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Sarah Palin's lawsuit against The New York Times just got thrown out



Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against The New York Times was thrown out Tuesday by a federal judge.

The former Alaska governor had sued the newspaper this summer after its editorial board drew a link between an ad from her political action committee to the deadly shooting that left Rep. Gabby Giffords injured in 2011.

But as Manhattan federal judge Jed Rakoff wrote in an opinion dismissing the case, Palin did not have a "plausible factual basis" to claim that the paper had defamed her.

"Responsible journals will promptly correct their errors; others will not," Rakoff wrote.

He continued: "But if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited to those cases where the public figure has a plausible factual basis for complaining that the mistake was made maliciously, that is, with knowledge it was false or with reckless disregard of its falsity."
Nice to see the judiciary standing up for freedom of the press and specifically citing their constitutional duty. Very nice indeed.
"But if political journalism is to achieve its constitutionally endorsed role of challenging the powerful, legal redress by a public figure must be limited to those cases where the public figure has a plausible factual basis for complaining that the mistake was made maliciously, that is, with knowledge it was false or with reckless disregard of its falsity."

I feel like this bit right here was being pointed in more than just the direction of Palin. At least I hope it was.


The fact that she tried to do it against the NYT, when the NYT SET the constitutional bar for defamation cases for public figures.

If anyone would know the limits of what they could post about public figures, its the NYT,
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