That was Migos right?
You know we're in the latter half of the episode when the main premise of a skit is a big fart joke
The robot sketch was an instant classic.This whole episode has been a disaster. Yikes, crazy to think the best skits this season were the cold openings.
Yeah that's fucked. I know they gave them the lion's share of skits tonight but come on, they've been on here for a special send off to the departing players? couldn't even let them stand in the fucking front
So what were your guys favorite episode this season? Mine had to be Lin-Manuel Miranda's.
Just caught up with this episode. The Rock's wig game was on point!
They didn't even do a send off for Vanessa and Bobby? I only caught the last few sketches. That's sucks if so. So stupid how they make big deals out of some people like Kristen wiig, but others who have been there just as long they don't even mention on the show.
I hope they get new weekend update hosts, Michael Che and Colin Jost are just so boring.
What. Please no. Michael and Colin are awesome.I hope they get new weekend update hosts, Michael Che and Colin Jost are just so boring.
the fart skit had my girlfriend in tears. sooo
They just got a spin off show playing in the summer. They are not going anywhere.Probably best episode of the season, not really surprising with The Rock hosting but some damn funny sketches and the opening cameos were the best. Random ScarJo thrown in too!
I hope they get new weekend update hosts, Michael Che and Colin Jost are just so boring.
They didn't even do a send off for Vanessa and Bobby? I only caught the last few sketches. That's sucks if so. So stupid how they make big deals out of some people like Kristen wiig, but others who have been there just as long they don't even mention on the show.
Damn, why are so many people leaving SNL just as it has become more relevant than ever?
That's exactly why. Leave while SNL is strong instead of when it's weak.
Man, I Hope Kate doesn't leave for a while. ;(So are these folks leaving cause they weren't wanted back or cause they have better options available?
I love Bayer but unlike Kate McKinnon she doesn't seem to have crossed over as a star herself.
Man, I Hope Kate doesn't leave for a while. ;(