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Sarah Palin WTF. ITT Palin Wins The Future!"

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ToxicAdam said:
I think Sarah Palin is exhibit A for what happens to you when you ascertain all your information from the television. You get dribs and drabs of small facts and soundbites without any real context or a deeper understanding behind it. You then try to congeal all that loose knowledge to meet your worldview and that's when things get interesting.

I think proof of that was when she couldn't name one publication she likes to read.
Yeah, that's a nice summation.

Whereas if, like many internet people, you get all your information from Wikipedia, you're at least likely to have somewhat more context. If not necessarily a deeper understanding.
I am no fan of Palin, except as wank fodder, but I have to admit that hers was a funny joke. An easy joke, sure, but still chuckle-worthy. Anyone complaining about this is a bit of a cunt.


adamsappel said:
My point is that nobody who is so inclined doesn't run for president because the pay is better elsewhere. And there's plenty of rich people who try to buy into a lesser office with fevered dreams of step-stoning into the presidency.

People are ascribing Palin's love for money (and there's no doubt she abandoned the governorship for lucre) to why she won't run for President. I think she will run. She probably won't win any primaries, but she'll get a fair amount of votes before she quits. And were she to win, the Republican machine would rally around her and she'd probably do little worse than last time.

Uhhh, even if she could possibly make more money with the prestige of having been president, entering the race is a serious financial gamble she isn't going to take. Campaigns cost millions to run. Look what happened with Hilary's campaign debts.

She is absolutely not going to run. I don't know why people mistake her continuing political commentary for a forthcoming bid for the presidency. She is making an effort to stay in the public limelight so she can sell books and film reality tv shows.

If she had any interest in actually running, she would be MOVING TO THE MIDDLE. She hasn't done this at all. She's done the polar opposite. Like someone said before, she is throwing red meat to her base--the people that buy her books and buy tickets for her speaking events and tune into her tv show.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
adamsappel said:
My point is that nobody who is so inclined doesn't run for president because the pay is better elsewhere.
Your original point was a much broader generalization than that. At least, as stated it was. Nothing about being "so inclined" just, who would even think of choosing gobs of money over being "the most powerful person in the world". The latter being a fairly inaccurate description of the US presidency since there's plenty of things the position can't do that someone with gobs of money could.

And there's plenty of rich people who try to buy into a lesser office with fevered dreams of step-stoning into the presidency.
Of course, but not ALL of them have. That's the my point.


Phoenix said:
Removing her from the public stage should be considered a national security topic.
Yet we constantly have threads like these, started by her detractors. These threads are very popular despite the fact that I have read literally no one voice in support of her politically. I've made this point before, but you can't dedicate your life to unwarranted focus on a single person while simultaneously lamenting the fact that there is unwarranted focus on that single person. Or you can, but there is an obvious conflict of emotional interest.
Tracy Morgan: Sarah Palin Is 'Good Masturbation Material'

Tracy Morgan is in hot water again for a controversial joke, this time due to some salacious remarks about former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin.

During "Inside The NBA" on TNT before the Heat-Knicks game, Kenny Smith announced that Morgan was the only person who could settle an argument he and Charles Barkley have "all the time." Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?

After a few laughs and the observation that Morgan "can't get fired," Charles Barkley encouraged Morgan, saying, "Sarah Palin's good looking isn't she?"

Morgan quickly put the discussion to bed with the following comment:

"Now let me tell you something about Sarah Palin man, she's good masturbation material. The glasses and all that? Great masturbation material."
Count Dookkake said:
I am no fan of Palin, except as wank fodder, but I have to admit that hers was a funny joke. An easy joke, sure, but still chuckle-worthy. Anyone complaining about this is a bit of a cunt.

Yeah I'll have to say this is the only thing mildly clever I've heard from Sarah Palin.
Just watched the video. Holy shit Michele Bachmann really thought the founding fathers ended slavery? Really?? My God how could such dumb people get so far in life???
Full Recovery said:
She's just in it for the money. As long as she gets her name out there every couple weeks she's happy. I wish everyone would just ignore her so she'd crawl back in the hole she came out of.


APF said:
Yet we constantly have threads like these, started by her detractors. These threads are very popular despite the fact that I have read literally no one voice in support of her politically. I've made this point before, but you can't dedicate your life to unwarranted focus on a single person while simultaneously lamenting the fact that there is unwarranted focus on that single person. Or you can, but there is an obvious conflict of emotional interest.

Everyone in this topic needs to take this pledge from the Washington Post

I'm declaring February a Palin-free month. Join me!

Though it is embarrassing to admit this in public, I can no longer hide the truth. I have a Sarah Palin problem.

I have written about her in 42 columns since Sen. John McCain picked her as his vice-presidential running mate in 2008. I've mentioned her in dozens more blog posts, Web chats, and TV and radio appearances. I feel powerless to control my obsession, even though it cheapens and demeans me.

But today is the first day of the rest of my life. And so, I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb. 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin -- in print, online or on television -- for one month. Furthermore, I call on others in the news media to join me in this pledge of a Palin-free February. With enough support, I believe we may even be able to extend the moratorium beyond one month, but we are up against a powerful compulsion, and we must take this struggle day by day.

I came to this inner strength by trusting in a power greater than myself: my former Washington Post colleague Howie Kurtz, now with the Daily Beast. A week ago, on his CNN show, "Reliable Sources," I was complaining about the over-coverage of Palin when I found myself saying that "the best thing would be -- it's impossible, of course -- that we in the media should declare some sort of a Sarah Palin moratorium."

It's impossible, I figured, because Palin is a huge source of cheap Web clicks, television ratings and media buzz. If any of us refused to partake of her Facebook candy or declined to use her as blog bait, we would be sending millions of Web surfers, readers, viewers and listeners to our less scrupulous competitors.

The media obsession with Palin began naturally and innocently enough, when the Alaska governor emerged as an electrifying presence on the Republican presidential ticket more than two years ago. But then something unhealthy happened: Though Palin was no longer a candidate, or even a public official, we in the press discovered that the mere mention of her name could vault our stories onto the most-viewed list. Palin, feeding this co-dependency and indulging the news business's endless desire for conflict, tweeted provocative nuggets that would help us keep her in the public eye -- so much so that this former vice presidential candidate gets far more coverage than the actual vice president.


I found some hope in last Sunday's New York Times, where columnist Ross Douthat said it is time for the media and Palin to "go their separate ways" and for the press to "stop acting as if she's the most important conservative politician in America."

Let's take it one step further. I call on Douthat (who has mentioned Palin in 21 of his Times columns since 2008, according to a Lexis-Nexis search, and in scores of blog posts) to join my moratorium -- thereby forming a bipartisan coalition of The Post and the Times. I challenge columnists Eugene Robinson (33 Palin mentions), Paul Krugman (14), Kathleen Parker (30) and Maureen Dowd (45) to do the same.

I also call on Keith Olbermann (345 shows mentioning Palin) and Rachel Maddow (183 shows) of MSNBC, as well as Sean Hannity (411 Palin segments) and Bill O'Reilly (664 segments) of Fox News, to take the pledge. Will Politico -- with 96 Palin items in the past month alone -- join this cause? Will the Huffington Post, which had 19 Palin mentions on a single day last week -- stand with me?

Palin clearly isn't going away: "I am not going to sit down. I'm not going to shut up," she told Hannity on Monday. But if we treat her a little less like a major political figure and a little more like Ann Coulter -- a calculating individual who says shocking things to attract media attention -- it won't matter. Sure, we might lose some Web traffic or TV ratings, but we might also gain something. Remember the "Seinfeld" episode where George Costanza, by giving up sex, suddenly frees up brain power to learn Portuguese and Euclidean geometry, to teach Derek Jeter the physics of batting, to become a "Jeopardy" whiz and to solve a Rubik's cube? If we stop obsessing over Palin, we might suddenly become experts in the federal budget or Medicare reimbursement rates.

And so I pledge to you: Sarah Palin's name will not cross my lips -- or my keyboard -- for the entire month of February. Who's with me?


APF said:
Yet we constantly have threads like these, started by her detractors. These threads are very popular despite the fact that I have read literally no one voice in support of her politically. I've made this point before, but you can't dedicate your life to unwarranted focus on a single person while simultaneously lamenting the fact that there is unwarranted focus on that single person. Or you can, but there is an obvious conflict of emotional interest.
It's kind of just human nature.

It's like when you're in a traffic jam caused by an accident, and you're cursing out the damn rubberneckers slowing everything down. Then you drive past, and you can't stop yourself from rubbernecking too.

Human nature.


APF said:
Yet we constantly have threads like these, started by her detractors. These threads are very popular despite the fact that I have read literally no one voice in support of her politically. I've made this point before, but you can't dedicate your life to unwarranted focus on a single person while simultaneously lamenting the fact that there is unwarranted focus on that single person. Or you can, but there is an obvious conflict of emotional interest.

Pretending she doesn't exist won't make her go away. She has a huge number of supporters out there in the non-GAF world. Teabaggers say hello.
FlightOfHeaven said:
She'll run, make lots of money, and drop out.

Her recent flurry of activity seems to suggest she's running, but running for president is hard and thankless early on; how will she handle the grind of a primary, multiple debates, and the traditional media? She can make more money taking pot shots from the sidelines, endorsing someone, and then enjoy being in the VP speculation


I sort of hope Palin does win the bid for 2012 and wins the race too.

I truly think with her at the helm, she could very likely fuck up so bad that the American people may actually come to their senses in regards to the political atmosphere and structure in this country.

Here's hoping :lol


PhoenixDark said:
Her recent flurry of activity seems to suggest she's running, but running for president is hard and thankless early on; how will she handle the grind of a primary, multiple debates, and the traditional media?

there would be some pure gold sarah palin on-camera flipouts in there, i'm all for it.


winter said:
Uhhh, even if she could possibly make more money with the prestige of having been president, entering the race is a serious financial gamble she isn't going to take. Campaigns cost millions to run. Look what happened with Hilary's campaign debts.

She is absolutely not going to run. I don't know why people mistake her continuing political commentary for a forthcoming bid for the presidency. She is making an effort to stay in the public limelight so she can sell books and film reality tv shows.

If she had any interest in actually running, she would be MOVING TO THE MIDDLE. She hasn't done this at all. She's done the polar opposite. Like someone said before, she is throwing red meat to her base--the people that buy her books and buy tickets for her speaking events and tune into her tv show.

Congrats, you don't know how primaries work
Has a politician with the national exposure that Palin gets ever been as stupid as she is? Christ, she has to be the most dim witted politician ever. She doesn't know jack about ANYTHING.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
sure, let's ignore her like we did prior to the summer of 2008...when she was brought to our attention anyway...


Maxwell House said:
Has a politician with the national exposure that Palin gets ever been as stupid as she is? Christ, she has to be the most dim witted politician ever. She doesn't know jack about ANYTHING.

michelle bachman (sp?) is making a push for the title.


PoliceCop said:
Congrats, you don't know how primaries work

Are you kidding me? She isn't some unknown candidate that needs to establish a base to win the primary. She already has a loyal base. At this point, she's become so polarizing that she might not even win the primaries because she is turning off people that could just barely be considered moderate republicans. She's not even popular in her home state anymore.

Even she knows that she isn't going to be able to court moderates and independents in the event that she somehow won the pimaries.
adamsappel said:
I laugh at anybody who thinks that money is better than being the President of the United States. Really? You'd take a few years of higher income over being the most powerful person in the world? Palin would love to be president. Now, it may turn out that she'll realize that her chances are minuscule, but nobody doesn't want the job because there's more money to be made elsewhere.

And even if you look at it in bald economic terms, you don't pay a cent for opulent housing, transportation, clothing, food, vacationing, etc. From wiki: "The president earns a $400,000 annual salary, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment." Then, after at least four years of this, you've increased your earning potential a hundred-fold.

But she hates hard work.

Being president is hard work.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
dIEHARD said:
I Wish.

No way they go for a Mormon candidate.

I'm sure the way they see it, it's either him or the Muslim.

Anybody that votes against Romney as the Mormon candidate will be voting for Huckabee.
speaking of wackos, what's up with John Bainer? I heard he said he "despises" the people he works with? That's an awfully powerful term. Using it to refer to your fellow Congressmen and women? Seems very...unbecoming of the Speaker of the House.
ProfessorLobo said:
I wouldn't put too much stock in this, since we have no declared candidates right now. At this early stage in the election season these polls are pretty much a measure of relative name recognition and little else. I remember in summer '07 when Huckabee was just a no-name governor begging for attention from the socially-conservative evangelical right. Eventually he got it, and then he won Iowa. Of course, now he has is very own Willie Horton.

Romney has a few fatal flaws that make him unpopular with the GOP base - his biggest enemy has always been his record. He probably can't motivate an army true believers, even though he certainly has the intelligence necessary to run a winning campaign. In contrast, despite her popularity, I doubt Sarah Palin is actually capable of winning the election. Many people have said it several times here and elsewhere: she's just not a great politician.

Huntsman, Daniels, and Pawlenty are all credible candidates who would stand a better chance against Obama than either Palin and Romney, if only because they don't have the stench of 2008 attached to them.


ToxicAdam said:
I think Sarah Palin is exhibit A for what happens to you when you ascertain all your information from the television. You get dribs and drabs of small facts and soundbites without any real context or a deeper understanding behind it. You then try to congeal all that loose knowledge to meet your worldview and that's when things get interesting.

I think proof of that was when she couldn't name one publication she likes to read.

Well, in her case, replace television with her handlers/ghost writers.


Sidhe / PikPok
The "swearing" reminds me of her pouncing on some politician (Biden?) for using salty language and not being a good role model while simultaneously using twisted words like "backasswards".

Her implication that overspending on the space race lead directly to the fall of the Soviet Union is the bigger failing in this interview though.

At the rate at which she is giving ammunition to her detractors there is just no way she will ever make it through any kind of election for any public office. Unless her sole opponent is Bachmann I guess.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
OuterWorldVoice said:
How could she so badly miss the pioint of the space race? Both the analogy and the original thing. Is there nobody in that room with her when she's activating her blurthole. Nobody who can say, "Don't say that, it's retarded, say this instead."

The Sputnik moment was Russia getting into space first and us saying, "OH SHIT WE NEED TO GET EPIC, NOW!!!" And then inventing everything from velcro to the Internet as a direct or tangential result.

When I heard Obama say 'Sputnik moment,' I knew he was massively trolling republicans. Russians? Commies? USSR???!!! I knew it!
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