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Sarah Palin: Immigrants in U.S. should 'speak American'

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Junior Member
Jeb being slammed for speaking Spanish is poetic justice due to George Dubya's campaign staff slamming John Kerry for knowing French

IMO, the more languages one speaks, the better

There is some karma, isn't there? You can criticize John Kerry for a lot of things, but I always thought that was moronic - and I was 15 or 16 at the time.


"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.
What is this I don't even

There's so much stupid in this one sentence that I don't even know how to start breaking it down.

Also, is she going to advocate invading Canada next?


What is this I don't even

There's so much stupid in this one sentence that I don't even know how to start breaking it down.

Also, is she going to advocate invading Canada next?

God dumped a lot of stupid into that sentence.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I do think that an actual argument could be made that as part of immigration reform anyone seeking US citizenship should speak at least conversational English unless circumstances make that impossible and be able to read English to a certain level as well since it would help them live a better life in the US and assimilate easier overall.

Currently the US approach to this requirement is

and not for nothing it makes sense to me as is.

Of course Palin is an idiot and the Republicans overall refusing to have an ounce of nuance in their approach to policy means that this concept will get intertwined in their anti immigrant drivel.

Option1. Fail strict language test and not be able to move to the country you want to.

Option2. Be able to live in the country you want to.

Option1 is clearly a better life.


Sarah Palin's support, the gig is up for Trump.

Jeb being slammed for speaking Spanish is poetic justice due to George Dubya's campaign staff slamming John Kerry for knowing French.
It seems similar, but it is a huge difference. The sentiment had been distinctly anti-French at that point, even with the renaming of French Fries to Freedom Fries. It is quite different from slamming someone for speaking the language of a huge part of his country. He is speaking to about 12-13% of his population.


I haven't been keeping up with US politics for a while and I didn't know Jeb Bush spoke Spanish. I'm a native Spanish speaker and I just listened to him speaking it, very impressive for a non-native speaker. He could use some improvement but at times you can't even notice an accent. As a person who is trying to learn different languages, I think one should take pride in being able to speak as many as possible, I don't see why you should be criticized for that.


Speak American? Isn't that a joke/meme like "looks like x country needs some freedom"? I guess those jokes are all based on someone's reality.
I haven't been keeping up with US politics for a while and I didn't know Jeb Bush spoke Spanish. I'm a native Spanish speaker and I just listened to him speaking it, very impressive for a non-native speaker. He could use some improvement but at times you can't even notice an accent. As a person who is trying to learn different languages, I think one should take pride in being able to speak as many as possible, I don't see why you should be criticized for that.
Trump is just jelly. He tried to learn but can't pronounce Spanish words because of his duck mouth.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Sarah Palin's support, the gig is up for Trump.

It seems similar, but it is a huge difference. The sentiment had been distinctly anti-French at that point, even with the renaming of French Fries to Freedom Fries. It is quite different from slamming someone for speaking the language of a huge part of his country. He is speaking to about 12-13% of his population.

Remember that sentiment came from France's outlandish theory that Sadaam Hussein didn't plan 911 or have a secret stash of nukes. If France is going to come up with crazy lies like that then they should be exposed to the dignified and adult protest lodged in our congressional dining establishment.


Remember that sentiment came from France's outlandish theory that Sadaam Hussein didn't plan 911 or have a secret stash of nukes. If France is going to come up with crazy lies like that then they should be exposed to the dignified and adult protest lodged in our congressional dining establishment.

Of course, it was an idiotic backlash. But it made sense to the people - which doesn't make sense to a lot of us - with the coward France farce. Here they are attacking someone for talking the language of the voters.
Lazy dumbass cannot even finish her full term as Queen of Alaska and now she wants to work for President Trump.
I shudder, shudder I say!


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
God would also have created the sun and wind too, but she probably forgot that.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
American is the language of GOD you heathens


"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

"Unfriendly foreign nations" are not "mankind", apparently.


So what is wrong about her statement? When people want to integrate into a new country they should adhere their laws and speak the native language. If the person in question is unwilling to do so, the person in question should be sent back to where you came from. No excuses.

Be part of the community or get out. Don't understand why people disagree with this. Crazy.
So what is wrong about her statement? When people want to integrate into a new country they should adhere their laws and speak the native language. If the person in question is unwilling to do so, the person in question should be sent back to where you came from. No excuses.

Be part of the community or get out. Don't understand why people disagree with this. Crazy.

American is not a language. Not sure how much more wrong you're looking for.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So what is wrong about her statement? When people want to integrate into a new country they should adhere their laws and speak the native language. If the person in question is unwilling to do so, the person in question should be sent back to where you came from. No excuses.

Be part of the community or get out. Don't understand why people disagree with this. Crazy.

You mean like all the pilgrims who spoke Croatoan or the ones the indigenous inhabitants sent back to England?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
"I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby: oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the Earth for mankind's use instead of us relying on unfriendly foreign nations," she said.

Hahahaha I love it.


at last, for christ's sake
So what is wrong about her statement? When people want to integrate into a new country they should adhere their laws and speak the native language. If the person in question is unwilling to do so, the person in question should be sent back to where you came from. No excuses.

Be part of the community or get out. Don't understand why people disagree with this. Crazy.



I live in Holland. If people integrate here without willing to learn Dutch they are in trouble. Not only political but social as well.

Seriously, if I decide to integrate into another country the first thing I would do is learn the language.

And American isn't a language. English is. If you don't speak English in an English speaking country (where schools teach English, were busineses speak English) you don't deserve to live there. Outsiders have to adjust to insiders. Not the other way around.


I live in Holland. If people integrate here without willing to learn Dutch they are in trouble. Not only political but social as well.

Seriously, if I decide to integrate into another country the first thing I would do is learn the language.

And American isn't a language. English is. If you don't speak English in an English speaking country (where schools teach English, were busineses speak English) you don't deserve to live there. Outsiders have to adjust to insiders. Not the other way around.

America doesn't have an official language.

Schools teach in English in America. Businesses operate in English in America. Also, Schools teach in Spanish in America. And French. And Mandarin. And businesses operate in those languages as well. And a whole variety of others. Because America doesn't have an official language.

Just down the street from where I live, there is a school that exclusively teaches in Hindi. I live in Texas. In downtown Houston, there are entire areas where all the street signs are in Vietnamese. There are areas of Houston with more spanish bilboards than english ones.

this is Belaire, Texas:

America is a melting pot. Nobody should be forcing anybody to speak anything. How the hell would you possibly enforce such a thing anyways?
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