Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Really though, unless we get concrete details of MS meddling I'm not going to lash out at them.

The open world RPG/action game hybrid nature of the game always felt like Platinum biting off more than they could chew. And the demos of the game over that time have reflected that.
Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Scaledown...

Crackdown 3?
Lol keep the Con gifs out of this brah!


tagged by Blackace
Pretty much. I mean, I love Platinum, but Scalebound did not looks focused or good.
It really did look like an experiment-in-progress. Like they gave Kamiya a wad of cash to create a new idea and this frankenstein kind of game came out.

Reading the wiki on the game though, it seems like they've been unsuccessfully trying to pitch the game since the studio opened. Guess MS was desperate for exclusives, took Platinum up and was unsatisfied with what was being produced, or at least they figured out this would be a really difficult sell from E3 showings and in general.
Haha are you for real?

Xbox needs games that play to their main audiences. Them moneyhatting a Mistwalker RPG would be a fart in the wind seeing as the JRPG audience has never been on Xbox.

They tried this in the 360 era and it bit them in the ass. They sure as hell aren't going to try again. It's a losing strategy.

Bs if I ever read it.

Xbox 360 had a very solid base of JRPG fans that would have grown larger if Microsoft followed up with more solid games in that area. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, among others, all had healthy support from xbox fans, and are still among some of the favorite titles of Xbox gamers.

Also, I personally am not thinking about anyone else but myself here. I want a major Mistwalker RPG on Xbox again, or wherever else I can get one, and if Microsoft moneyhats a mistwalker RPG and I'm the only one who buys it, I won't exactly feel terrible because I would have got to play the game. Honestly, Mistwalker has a good track record of shipping great games, especially on Unreal Engine. They managed to ship Lost Odyssey on UE3 back when a lot of other major devs were having trouble doing the same. Not saying they didn't receive assistance, but did they ever get the shit done and at a high level.

And I'm not getting my hopes up about Crackdown 3, because I was never excited about that game in the first place. I can't understand why it's this big favorite around these parts. The first game had some cool little elements to it, but it was so brain dead imo. There was no worthwhile content to speak of I felt. It felt so barebones, so I am surprised when I see people going all nuts over Crackdown 3 like it won't end up the same unless they make some serious changes in their core game formula.


Halo Wars 2 is the only game I'm 100% confident is coming out. I'm really not confident that all four of these games will, and knowing my luck, it will be the Phantom Dust enhanced port that gets cut.

I expect at least three of the games listed in that PR statement will come out this year. I'm not sure about crackdown 3 but I expect we will see something about that game by E3.


Not gonna lie, one of the main reasons I was excited about getting my Xbox One was for Halo 5 and Scalebound. Being a big Halo fan, that Halo 5 campaign was sure......something, and now this?! :(
Can't say I blame them. The game has looked rough every time it has been put on show and if Platinum was having issues with deadlines maybe Microsoft came to the conclusion it just was not going to happen. It was probably the better decision to cancel it and right off what they lost instead of releasing it and have it be shitty and lose even more money.

It seems like Platinum have been taking a ton of games lately so maybe they got in over their heads and realized they could not devote enough time to the game like the originally promised. The game has been in development for quite awhile now and if they couldn't meet deadlines god only knows how much longer it may have been delayed.


I remember last summer Julien Chièze from Gameblog said that the game was in serious trouble and Nintendo was trying to purchase Platinum Games.

Platinum games would be a mega coup for Nintendo. They definitely make the type of games that Nintendo first parties currently lack.

Not all of their work has been amazing, but the good stuff has been really great.
Phantom Dust is gone, Crackdown 3 will probably gone. State of Decay 1 was damn mediocre and was a small downloadable title, Halo Wars 2 isn't XB1 exclusive I don't think and the only reason the series is relevant at all is because it uses the Halo IP and was one of the better console RTS games.


Wow there, State of Decay was on of the best zombie games of last generation.
I know investing in new IPs is expensive... but why didn't they do more last gen? And how did Sony get to grow to be so vast in its library of exclusives/studios?

Could have had some good brand names today maybe. Sony's portfolio is astonishing. Even with blunders like the Order or Driveclub (which was at least redeemed to some fans), they manage to have a strong diverse lineup.

Add to this, they cant expect to sell a powerful Scorpio machine with exclusives. I dont see why anyone would want a HUGELY powerful hardware upgrade mid-gen, especially from MS who have few exclusives to back it up

Sony will also be in a position to drop the price on the Pro, and they have a non stop onslaught of big exclusives. I dont see how Scorpio is going to do much, and the hardware is nothing if there aren't enough games to back it up.
Did they really just say: "we're working hard to deliver an amazing lineup" in a press release about the cancellation of one of the best games from that lineup?

No, fuck that. After State of Decay 2 I'm done with you microsoft.

Oh yay. Another ZOMBIE game to look forward to... NOT.

I'm glad my PC is alive and kicking. Scorpio is out of my radar now.


Massively disappointed. Despite the WIP nature of what was shown, I really loved the whole idea. It showed potential.



One other thing I guess I can say now, and I might've said before.


Seriously, did we honestly need any 4 player co-op bs? Whatever happened to developers just working on one, amazing singelplayer experience and just calling it a fucking day? What is with this obsession of late to shoehorn in a multiplayer component, thinking what is often a very neutered version of the more elaborate and rich singleplayer experience, is going to be something that people will even want to play? That's the shittiest new trend I've seen in games. Not every damn game needs to be multiplayer/co-op enabled. Just fucking stop already.

I think they get people into these meetings and somehow show them statistics on sales for multiplayer games, and people end up drawing the wrong conclusions from those stats, not knowing that it has less to do with multiplayer for the sake of multiplayer, and more to do with the core game just being a more natural fit for extension through a multiplayer based feature. The moment I heard the game would have some kind of multiplayer, I didn't like it. The reason it's getting this focus is because I honestly believe that a misguided search for a multiplayer component likely distracted away from just making the core game itself way better without any such multiplayer consideration.

Perhaps I am just feeling pessimistic today, but I feel like this is going to kill Crackdown 3 as well. Yes, I know that the Crackdown series has had co-op before but it seems like they're really pushing to make that the focus in the next one and it really seems like its going to compromise the single-player experience.


Platinum will deliver you a game in six months if they need to, we have their Activision work to prove that. They managed to develop several action games to completion under Nintendo/Sega.

That's why when you change the publisher and suddenly there are troubles, people are looking at the X factor

Especially when the publisher has a history of doing 180's and screwing over their partners in the process
Probably my least favorite thing about a first-party cancellation is the doomsday prognostication that comes with it about every other first party game being cancelled as well.


I am not sure what kind of statement people wanted from MS. They aren't going to release details about what happened nor are they going to start announcing games out of the blue.

E92 M3

Do you guys expect sad faces and tears from MS statement? It gets to the point and states the truth. MS lost a lot of money and it's not their fault that platinum didn't deliver.

"heartless statement" lol.

We're talking about video games, not funerals.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Seems some people need to change their most anticipated games of 2017 votes already...

But this is an honest bummer, the news was kind of sporadic on the title but I didn't think it'd be cancelled. Now hoping one day the unfinished build finds its way out the door someday for people to see what was in store.


Wow :(

Can't say I'm shocked but still :(

Ok, what does this mean for P* and MS' first party line up? Cos neither are looking pretty.


I telling you if a game is cancelled for reasons other then the publisher not wanting to take the risk on the game you don't want it revived.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Holy shit. I can honestly say this is the last thing I ever would have expected, because of Platinum's track record with getting the job done even under shitty conditions.

Until we hear the full story (if we do), I can only assume that the sheer scope of the game did it in. It looked to be the biggest and most complex game they'd ever attempted or that Kamiya had ever directed.
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