put on something like Cyanogen, which wouldn't utilize the Wacom tablet.

I don't believe you. You must be a giant... end of story.

I was surprised one day to see my HP TouchPad (iPad size) could fit in my Winter jacket pocket.

I'm no giant, but if my pockets are more than big enough to fit a DSi XL, I know I can fit a Note in there.


this is a nexus 7 in normal size pants with a normal size pocket




get on my level NeoPAF

the only downside to this is I still have to carry my main Galaxy Nexus in the other pocket

because I need a phone on the go

now if they made Nexus 7 LTE phone edition that would be another story

No idea how you do that, this thing would never fit in my pants pocket without ripping the seams.

Emily Chu



It's great that I don't need a bag or something to carry this in though

sitting down feels fine too

beats lugging around an ipad or a 10" tablet or a netbook or a even a MBA 11"
so I think a 5.5" note would do fine still


I put my n7 in my back pocket all the time when I'm doing stuff around the house and listening to music. It's not too bad.
this is a nexus 7 in normal size pants with a normal size pocket




get on my level NeoPAF

the only downside to this is I still have to carry my main Galaxy Nexus in the other pocket

because I need a phone on the go

now if they made Nexus 7 LTE phone edition that would be another story

I coined the phase "NeoPAF". I demand credit, goddamn it.
this is a nexus 7 in normal size pants with a normal size pocket




get on my level NeoPAF

the only downside to this is I still have to carry my main Galaxy Nexus in the other pocket

because I need a phone on the go

now if they made Nexus 7 LTE phone edition that would be another story

i .. but .. uhh .. wow

I demand someone create the "Phoning-Age Forum" .... but that sounds like a phone bone connection site.

are the dimensions of the Note II out yet?

151.1mm x 80.5mm x 9.4mm @ 180g




It's great that I don't need a bag or something to carry this in though

sitting down feels fine too

beats lugging around an ipad or a 10" tablet or a netbook or a even a MBA 11"
so I think a 5.5" note would do fine still
Have you tried tying your shoe laces in that position with the nexus in your pocket?
Do they even still make those?
My coworker still wears south pole, so it possible.


this is a nexus 7 in normal size pants with a normal size pocket


get on my level NeoPAF

the only downside to this is I still have to carry my main Galaxy Nexus in the other pocket

because I need a phone on the go

now if they made Nexus 7 LTE phone edition that would be another story

Haha, I can barely fit my iPhone in my pocket, what kind of pants are those?

Emily Chu

Have you tried tying your shoe laces in that position with the nexus in your pocket?

My coworker still wears south pole, so it possible.

no because I'm pretty sure it's going to crack in half and the fragments will lodge themselves into my chest cavity... shit...

but sitting down and walking are fine

still a snug fit

what I can really go for is a 7" completely bezel less phone


not licensed in your state
Sprint version hands-on:


All we know so far is that it's possibly coming to US shores at some point in November, but the good news is that Sprint brought along one of the world's most famous phablets to a press event in New York City and, better yet, we got to play with it for a little while. Yes, we're talking about the Galaxy Note II. Looks-wise, the Now Network's flavor of that 5.5-inch behemoth hasn't exactly changed much from the unit(s) we landed our hands on when it was first unveiled to the world, meaning there's no "Sprint" branding anywhere to on the plastic shell -- at least for now, and, frankly, we kind of hope it stays this way. With that being out of the picture, the oversized handset looked as shiny as ever in its Marble White attire, which is the only color Sprint was happily showing off for the night. And while this particular Jelly Bean-loaded Note II was capable of running on the carrier's new LTE network, we weren't able to test out out data speeds due to matters out of our reach.

On the software side of things, we didn't notice any major hiccups worth pointing out, with the experience being rather similar to the one during our first encounter with Sammy's second-gen Note -- or, in other words, it felt very, very snappy and overall great. That said, the carrier, as it did with the Galaxy S III, looks to be pre-loading the device with some of its own applications, including ones such as Sprint Zone and other third-party apps like Polaris Office 4. Naturally, we popped the obvious question to Sprint of when we could expect the device to legitimately become part of its lineup, to which the carrier told us that it'd be sometime "this holiday season." For now, it looks like the hands-on gallery below will have to suffice, but you can be sure we'll let you know as soon as we find out the official release date.
Part of me regrets not waiting before i got my GS3 and has to remind myself that a quad core cpu is a marketing point and not something i will benefit from and to stop being silly, but man oh man, that screen size.

If this thing ends up coming in red on AT&T like my GS3 though, that will really push me over the edge of sadness


Part of me regrets not waiting before i got my GS3 and has to remind myself that a quad core cpu is a marketing point and not something i will benefit from and to stop being silly, but man oh man, that screen size.

If this thing ends up coming in red on AT&T like my GS3 though, that will really push me over the edge of sadness

I know that feel. Loving my s3 but if the note can replicate a wacom pad with a decent illustrator type setup.. will, I must have it.


Some people like me have big hands. Don't like it buy a 3.5 inch phone for your 10 year old girl hands.

I have the original note and use it 99% no stylus/1 handed. Traded my 4s for it and have never been happier with a piece of tech.

You know what they say about people with big hands...

they should probably go with the note


So, if I were to buy an Android phone (would be my first smart phone), is this a slum dunk pick over the GS3?


no because I'm pretty sure it's going to crack in half and the fragments will lodge themselves into my chest cavity... shit...

but sitting down and walking are fine

still a snug fit

what I can really go for is a 7" completely bezel less phone
I like your ideas and would subscribe to your newsletter.

But I want a Wacom pen with that 7" bezel less phone


Flagship (by definition) is a singular product, store, brand, or even ship. You simply don't have multiple within the same class device. 2 android flagships? Uh...no.

Honestly it look like Faceless is the only one calling it a flagship device. Delusions of grandeur?

lol wtf. The bar has been raised on one of their high end products. So you're saying Honda can't made an Accord and a CRV or whatever? Right dude lol


Good god, I do not see a point for that big of a screen. Just carry around a nexus 7 and get a GS3 if you really want Android. Then again I am one of those people that likes the 3.5in screen of the iphone.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Good god, I do not see a point for that big of a screen. Just carry around a nexus 7 and get a GS3 if you really want Android. Then again I am one of those people that likes the 3.5in screen of the iphone.

Size + Wacom Stylus x Art = Dream device.

I see India has announced their prices and thus price drops on the rest of the Galaxy range. HELLO SAMSUNG, UK ANNOUNCEY MORE FIRMY DETAILS NOW PLEASE?
An indication of price and release dates for EU?


Germany - 699 Euros and 27th September
Italy - 28th September
UK and rest of EU 1st-2nd Oct.

A friend in India mentioned that his local dealer promised him delivery on the 28th as well. Seems to be priced between 39,000 - 40,000 INR (around $750 or so).

How much of a difference is expected between the US and international versions?

Emily Chu

I like your ideas and would subscribe to your newsletter.

But I want a Wacom pen with that 7" bezel less phone

I believe that Samsung will eventually offer a 7" bezel phone actually some time in 2013-14


Thats the upper limit of what one hand can comfortably grip and still be easily pocket able

so you won't feel out of place using it while walking or say standing in a line or some such

you'll turn heads and get odds stares from time to time

this is when it stops becoming a phone and just a platform for a mobile all in one, media internet, device

which is what these "phones" are turning into.


I believe that Samsung will eventually offer a 7" bezel phone actually some time in 2013-14


Thats the upper limit of what one hand can comfortably grip and still be easily pocket able

so you won't feel out of place using it while walking or say standing in a line or some such

you'll turn heads and get odds stares from time to time

this is when it stops becoming a phone and just a platform for a mobile all in one, media internet, device

which is what these "phones" are turning into.
They already do. The (non-USA) Galaxy Tabs can be used as phones and I've used the 7.7 as a one for a while but it didnt support a wacom pen (and ran Honeycomb at the time)
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