BTW, recalibration here of intent for Azih and Rusty in particular, who continually try to be reasonable in inflammatory situations -
I'm not some passive aggressive anti-Muslim. I grew up among Muslims, my first "auntie" was Muslim and my best friends in High School were Muslim*. I'm good friends with some (admittedly very progressive) Muslim politicians and activists - and while we don't see eye to eye on everything, I fully respect the genuine love they have for their religion and culture - however I have SPECIFIC issues with the way Sharia treats women, atheists and especially apostates. There are basically no practical exceptions to that (nobody in this thread has actually shown a functioning Sharia system where women and others are not legally treated as lesser beings or where certain kinds of verbal testimony don't carry more weight than actual evidence) and I find it absolutely disgusting and an affront to law and logic and justice and human rights. And I also find the application of a single religion to a system of rational law to be a fundamentally flawed and intractable position. I won't change my tune on that point because it's cemented in logic, not opinion.
The upholding of apostasy as a grave sin is such a ludicrous con/poison pill that I don't know how any rational being can not take that as a significant problem with their faith in the first place - "If I reject my faith I might get killed." I mean, it's not exactly nuanced, is it?
Anyway, my point is, I love lots of Muslims and respect and admire many aspects of the religion and the culture, just not outside of cultural importance. And I don't want to come off as either a bigot or a Fedora.
* yes I literally went there, but it's true and sort of relevant to my point. I also got to watch many of them leave the faith, or move away from it, but in some sad cases go deeper into it with very negative effects on their view of women in particular. I also got to watch the miserable spectacle of at least two converts start out as basically feminist, and transition into something pretty pathetic as regards their views on equality. Hearing them say "sisters" nowadays is embarrassing because they use it as a diminutive to indicate how protective they are of those previous fragile creatures. And we've had heated face to face (respectful) arguments about that.