demon said:I don't give a damn how much Danny "Too Old For This Shit" Glover is the shit, his character served absolutely no purpose in the plot. What aspect of the plot did he affect?
Well, I guess he introduced the doctor to the story of the psychopath pretty well.. and he did a bit to make you think your knew what was going on at the end.
Fixed2BeBroken said:lets see...danny glover was on point...i dont care what anyone says, danny glover is the man.
I think most of the acting was decent except for Elwes part.....some of the stuff he said and the part where he was crying were just so hilariously bad. During a moment where you are suppossed to feel sympathy for the character but you end up laughing....then something is being done wrong.
i kinda liked the guy who played adam although he was somewhat annoying during the but whole movie, near the end you end up liking his character for some reason.
anyways....pretty damn good movie nonetheless.
Even Elwes was fine. Too many people on the internet take immense pride at being able to pick apart something that's not an absolute masterpiece. This is a pretty good movie.