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Sarah Palin WTF. ITT Palin Wins The Future!"

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Sarah Palin has dug an even bigger hole for herself after criticising President Obama’s State of the Union address on Fox news.

Critics have been quick to slam former governor of Alaska and onetime Vice Presidential candidate for banging on about how the President’s “Winning the Future” catchphrase, used during the SOTU speech, was fitting because it could be construed as the acronym “WTF”, ie “What the Fuck?”

“His theme last night in the State of the Union was the ‘WTF,’ you know, “Winning the Future.” Palin wittered “And I thought, ‘OK, that acronym, spot on.’ There were a lot of ‘WTF’ moments throughout that speech."

“Is that really an appropriate pun for a mother and a serious politician to make?” asked The Telegraph.

She then laid into Obama for using the term “Sputnik moment” to describe how the USA took on early Soviet success in space exploration by developing their own technology and ultimately out-innovating the Russians.

Seeming to misunderstand his analogy she ploughed on haplessly, saying:
“That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.”

Various political blogs were quick to ridicule Palin.

“God bless Sarah Palin. She is the gift that keeps on giving,” mocked liberal blog Huffington Post. “Every single day, the former governor of Alaska and former Vice Presidential candidate offers up inappropriate, inaccurate and/or ill-conceived commentary, embarrassing herself, her political affiliation and subsequently anyone who has ever publicly supported her.”

Palin who is expected to throw her hat in the ring as the Republican candidate for the 2012 Presidential race has failed to impress the public and political pundits with her political nous, or lack thereof.

In the wake of the Tucson shootings on January 8 which left six people dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life, Palin caused controversy by releasing a video saying that the Left's claims that her rhetoric could have contributed to the shootings were a "blood libel".

The term “blood libel” has historically been used to justify the killing or expulsion of Jews. Doh!




I hope to god this women does not ever come near to being near the presidency again.

She's obviously preparing a bid i hope it falls flat on it's face.


As much as I hate UK politicians, I'm always thankful there's no-one like Sarah Palin who could gain a lot of votes.
Dabanton said:
I hope to god this women does not ever come near to being near the presidency again.

She's obviously preparing a bid i hope it falls flat on it's face.

I doubt it. Being president won't make her as rich as being a paid political commentator and professional troll/clown.

Won't be as easy either.
Suairyu said:
As much as I hate UK politicians, I'm always thankful there's no-one like Sarah Palin who could gain a lot of votes.
Ditto. Belgian politicians may not be able to form a government in more than 200 days (I think the counter is at 228 now, I lost track), but at least there's nobody as blatantly idiotic representing us.


Suairyu said:
As much as I hate UK politicians, I'm always thankful there's no-one like Sarah Palin who could gain a lot of votes.

Australia had Pauline Hanson for a little while. She didn't gain a lot of votes, but she just sucked up media attention.
I heard somewhere that at this point in 2008 there were 13 declared republican candidates. Right now there is 0. Everybody vote Palin in the primaries!!!


Salazar said:
Australia had Pauline Hanson for a little while. She didn't gain a lot of votes, but she just sucked up media attention.

I wonder, is that the situation with Palin too? Does she have a following or is she just an attention whore the media like to jump on?
Coen said:
I wonder, is that the situation with Palin too? Does she have a following or is she just an attention whore the media like to jump on?
There are definetly some ignoramus and crazy fucks in her corner and here in America that is a large enough contingent to be considered a threat, but there are also a ton of liberals who will watch her on Fox or on her stupid show just hoping to see her fall flat on her face which she does often


I just had a mental image of Pauline saying "I can see Asia from my house." It worked, it was good.


Coen said:
I wonder, is that the situation with Palin too? Does she have a following or is she just an attention whore the media like to jump on?
She's just in it for the money. As long as she gets her name out there every couple weeks she's happy. I wish everyone would just ignore her so she'd crawl back in the hole she came out of.

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Dabanton said:
I hope to god this women does not ever come near to being near the presidency again.

She's obviously preparing a bid i hope it falls flat on it's face.

God I hope she runs, the american political elections circus is so fun to watch from afar.


McCain must spend so much time trying to forgive himself for introducing this moron to the world.


jorma said:
i sort of hope so - final nail in the coffin when it comes to the "american hegemony" + epic lulz

Also potentially the final nail in the coffin when it comes to "relative international stability" + epic tearz.


Amory Blaine said:
McCain must spend so much time trying to forgive himself for introducing this moron to the world.
He's too busy destroying his legacy to pay any heed to what Sarah has to say these days. Picking her over Joe was a tragedy.


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Tristam said:
Also potentially the final nail in the coffin when it comes to "relative international stability" + epic tearz.

Yeah that too.

But the global community of leaders allied to the US (eu, australia, japan) would have to pretend she is a competent enough leader to "run the free world", just to keep things stable.
More lulz to be had there, for sure.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Coen said:
I wonder, is that the situation with Palin too? Does she have a following or is she just an attention whore the media like to jump on?

In America you can pretty consistently apply the 30% rule to just about anything; that is, no matter how extreme or fringe the viewpoint you'll find about 30% of the public supports it.


Suairyu said:
As much as I hate UK politicians, I'm always thankful there's no-one like Sarah Palin who could gain a lot of votes.

Well, there's Boris. But he's harmless, as well as barking mad.


I looked up WTF on an acronym finder to give Palin the benefit of the doubt, and even the 57 obscure acronyms listed didn't include "win the future."

This might have been somewhat passable if the catchphrase was recognized as an acronym, but now it devolves into a desperate attempt to take a stab at Obama during the most childish opportunity.


I refuse to believe she's THAT goddamn stupid. Surely this is just a cynical move to chuck red meat to the "McCarthy was the right!" crowd? Obama spelled it out to a preschool level of comprehension. So either she's really fucking stupid or she thinks her fans are really stupid.
WTF at people who actually believe that is going to run in the GOP Primaries

she won't run!! stop thinking that she will!! she is making tons of $$$$$ with books, TV and crap

FlightOfHeaven said:
She'll run, make lots of money, and drop out.

She may not even run (though she'll keep us all in suspense for as long as she can) if her numbers are looking as embarrassing as they are now.

Of course, I thought Giuliani would have buried his Presidential ambitions in an unmarked grave after his 2008 primary performance, but he seems to be making waves about another (hopeless) run, too.

Palin has never really been a viable candidate, but fair or not, the shitstorm she found herself in regarding the Tucson shootings has finished any serious discussion of her chances.


Nerevar said:
In America you can pretty consistently apply the 30% rule to just about anything; that is, no matter how extreme or fringe the viewpoint you'll find about 30% of the public supports it.

That's not true at all.
xbhaskarx said:
The only way she will even be on the ballot is if she breaks off and runs on some sort of fringe Tea Party ticket.
again... they really duped you guys for believing that the Tea Party is a 3rd party


mclem said:
Well, there's Boris. But he's harmless, as well as barking mad.
Boris is great. Any policies I personally disagree with I don't disagree with so harshly that I get enraged. Also, I get the impression he's a genuinely nice guy with a good heart on him. He stepped in on a mugging and chased the kids off on his bike!

Palin wouldn't do that, she'd shoot them and the victim. From a helicopter. Then melt their bodies down, pressurise them, bury them underground then legislate legal destruction of Alaska's beautiful natural resources by oil drilling companies.
giga said:
Not a chance. Many Republicans don’t even like her, let alone independents and moderates.

This And

gutter trash said:
WTF at people who actually believe that is going to run in the GOP Primaries

she won't run!! stop thinking that she will!! she is making tons of $$$$$ with books, TV and crap


This. When she stepped down from being governor it made it pretty clear where her priorities lie, AKA $$$
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