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Sarah Palin: Immigrants in U.S. should 'speak American'

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I think there is a reason why there is also an English translation to all the Chinese there.

Forced and basically outlawing other languages is quite silly but why shouldn't immigrants learn the most commonly used language in the USA?
It doesn't hurt them but even quite the opposite.


I think there is a reason why there is also an English translation to all the Chinese there.

Not all the chinese labels have english translations, and you can easily go into areas of Houston, and virtually any major city, and find the place entirely devoid of english.

Forced and basically outlawing other languages is quite silly but why shouldn't immigrants learn the most commonly used language in the USA?
It doesn't hurt them but even quite the opposite.

There are areas in the USA where the most commonly used language isn't english.
I think there is a reason why there is also an English translation to all the Chinese there.

Forced and basically outlawing other languages is quite silly but why shouldn't immigrants learn the most commonly used language in the USA?
It doesn't hurt them but even quite the opposite.
lol..go tell that to the majority in Miami, Florida. Tons of businesses have people that only know the words "No English" there. The phrase you hear quite often from people is "You live in Miami and don't know Spanish? You've got to fix that."
I just comment based on the things you post.

And also the term "melting pot" has a different meaning. It's the opposite of different cultures living together (or more like separately in your definition) but that different cultures getting "melted" to one American culture.


And also the term "melting pot" has a different meaning. It's the opposite of different cultures living together (or more like separately in your definition) but that different cultures getting "melted" to one American culture.

No, it's quite routinely used to describe America's lack of official language. It's a "melting pot" because there are traces of multiple languages together to form the identity of our nation. Just like how, in the picture I posted above, the vast majority of the "english" is just transliterations of the vietnamese in the picture.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I think there is a reason why there is also an English translation to all the Chinese there.

Forced and basically outlawing other languages is quite silly but why shouldn't immigrants learn the most commonly used language in the USA?
It doesn't hurt them but even quite the opposite.

Sure, but she literally said "speak American " which previously was an expression exclusively used in parody. Hence the thread.


"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.
By mankind she means us Aryans, of course. Not the brown people who were taking care of our land for us until we arrived.


I live in Holland. If people integrate here without willing to learn Dutch they are in trouble. Not only political but social as well.

Seriously, if I decide to integrate into another country the first thing I would do is learn the language.

And American isn't a language. English is. If you don't speak English in an English speaking country (where schools teach English, were busineses speak English) you don't deserve to live there. Outsiders have to adjust to insiders. Not the other way around.

There is a non-negligable number of people born in the US who can't speak English, or at least can't speak it fluently.

Where do they deserve to live?


There is a non-negligable number of people born in the US who can't speak English, or at least can't speak it fluently.

Where do they deserve to live?
Australia. I hear it was once a prison for people who didn't know how to speak American.
No, it's quite routinely used to describe America's lack of official language. It's a "melting pot" because there are traces of multiple languages together to form the identity of our nation. Just like how, in the picture I posted above, the vast majority of the "english" is just transliterations of the vietnamese in the picture.

Just checked the first sentence of the wiki article to Melting pot.

The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture.

The concept of true multiculturalism is quite new in the USA and widely discussed. The two dominated concepts were assimilation (melting pot) and separation (something you are advertising here). People who aren't capable of being part of the social and political process in the USA because they are only capable of living in their small niche will get the short stick, not sure why one would defend that state.

Sure, but she literally said "speak American " which previously was an expression exclusively used in parody. Hence the thread.

Palin being Palin.


"On the other hand, you know, I think we can send a message and say, 'You want to be in America? A, you'd better be here legally or you're out of here. B, when you're here, let's speak American," she continued.

"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

We've been avoiding it, but I think it's time to put Nana in a nursing home.


I live in Holland. If people integrate here without willing to learn Dutch they are in trouble. Not only political but social as well.

Seriously, if I decide to integrate into another country the first thing I would do is learn the language.

And American isn't a language. English is. If you don't speak English in an English speaking country (where schools teach English, were busineses speak English) you don't deserve to live there. Outsiders have to adjust to insiders. Not the other way around.

So when this country was founded, the settlers at Jamestown should've learned Powhatan as quickly as possible.


Quoting the guy you quoted:

Learn the language. Or go back to the country that will accept your lack of interest in really wanting to integrate in a new community. Unbelievable that people think it's ok to just go somehwere to live and still refusing to accept the 1st language and moral values that come with it. It is disrespectful and totally ignorant. We would be better off if these people just stayed where they came from.

Don't integrate if you don't want to integrate.


I am of the opinion that immigrants should attempt to learn English for their own benefit.

However, from secondary experience, I realize how much of a difficult task that is.
English is a hard language, a dash of German here, a dash of French there, and mixing that with archaic latin rules. It makes a point that we are the only country that has spelling bees for a language.

As well, immigrants who arrive in the United States are often poor, and if not that, then on a tight budget. They can't afford expensive language classes.

And once one gets past that, there is often societal pressures. A person learning English can and often is judged and looked down upon for not knowing the language immediately by native speakers here. Even when making their best attempt to speak it.

So I can understand when certain immigrants may finally give up. As long as their children speak the language, they are often satisfied.


I am of the opinion that immigrants should attempt to learn English for their own benefit.

However, from secondary experience, I realize how much of a difficult task that is.
English is a hard language, a dash of German here, a dash of French there, and mixing that with archaic latin rules. It makes a point that we are the only country that has spelling bees for a language.

As well, immigrants who arrive in the United States are often poor, and if not that, then on a tight budget. They can't afford expensive language classes.

And once one gets past that, there is often societal pressures. A person learning English can and often is judged and looked down upon for not knowing the language immediately by native speakers here. Even when making their best attempt to speak it.

So I can understand when certain immigrants may finally give up. As long as their children speak the language, they are often satisfied. And really, who does it harm?
I think that's why it would be important to offer free english courses for immigrants etc. Though I have a feeling something like that wouldn't be part of Palin's plans.


What's speaking American? Futile, childish exceptionalism, fetishistic love for capitalism, and a total disregard for the perceived other?
America doesn't have an official language.

Schools teach in English in America. Businesses operate in English in America. Also, Schools teach in Spanish in America. And French. And Mandarin. And businesses operate in those languages as well. And a whole variety of others. Because America doesn't have an official language.

Just down the street from where I live, there is a school that exclusively teaches in Hindi. I live in Texas. In downtown Houston, there are entire areas where all the street signs are in Vietnamese. There are areas of Houston with more spanish bilboards than english ones.

this is Belaire, Texas:

America is a melting pot. Nobody should be forcing anybody to speak anything. How the hell would you possibly enforce such a thing anyways?

Same as parts of DFW Texas, have areas just like that. Let's be real though she don't give a shit really she just wants to be talked about.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Option1. Fail strict language test and not be able to move to the country you want to.

Option2. Be able to live in the country you want to.

Option1 is clearly a better life.

I'm from new york city so I've seen the difference speaking even basic English has on immigrant's lives and opportunities. There just aren't going to be jobs that aren't on the black market that pay anything above minimum wage (which isn't a living wage mind you) for someone who doesn't speak or read a certain minimum level of English.

Giving citizenship to people without having some sort of plan for how they will communicate with other people is stranding them in American without any real possibility to better their lives beyond "I have citizenship". Yeah it would be a nice to say that they can have citizenship even if they couldn't function in America but just from a logical POV citizenship should have sort of language component.


I am of the opinion that immigrants should attempt to learn English for their own benefit.

However, from secondary experience, I realize how much of a difficult task that is.
English is a hard language, a dash of German here, a dash of French there, and mixing that with archaic latin rules. It makes a point that we are the only country that has spelling bees for a language.

As well, immigrants who arrive in the United States are often poor, and if not that, then on a tight budget. They can't afford expensive language classes.

And once one gets past that, there is often societal pressures. A person learning English can and often is judged and looked down upon for not knowing the language immediately by native speakers here. Even when making their best attempt to speak it.

So I can understand when certain immigrants may finally give up. As long as their children speak the language, they are often satisfied.

Speaking/writing English perfectly is indeed hard. However, people are always vastly overselling how hard it is to get to a decent level (i.e. being able to hold a conversation about everyday stuff). It's definitely not that bad, especially if you already speak a western European language. The fact that Spelling Bees competitions are popular is not indicative of the difficulty of the language. You don't need to know how to spell complicated words (most of which are very rarely used anyway) to be able to interact with other people.

You should be able to pick up the basics simply by watching English media and interacting with English speakers (i.e. the vast majority of people in an English speaking country). You don't need to take expensive classes. I think it's fair enough to expect everyone to learn those basics. The requirement for becoming a citizen in my country is to know enough English to be able to do deal with everyday situations like banking or shopping for example. Getting to that point doesn't require a superhuman effort.

It seems to me like the main issue is that some people prefer to seclude themselves with other immigrants from the same country. It's totally possible to make it through life staying in your community if it is large enough. However, that will limit your options a lot and on top of that not knowing the local language can be a hazard (e.g. you have an emergency/get into an accident and no one speaks your language...).
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