Probably won't last long until someone hits the "report this" link on the review. Funny while it lasts though.
Amazon was offering a deal for like $27 for the DVD + the ABC Primetime DVD with the Mel Gibson interview, but they removed that deal. Sucks as I would've actually bought that, instead I'll just pick up the DVD in-stores even though there's probably an Uber special edition next Easter.
3 out of 5 stars A fun film for the family., August 21, 2004
Reviewer: Beelzebul (Nevada, USA) - See all my reviews
Okay, by and large, this movie was just okay -- as a movie. The acting was nominal; I think it would have been better if these actors hadn't been chewing on Aramaic and Latin, two languages no one cares about. Cinematography is pretty good, and the score is certainly dramatic, but I didn't really feel any emotional commitment from most of the actors. So as a movie, it was decent, maybe two stars.
But as a cultural phenomenon, it was fantastic! All that contention, discord, and enough hard feelings to go around. Exactly the sort of thing I want to see surrounding Jesus. Mel Gibson should be roundly credited for ruining Easter 2004 for a great many people, and that certainly made me smile.
However, I will say that the best thing about this film is the violence. So much violence! And I'm always screaming that there needs to be more violence in today's culture. This movie brought cinematic violence to a lot of people who would normally steer clear of violent movies. There's no better mule for bringing violence into the culture than Jesus.
I wasn't real thrilled with how I was portrayed. First of all, I'm not androgynous, although I appreciate Mel's desire for me to more closely resemble the entire human population instead of just half (or none?). But the actress who played me didn't have nearly enough passion for the part, and she certainly wasn't as charming as me. Plus, she was a woman! Frankly, I found that offensive.
Well, like most action flicks, there was a lot to be desired in the dialogue and acting (was Caviezel stoned?), but the violence made it worth watching. Gather the family, turn down the lights, pull up some popcorn, and enjoy this one every Easter!
Probably won't last long until someone hits the "report this" link on the review. Funny while it lasts though.
Amazon was offering a deal for like $27 for the DVD + the ABC Primetime DVD with the Mel Gibson interview, but they removed that deal. Sucks as I would've actually bought that, instead I'll just pick up the DVD in-stores even though there's probably an Uber special edition next Easter.