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Sarah Palin: Immigrants in U.S. should 'speak American'

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Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Sunday that immigrants in the U.S. should 'speak American' if they are going to reside in this country.

Speaking to CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview that aired on "State of the Union" Sunday, the former Alaska governor said she thought GOP presidential contender Jeb Bush's fluency in Spanish was a benefit to his campaign "because we have a large and wonderful Hispanic population that...is helping to build America. And that's good.

"On the other hand, you know, I think we can send a message and say, 'You want to be in America? A, you'd better be here legally or you're out of here. B, when you're here, let's speak American," she continued. "I mean that's what's -- let's speak English and that's a kind of a unifying aspect of the nation is the language that is understood by all."

Palin has repeatedly expressed her support for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who has taken a hard line against those in the U.S. illegally. Trump has mocked Bush for using Spanish while on the campaign trail; Bush has called Trump "intolerant."

Palin also indicated she'd like to serve in a Trump administration, possibly as energy secretary.

"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

Her first order of business as Energy Secretary would be to dismantle the agency altogether.

"And I'd let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries and the people who are affected by the developments within their states. If I were in charge of that, it would be a short-term job, but it would be ... really great to have someone who knows energy and is pro-responsible development to be in charge," she said.


I'll just quote myself from the last thread where a white woman said something similar:
Also, one day racists and people in general will realize that the United States does not have an established national language. English might be the de facto, but this is a country with more Spanish speakers than Spain itself (a part of which is an entire island of Spanish speakers), two unique dialects of French in Cajun of Louisiana and Acadian of Maine, a unique form of German in Pennsylvania Dutch, Chamorro of Guam, Samoan of American Samoa, Carolinian of the Northern Marianas Islands, and numerous native languages of Navajo, Ojibwa, Cherokee, and Cree.

The United States is a place of many tongues, and it pains me when people believe otherwise in an attempt to stifle diversity.


Unconfirmed Member
"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

God hates us confirmed.


I think the more embarassing quote is this:
oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations

"God put oil in Alaska to benefit Americans specifically" lol ok


Her first order of business as Energy Secretary would be to dismantle the agency altogether.

"And I'd let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries and the people who are affected by the developments within their states. If I were in charge of that, it would be a short-term job, but it would be ... really great to have someone who knows energy and is pro-responsible development to be in charge," she said.

I find this more interesting than "speak American".
Do you not know who Sarah Palin is?

That Alaska oil quote. This is what teaching American exceptionalism does to people. Everything we decide to do is inherently correct because America.


"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

lol what the fuck kind of statement is this?


I'll just quote myself from the last thread where a white woman said something similar:

You're not wrong, but immigrants sticking with their native language still introduces problems. I'd say a decent solution would be if Spanish was an official language and mandatory subject at school, at least to facilitate communication. I was taught 4 mandatory languages in school specifically because a large minority doesn't speak the native language or only uses it as a second or third language.


You're not wrong, but immigrants sticking with their native language still introduces problems. I'd say a decent solution would be if Spanish was an official language and mandatory subject at school, at least to facilitate communication. I was taught 4 mandatory languages in school specifically because a large minority doesn't speak the native language or only uses it as a second or third language.

What an awful idea
I honestly think she knows what she's doing and is pandering to idiots and racists, after seeing how well it has worked for Trump. Taking it up to the Palin level, of course
If oil and minerals are your baby what will you do when it runs out? It boggles the mind that some people think that God gave us the use of the land so we can exploit it dry and what, he'll refill the earth with more oil?

You're not wrong, but immigrants sticking with their native language still introduces problems. I'd say a decent solution would be if Spanish was an official language and mandatory subject at school, at least to facilitate communication. I was taught 4 mandatory languages in school specifically because a large minority doesn't speak the native language or only uses it as a second or third language.

The US has no official language. Besides, only a small minority of the population know only spanish, the vast majority of hispanic people know english.
Can someone translate the article in Canadian for me? In the spirit of diversity, we should translate it in Australian and British too.
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