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Saudi Arabia's to build 600-mile-long 'Great Wall' to keep out ISIS/ISIL

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GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Too bad the wall won't keep their extremist ideologies and terrorism funding money in that god forsaken country.
The USA did that too. They armed a lot of "moderates" that ended up joining ISIS.

Foreign involvement in a civil war will always result in a clusterfuck.

Lebanese civil war lasted 15 years and didn't have half the foreign involvement or rebel factions as this one. I think Syrian Civil War will last 25-30 years and this Wall will be built far before it ends, sad to say.

Yup, US have a bad habbit of doing things in the ''short term'' that end up biting them in the ass years later.

The ISIS problem propped up allot faster than past blowbacks which is scary

Look at the removal of Ghadaffi in Libya... that place is already festering into separate opposing factions and gonna be another danger zone
Not surprised they want to wall themselves off. They would know as well as anyone how much of a hellhole they are helping to turn the region into.


I have a feeling Saddam wouldn't have allowed this IS thing to happen in his country. And our presence there allowed IS to become armed with some of the most sophisticated military hardware in the world because of all that stuff we left behind for the Iraqi army.
I have a feeling Saddam wouldn't have allowed this IS thing to happen in his country. And our presence there allowed IS to become armed with some of the most sophisticated military hardware in the world because of all that stuff we left behind for the Iraqi army.

yea, invading iraq was a horrible idea. Bush and his team fucked it up big time. Now countless people are dead, women and girls are being used as sex slaves, hundreds of people are dying horrible deaths daily at the hands of these barbaric savages.
I have a feeling Saddam wouldn't have allowed this IS thing to happen in his country. And our presence there allowed IS to become armed with some of the most sophisticated military hardware in the world because of all that stuff we left behind for the Iraqi army.

ISIS is Saddam's people though.

This reminds me of something out of Metal Gear Solid.

There is nothing in MGS comparable to this.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
ISIS is essentially holding the entire country hostage since if non-ISIS people try to move out of the way so ISIS forces become an isolated target, I'm sure they would be massacred. It such a separation were possible, I would cast my vote on any means of mass-destruction that can be targeted at ISIS as I have no respect for their right to live or even a humane death.


You gotta laugh a lot at the USA then. I don't think there is any major terrorist organisation they didn't fund at some point.


Rambo in particular is glorious. When he goes to Afghanistan to fight off the Soviets, and they are trumpeting the brave the honourable Taliban to aid Rambo.

Mind you, the British have done more than their fair share of fucking other countries too.
This particular conflict is interesting because Saudi Arabia and IS have similar societal ideals. They obviously differ on who should be enforcing those ideals.


A wall doesn't stop modern armies, just spies and even then there are so many more ways for spies to infiltrate their nation. This wall is a waste of their time and money.



I have a feeling Saddam wouldn't have allowed this IS thing to happen in his country. And our presence there allowed IS to become armed with some of the most sophisticated military hardware in the world because of all that stuff we left behind for the Iraqi army.
I'm glad Saddam was removed but I readily admit there were unintended consequences.

ISIS grew in strength because Saddam's military joined their ranks and the Iraqi majority have mishandled their politics with the Sunnis. Though in the second case what can be expected when it was the Sunni's who benefited the most under Saddam.


A wall doesn't stop modern armies, just spies and even then there are so many more ways for spies to infiltrate their nation. This wall is a waste of their time and money.

ISIS is no modern army though. Despite a lot of resources I highly doubt that they can match an actual one. The wall can limit their operations and make it easier to alert troops to counter engage them.
God, the border nuts in America must have the biggest boners right now.

I was just going to post this. "Why can Saudi Arabia build a Great Wall, but Obama won't finis the fence and reinforce the border? It's because he hates America and wants illegal immigrants to take our jobs and mooch off welfare."


I was just going to post this. "Why can Saudi Arabia build a Great Wall, but Obama won't finis the fence and reinforce the border? It's because he hates America and wants illegal immigrants to take our jobs and mooch off welfare."

It's cause Obama is a Moslem, bruh.


ISIS is no modern army though. Despite a lot of resources I highly doubt that they can match an actual one. The wall can limit their operations and make it easier to alert troops to counter engage them.

It would be a mistake to not consider in what ways they are a modern army. You can be given the greatest tech in the world but be totally behind in modern strategies and tactics.

ISIS as a force isn't Turkey, Iran or Israel but they have veterans now who understand modern technology and how it changes warfare. Besides some of their infantry equipment is definitely modern even if their vehicles are behind.
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