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Sarah Palin WTF. ITT Palin Wins The Future!"

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“That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.”

Does she understand which side of the Sputnik moment we're supposed to be?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
shaft said:
I am happy for you. We have idiots like Wilders. Almost as bad as Palin.
and around 1.5 million assholes that think he's a good idea apparently :/


That was a nonsensical article.

<<“Is that really an appropriate pun for a mother and a serious politician to make?” asked The Telegraph.>>

Really, Telegraph?

TL4E said:
I looked up WTF on an acronym finder to give Palin the benefit of the doubt
Why would you have to do that?

I laugh at anybody who thinks that money is better than being the President of the United States. Really? You'd take a few years of higher income over being the most powerful person in the world? Palin would love to be president. Now, it may turn out that she'll realize that her chances are minuscule, but nobody doesn't want the job because there's more money to be made elsewhere.

And even if you look at it in bald economic terms, you don't pay a cent for opulent housing, transportation, clothing, food, vacationing, etc. From wiki: "The president earns a $400,000 annual salary, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment." Then, after at least four years of this, you've increased your earning potential a hundred-fold.


I've said this many times. She needs to shut the fuck up and do a porn with Lisa-Ann.

Chris Matthews tore into Palin last night for this. He really let her and the people foolish enough to support her have it. It was nice to see, more people need to denounce the idiotic drivel coming out of the mouths of Palin and Bachmann.


adamsappel said:
I laugh at anybody who thinks that money is better than being the President of the United States. Really? You'd take a few years of higher income over being the most powerful person in the world? Palin would love to be president. Now, it may turn out that she'll realize that her chances are minuscule, but nobody doesn't want the job because there's more money to be made elsewhere.

And even if you look at it in bald economic terms, you don't pay a cent for opulent housing, transportation, clothing, food, vacationing, etc. From wiki: "The president earns a $400,000 annual salary, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment." Then, after at least four years of this, you've increased your earning potential a hundred-fold.

Its far easier and stress free to sit on the sideline and criticize everyone and everything from the "left" then it is to run, get elected, and actually work to put her idiotic ideas into action.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Thank you, Sarah, now I'll always think "Win the Future" when I see WTF now. Much nicer.

adamsappel said:
I laugh at anybody who thinks that money is better than being the President of the United States. Really? You'd take a few years of higher income over being the most powerful person in the world?
Plenty have done just that - how else do you account for the various millionaires/billionaires in this country that have never run for president?

Short answer: It ain't necessarily worth the grief.


LegendofJoe said:
Chris Matthews tore into Palin last night for this. He really let her and the people foolish enough to support her have it. It was nice to see, more people need to denounce the idiotic drivel coming out of the mouths of Palin and Bachmann.

Video link?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
adamsappel said:
I laugh at anybody who thinks that money is better than being the President of the United States. Really?

Really. Have you seen how fast a president of USA ages? it's ridiculous/stressful.

I would take buckets of cash over having to make decisions that can cost lives on a daily basis.


Sarah Palin has dug an even bigger hole for herself after criticising President Obama’s State of the Union address on Fox news.

Critics have been quick to slam former governor of Alaska and onetime Vice Presidential candidate for banging on about how the President’s “Winning the Future” catchphrase, used during the SOTU speech, was fitting because it could be construed as the acronym “WTF”, ie “What the Fuck?”

“His theme last night in the State of the Union was the ‘WTF,’ you know, “Winning the Future.” Palin wittered “And I thought, ‘OK, that acronym, spot on.’ There were a lot of ‘WTF’ moments throughout that speech."

“Is that really an appropriate pun for a mother and a serious politician to make?” asked The Telegraph.

She then laid into Obama for using the term “Sputnik moment” to describe how the USA took on early Soviet success in space exploration by developing their own technology and ultimately out-innovating the Russians.

Seeming to misunderstand his analogy she ploughed on haplessly, saying:
“That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.”

Various political blogs were quick to ridicule Palin.

“God bless Sarah Palin. She is the gift that keeps on giving,” mocked liberal blog Huffington Post. “Every single day, the former governor of Alaska and former Vice Presidential candidate offers up inappropriate, inaccurate and/or ill-conceived commentary, embarrassing herself, her political affiliation and subsequently anyone who has ever publicly supported her.”

Palin who is expected to throw her hat in the ring as the Republican candidate for the 2012 Presidential race has failed to impress the public and political pundits with her political nous, or lack thereof.

In the wake of the Tucson shootings on January 8 which left six people dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life, Palin caused controversy by releasing a video saying that the Left's claims that her rhetoric could have contributed to the shootings were a "blood libel".

The term “blood libel” has historically been used to justify the killing or expulsion of Jews. Doh!

I took the "Sputnik Moment" as a way of saying "We need to have a technological innovation that makes other nations take notice."


Clothed, sober, cooperative
How could she so badly miss the pioint of the space race? Both the analogy and the original thing. Is there nobody in that room with her when she's activating her blurthole. Nobody who can say, "Don't say that, it's retarded, say this instead."

The Sputnik moment was Russia getting into space first and us saying, "OH SHIT WE NEED TO GET EPIC, NOW!!!" And then inventing everything from velcro to the Internet as a direct or tangential result.


CF_Fighter said:
I took the "Sputnik Moment" as a way of saying "We need to have a technological innovation that makes other nations take notice."

So did the rest of the country.


The problem with Palindrome is that she doesn't just bring herself down, she brings the entire US down via association. People look at this ass clown and wonder how the US could be so stupid that this person would still have any voice at all.

Removing her from the public stage should be considered a national security topic.


TheLastCandle said:
If you think she has any shot of becoming president, then you may be as dumb as her.

yeah.. people are really thinking should would get elected, or even nominated? riiiiight.. i mean, she's funny to watch and all, and she does have some following, but she's not a serious threat as a presidential candidate.


Phoenix said:
The problem with Palindrome is that she doesn't just bring herself down, she brings the entire US down via association. People look at this ass clown and wonder how the US could be so stupid that this person would still have any voice at all.

Removing her from the public stage should be considered a national security topic.

palin is the genie that refuses to go back in the bottle
she has amazing/scary staying power...she should have long been forced back into obscurity
i hope mccain can sleep at night for creating this monster
(and im guessing he sleeps just fine)
OuterWorldVoice said:
How could she so badly miss the pioint of the space race? Both the analogy and the original thing. Is there nobody in that room with her when she's activating her blurthole. Nobody who can say, "Don't say that, it's retarded, say this instead."

The Sputnik moment was Russia getting into space first and us saying, "OH SHIT WE NEED TO GET EPIC, NOW!!!" And then inventing everything from velcro to the Internet as a direct or tangential result.

She was on Fox talking to Greta Van Sustren sooooooo no.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Phoenix said:
Removing her from the public stage should be considered a national security topic.

We should also snatch Star Wars from George Lucas by eminent domain. I think I am serious.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I would pay good money to see sarah palin debate kim kardashian on the subject of politics.
PoliceCop said:
No he won't. You gon get dark horsed.

Yeah, the national healthcare reform bill is more or less Romney's Massachusetts reform bill writ large. He's going to have fun times disentangling himself from that in the GOP primaries.
kaching said:
Plenty have done just that - how else do you account for the various millionaires/billionaires in this country that have never run for president?

Short answer: It ain't necessarily worth the grief.
My point is that nobody who is so inclined doesn't run for president because the pay is better elsewhere. And there's plenty of rich people who try to buy into a lesser office with fevered dreams of step-stoning into the presidency.

People are ascribing Palin's love for money (and there's no doubt she abandoned the governorship for lucre) to why she won't run for President. I think she will run. She probably won't win any primaries, but she'll get a fair amount of votes before she quits. And were she to win, the Republican machine would rally around her and she'd probably do little worse than last time.


It's funny... I don't even really disagree with her. Taking "win the future" and running with it as WTF could be clever, in the right hands. And the Sputnik moment analogy was a stretch.

But damn. Not even knowing what he meant by "Sputnik moment"? Yikes.


Unconfirmed Member
“That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.”


“That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union.”
This has to be one of the most face palming statements I have ever read.
BobTheFork said:
Well he seems to be killing the opinion poll over all other potentials. IT's not going to be so easy to ignore.
that's because his future opponents haven't started reminding the voters what Mormonism is.


I think Sarah Palin is exhibit A for what happens to you when you ascertain all your information from the television. You get dribs and drabs of small facts and soundbites without any real context or a deeper understanding behind it. You then try to congeal all that loose knowledge to meet your worldview and that's when things get interesting.

I think proof of that was when she couldn't name one publication she likes to read.


Professional Schmuck
ToxicAdam said:
I think Sarah Palin is exhibit A for what happens to you when you ascertain all your information from the television. You get dribs and drabs of small facts and soundbites without any real context or a deeper understanding behind it. You then try to congeal all that loose knowledge to meet your worldview and that's when things get interesting.

I think proof of that was when she couldn't name one publication she likes to read.

The glue that combines that form of information gathering is a wildly wrong-headed political philosophy combined with crazy-eyed ambition.
gutter_trash said:
again... they really duped you guys for believing that the Tea Party is a 3rd party
Yeah, they really duped the people who weren't aware that the whole movement was organized by a former Republican House Majority Leader.
Palin is counting on the dumb american vote. All those cuts to education will eventually swing the tide of victory to her table.
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