Get in the car losers! It's Rustlemania time!
Takahata is the best lol
Only now getting into TheSw1tcher, can anyone recommend the best videos/series I should watch?
Only now getting into TheSw1tcher, can anyone recommend the best videos/series I should watch?
Deadly Premonition, Barkley Shut up and Jam Gaiden, and Heavy Rain are good LPs to start with. Some good oneoffs include Persona 4, FF8, and any of the Xbox Live indie games videos. They also have a podcast where they talk about their weeks and cover video game news. I think that's enough to get you started. If you want more recommendations then check the OP.
My recommendation for LPs:
Metal Gear Rising Revengance
The Walking Dead
Ride to Hell
Deadly Premonition
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Only now getting into TheSw1tcher, can anyone recommend the best videos/series I should watch?
Only now getting into TheSw1tcher, can anyone recommend the best videos/series I should watch?
ATM, I've got the voices of Woolie, Matt, and Pat down, and I suppose Liam by process of elimination. :v
Woolie's my fav tho
That good taste.
Make sure you check out Def Jam: Fight for NY with Woolie and Matt to see the legend of COMP
It's the most consistently solid combo.Reading my own recommendation list, I just realized my very clear bias for the Matt+Pat combo.
Guys, please. We all know who the real best best friend is.
Guys, please. We all know who the real best best friend is.
I didn't know Egoraptor was a best friend.
Are Liam and Matt still friends?
Woolie's the GOATATM, I've got the voices of Woolie, Matt, and Pat down, and I suppose Liam by process of elimination. :v
Woolie's my fav tho
Wrong again. Don't think you will get Ultimax by pretending to like him. We all know Pat is the best.
The sadness trilogy is good too Snitch.
Guys, please. We all know who the real best best friend is.
Reading my own recommendation list, I just realized my very clear bias for the Matt+Pat combo.
Look how unique the wrestlers movesets are, i need these games back.
Yeah its super safe now. Just talk about the SbFs tho. We can't go offtopic here.Sup BestGAF? So I've been led to believe this thread is safe to be on now? Is it safe to return to the coolest GAF without worrying about my boss seeing it?
I miss this place, tell me its safe!
Edit: Also is anyone in the FFXIV FC? I have a character on a different server and would be willing to transfer if I could join the Storm Feelers?
Yeah its super safe now. Just talk about the SbFs tho. We can't go offtopic here.
I am, but they're super full, so its probably better to just stay at your server.
Alright cool. Was a little worried about visiting GAF in class or at work because certain teams that may or may not have been lacking shame.
Aww bummer. I really like the game, but I want to play the game with other people, because I'm newish/randoms are not always very good.
The FC now has a rank for people how expect to be gone for a week or more, specifically so they don't get kicked out. As long as you aren't planning to be gone for like a year or something you should be fine.
Only now getting into TheSw1tcher, can anyone recommend the best videos/series I should watch?
Last i was on there were a few spaces open, and in fact at least one new person joined the fc last night. I can't really say for sure if you will be able to get in though, might wanna ask on the reddit since i think that is were most of the FC hangs out, so you are more likely to find a higher up who can more accurately let you know if there is space.
Actually I just checked the lodestone page, and the FC is currently at 503/512(i think that is the max). So if you hurry you might have a good shot of getting in(i'm making no promises though, i'm just a scrub in the FC).
You'll be kicked out of the FC though if you ever take a break tho so good luck with that.
It's the reason i haven't joined an FC since come September 1st, FFXIV may as well be dead to me.
two week rule is still in effect afaik, if we're full we just kick inactive people as needed, don't think we're currently full-up since we needed to kick people who didn't log in and unstable their chocobos and/or demolish their roomsThey got rid of the two week rule? That's cool. I guess if you care enough about the game and joining FCs you're probably not gonna lapse on your sub that long anyway.
Two Best Friends Play Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (Part 7)
So good. I hope we get some LP resets soon as apart from This and Rustlemania I've got nothing to watch D:
Super pissed as well. I replayed Resident Evil 2 because of hype and this LP got me in the mood to play 3. I got my gamecube copy back off a friend and god knows what he did but its broke and the GC won't read it. Copies are like 30 quid on ebay D:
So good. I hope we get some LP resets soon as apart from This and Rustlemania I've got nothing to watch D:
Super pissed as well. I replayed Resident Evil 2 because of hype and this LP got me in the mood to play 3. I got my gamecube copy back off a friend and god knows what he did but its broke and the GC won't read it. Copies are like 30 quid on ebay D:
Maybe Liam can write it and pat can put it in the description if they ever do a dragonball z lp or something.Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if Steven Universe was Dragonball Z fanfiction at some point.