I thought the episode peaked with Where's Kanye, but that was pretty good. Really should've opened with the Wonder Woman sketch.
Friendly reminder.
Tonight's host is the breakout star of Fast & Furious and Keeping Up with the Joneses, Gal Gadot.
Gal didn't seem that impressive in most her skits, sucks.
wow a Moesha reference in 2017
Gal didn't seem that impressive in most her skits, sucks.
Back on November 4th with Larry David hosting again
That just tells me that we will get a David S pumpkins sketch tonight
Pink is one artist that I really respect. She seems authentic and consistently good.
Oh my God that Kellywise IT skit is one for the history books. I laughed out loud holy shit!
That was my favorite. She was literally incomprehensible.Did anyone else love the Ivana Trump bit during Weekend Update? I was dying. The Ferrero Rocher garbling her speech at the end omg hahahaha