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SAW--Movie of the Year

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Beats Seven by a country mile. Incredible performance by Cary Elwes. Great pacing and cinematography. Your thoughts?
enjoy bell woods said:
Oh, I liked it a lot. I was laughing through 95% of the movie.

"YOU BASTARD!" I loved the way Elwes said that.

Why was it so funny? What elements were ridiculous?

Was it because an old man dying of a brain tumor was behind it all?


If by best acting for comedy maybe. Half the people in the theatre were laughing there ass off during his sobbing scene. Then it cut away to something else. Then go back to him sobbing his ass off. Then cut away. The back to him. Funniest movie of the year!

You have to be joking. You just HAVE to be!


Awwwww. Seriously? Fucking disappointment!

Edit: Heh - just saw this quote on RT and thought it was pretty interesting: "Saw is a marketing campaign in search of a movie."
EakeLarth said:
If by best acting for comedy maybe. Half the people in the theatre were laughing there ass off during his sobbing scene. Then it cut away to something else. Then go back to him sobbing his ass off. Then cut away. The back to him. Funniest movie of the year!

You have to be joking. You just HAVE to be!

I'm guessing you'd prefer Brad Pitt walking around going "No, no no no no!" ?

I guess this is the same as Blair Witch Project....some people who saw it laughed their way through because they couldn't see themselves in that position and it just seemed ridiculous to them. Myself, having spent a lot of time hiking/camping in the woods when I was young, BWP sparked a sense of fear in its night scenes.

Same with Saw, I guess if you just take the constant sobbing of Cary Elwes at one point at face value, you may laugh; but if you take it in context with what's going on,
it shows the beginning of his dive into madness
I have a hard time beleiveing that Saw could supass the masterpiece that is Seven. To me, at least, Seven had all the perfect elements of a suspense movie.

IT will always remain in my top 5 flicks. Just an awesome movie, especially the DVD directors cut.


DJ Demon J said:
I'm guessing you'd prefer Brad Pitt walking around going "No, no no no no!" ?

I guess this is the same as Blair Witch Project....some people who saw it laughed their way through because they couldn't see themselves in that position and it just seemed ridiculous to them. Myself, having spent a lot of time hiking/camping in the woods when I was young, BWP sparked a sense of fear in its night scenes.

Same with Saw, I guess if you just take the constant sobbing of Cary Elwes at one point at face value, you may laugh; but if you take it in context with what's going on,
it shows the beginning of his dive into madness

Yeah if I think of it in the context, and if he ... you know, acted good when he did it, then maybe. But I took it as very goofy. Good acting would've made it more believable.

And I dunno how the hell you liked the movie. Didn't the "sudden speeding up to make it look like a NIN video" crap bother you?

I loved the idea of the killer, but they dropped the ball by the lack of death situations, speeding through most of the deaths, constant editing back and forth through different points of time, etc. The director of the commercials did a better job editing the film then the director of film.


DJ Demon J said:
I'm guessing you'd prefer Brad Pitt walking around going "No, no no no no!" ?
If you're refering to the last scene of Seven wich I think you are, then yeah, anybody would prefer that over Saw.

That scene with Brad Pitt was brilliant acting my friend.
EakeLarth said:
And I dunno how the hell you liked the movie. Didn't the "sudden speeding up to make it look like a NIN video" crap bother you?

I wasn't jumping up and down cheering for it, but it wasn't SO BAD to detract from the movie that much.

I liked the back and forth pacing, it kept you guessing and kept the tension high. I can see how someone would think the revealed killer at the end was lame, but it was just a well done movie, I thought. God forbid I go against the elitist movie snobs of the internet, it seems. :(


DJ Demon J said:
I wasn't jumping up and down cheering for it, but it wasn't SO BAD to detract from the movie that much.

I liked the back and forth pacing, it kept you guessing and kept the tension high. I can see how someone would think the revealed killer at the end was lame, but it was just a well done movie, I thought. God forbid I go against the elitist movie snobs of the internet, it seems. :(

Welcome to GA!

EDIT - it's no offense, it's just you're praising what everyone on GA and most critics are saying are the worst part of the movie : the acting.
My thoughts on some recent movies (not including SAW as I haven't seen it yet)

The Grudge- You know, I listened to everyone here bash this movie to pieces and I thought it was one of the scariest fucking movies I've ever seen. Its the kind of movie that left me frazzled and looking over my shoulder the way The Exorcist did back in the day. I don't know what people have against this movie. I think the story jumps around too much for stupid teenagers that don't want to pay attention. I really think horror movies like this are few and far between and have been pushed aside lately in favor of really linear and obvious slashers like Scream, I know what you did last summer, Jeepers Creepers, etc.

Ray- It was really long and at times I was sort of bored, but overall it was a good movie. Jamie Foxx did a fantastic job and literally became Ray Charles. I remember when that dude was on In Living Color. I never thought I'd see him do such an incredible performance the way he did in Ray. This is the kind of movie that will stick with me for a couple weeks as I'll still be thinking about it. A really good uncompromising look at Ray Charles' life. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes his music or has an interest in dramas.

Shaun of the Dead- Worst fuckin movie I've seen this year. I believed all the people on this board (and a couple others) who praised it up and down and said it was so fantastic. I was just waiting for them all to hurry up and die already. There were a few laughs here and there (especially the ending scenes) but for the most part the movie just beat me over the fucking head with its "moral of the story" crap where all the characters learn something and the main guy grows by the film's end. It was like a really long, kinda funny, mostly boring sitcom with lots of gore. Thumbs way the fuck down.

So that's what I've got to say about those flicks. Regardless of what anyone here says, I'm going to SAW this week with a bunch of people and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll pop back in here later with impressions.


i was really disappointed in Saw. I was expecting a movie to really disturb me like Seven did, but it wasn't even close. The way they told the story really fucked up the pace in Saw.

I did like the ending though



The movie was bad. Awesome premise, but the acting killed it. The dude that cut his leg off overacted so fucking much, especially toward the end.

But I didn't know why the other dude was screaming so fucking much at the end. He was going to get found. Don't cell phones have the gps shit in them? Yeah. And there were those cars parked outside. A cop would drive by and see them. Then he comes and saves them. Or if worse came to worst, the dude could cut his leg off, answer the phone and then they could track it. Get him out. He wins.

Game over. Lots of plot holes.


I agree with the original poster. Best horror film of the year. Thank god I didn't have idiots like some you in the theater with me to ruin it by laughing. The audience I saw it with was perfect, they kept quiet, jumped at all the right times, and loved the ending. I couldn't possibly have enjoyed myself more and can't wait to see it again.


Chili Con Carnage!
I liked the twist, but the main characters were all SO FUCKING DUMB, especailly the cops...what kind of cop
says "oh no lets not arrest him when he gets out the lift, i wanna see his face" Er....CANT YOU LOOK AT IT AFTER YOUVE GOT HIM DANNY GLOVER YOU JACKASS?!?!
Not to sound elitist, but people who were "disturbed" by Hollywood shlock like Seven or SAW really need to get out a bit more, or at the very least, see better movies.
Ristamar said:
Seven was not "shlock"... at least not according to a clear majority of film critics :p

Okay, I guess I'll take that back. Hell, I do like David Fincher, and while I do like the look of the film, I do find it overrated, and most importantly not at all scary or disturbing and the like. Plus, even I have to admit its more style over substance, which is not at all bad if one is willing to face up to it, but most do not. Again, if you want really sick and depraved cinema, you have to look elsewhere.
Uno Ill Nino said:
My thoughts on some recent movies (not including SAW as I haven't seen it yet)

The Grudge- You know, I listened to everyone here bash this movie to pieces and I thought it was one of the scariest fucking movies I've ever seen. Its the kind of movie that left me frazzled and looking over my shoulder the way The Exorcist did back in the day. I don't know what people have against this movie. I think the story jumps around too much for stupid teenagers that don't want to pay attention. I really think horror movies like this are few and far between and have been pushed aside lately in favor of really linear and obvious slashers like Scream, I know what you did last summer, Jeepers Creepers, etc.

Ray- It was really long and at times I was sort of bored, but overall it was a good movie. Jamie Foxx did a fantastic job and literally became Ray Charles. I remember when that dude was on In Living Color. I never thought I'd see him do such an incredible performance the way he did in Ray. This is the kind of movie that will stick with me for a couple weeks as I'll still be thinking about it. A really good uncompromising look at Ray Charles' life. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes his music or has an interest in dramas.

Shaun of the Dead- Worst fuckin movie I've seen this year. I believed all the people on this board (and a couple others) who praised it up and down and said it was so fantastic. I was just waiting for them all to hurry up and die already. There were a few laughs here and there (especially the ending scenes) but for the most part the movie just beat me over the fucking head with its "moral of the story" crap where all the characters learn something and the main guy grows by the film's end. It was like a really long, kinda funny, mostly boring sitcom with lots of gore. Thumbs way the fuck down.

So that's what I've got to say about those flicks. Regardless of what anyone here says, I'm going to SAW this week with a bunch of people and we're all really looking forward to it. I'll pop back in here later with impressions.
You like The Grudge and hated Shaun of the Dead. Your opinion = null and void.


my reputation is Shadowruined
steve said:
I agree with the original poster. Best horror film of the year. Thank god I didn't have idiots like some you in the theater with me to ruin it by laughing. The audience I saw it with was perfect, they kept quiet, jumped at all the right times, and loved the ending. I couldn't possibly have enjoyed myself more and can't wait to see it again.

This is one of few movies that I remember when the audience gasped and screamed, it added a lot to the movie experience. If a person watched this movie in an almost empty theater or at home by themselves, I think a bit of atmosphere would be lost.

If you laughed while watching this movie, you need to grow up and stop trying to be different just to be different. It's so cliche, lame, and moronic. Here is a reality check for you. No connection at all exists between you and Ender Wiggin or a bizzare character from some offbeat Japanese anime. You happen to be unique slob like everyone else on planet earth. Get over yourself.
Brimstone said:
This is one of few movies that I remember when the audience gasped and screamed, it added a lot to the movie experience. If a person watched this movie in an almost empty theater or at home by themselves, I think a bit of atmosphere would be lost.

If you laughed while watching this movie, you need to grow up and stop trying to be different just to be different. It's so cliche, lame, and moronic. Here is a reality check for you. No connection at all exists between you and Ender Wiggin or a bizzare character from some offbeat Japanese anime. You happen to be unique slob like everyone else on planet earth. Get over yourself.
Uh, how about you grow up. The movie was funny to some of us. I can't control my laughter when some guy is sitting chained to a pipe screaming, "You bastard!" in the most theatrical way possible. And what the fuck is Ender Wiggin?
enjoy bell woods said:
Uh, how about you grow up. The movie was funny to some of us. I can't control my laughter when some guy is sitting chained to a pipe screaming, "You bastard!" in the most theatrical way possible. And what the fuck is Ender Wiggin?

I think he was referring to Meier. And I totally agree with him.
"Nintendo trolls until permaban"

LAME. Sometimes the mods here really need to mellow the fuck out. Its the internet, you power-trippin bastards. Lotsa people have obnoxious opinions. You do waaay to much banning and thread locking around here. Never felt the need to say anything about it until I saw DJ's tag and then it kinda got me to thinking. Chill out a little.
Uno Ill Nino said:
"Nintendo trolls until permaban"

LAME. Sometimes the mods here really need to mellow the fuck out. Its the internet, you power-trippin bastards. Lotsa people have obnoxious opinions. You do waaay to much banning and thread locking around here. Never felt the need to say anything about it until I saw DJ's tag and then it kinda got me to thinking. Chill out a little.

Yea, power-trippin describes Mike Works pretty well. Well Uno, reason can only get us so far, in the end we're not the men behind the curtain.
lets see...danny glover was on point...i dont care what anyone says, danny glover is the man.

I think most of the acting was decent except for Elwes part.....some of the stuff he said and the part where he was crying were just so hilariously bad. During a moment where you are suppossed to feel sympathy for the character but you end up laughing....then something is being done wrong.

i kinda liked the guy who played adam although he was somewhat annoying during the but whole movie, near the end you end up liking his character for some reason.

anyways....pretty damn good movie nonetheless.


oh and in no way does this movie outdo Seven
sorry...but seven was just done so fucking well AND the acting was great. with that said, I liked the premise of this movie better than seven's.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Good gravy, Lions Gate just announced they're planning a sequel for next Halloween.
Uno... sorry you had to post that nice little barb.

Yeah when I posted it I was pretty mellow, but you wouldn't know that by the way its written. It sounds kinda like I'm pissed, but I'm moreso just annoyed. Kinda like "Jesus Christ guys, lighten up a little" but it came out like "you fuckers!". Ah oh well. But for real, this is the excited time of the season. You'd think they'd have a little more slack in the chain, y'know?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
lets see...danny glover was on point...i dont care what anyone says, danny glover is the man.
I don't give a damn how much Danny "Too Old For This Shit" Glover is the shit, his character served absolutely no purpose in the plot. What aspect of the plot did he affect?
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