Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Just in time for Nintendo to scoop it up for Thursday/Friday Switch announcements.


Hope platinum isn't going to end up in financial trouble because of this


it just seems silly to me to try and assign blame in a situation where we will likely never know the full story. It's a business decision. It sucks for the people that were anticipating this game but I doubt there was any malice from any party involved. If MS cancelled the game, they probably felt they had good reason to.

Especially if PG wasn't keeping their shit together during development, and judging by the Eurogamer story, it's looking that way.


The game didn't look good. They were not able to communicate how dragon familiars would improve a character action game. They talked about coop as a core concept, but were not able to explain how those systems would work and make a fun game. Microsoft showed incredible restraint in continuing to fund this mess of a project for several years. Platinum have made some incredible games in the past and I am looking forward to Nier, but it is completely understandable if MS chose to cancel Scalebound.
I feel bad for Kamiya since a long time wasted when he could have been making something else that actually looked good. Like I dunno, make the Star Fox game so it would be good or make Nier: Automata with his new friend Yoko Taro. :p

EDIT: Read shinobi's post, all the best to Kamiya, I feel for him.

Kind of funny that Spencer the saviour managed to have a worse track record regarding Games compared to the much hated Mattrick.

It's a shame really since Microsoft's actual line up was good a couple of years ago before they just started cancelling so much or delaying so much, now it just seems so spread thin. That's why I bought my Xbox One and that's why I will now probably sell my Xbox One.


Where are you getting that from?

From how I'm reading it. They bit off more than they could chew, fell behind on some other projects - forcing them to siphon people from the Scalebound team - and by the time they could place them back on the team they were already too far behind for Microsoft to bother anymore.


It's a tragic generation for Xbox, Scorpio and better times can't come soon enough.

Hopefully Platinum isn't hit hard by this, very talented studio out there.

Best of luck and guys let's buy NieR ASAP!


Right now would probably not be a good time to be in Kamiya mentions on Twitter. He's going to go block city on anyone who even tries to say something.


Damn, I was really looking forward to this. Though if Nintendo swoops in, guess that's one less reason to grab a 'bone in 2017.
Welp, glad I didn't buy an Xbox One early for this game like I was going to.

Hope Kamiya's next project sees release. It's been too long since TW101.


So did Platinum take members off Scalebound to work on something else or did they just go on vacation for a month? That line in the article is weird in that they were forced off the project.


Sadly the game didn't look very good, despite originally being really excited for it. Crazy failure for Microsoft and platinum though
Throw Scalebound on the pile along with Phantom Dust, Fable, and Black Tusk/Coalition's new I.P.

We need a Microsoft version of this:




Especially if PG wasn't keeping their shit together during development, and judging by the Eurogamer story, it's looking that way.

Yeah reads as PG took valuable members away during the worst periods and not being able to hit deadlines which resulted in cancellation.

In which case its unfair to call MS the evil ones, as PG would be at fault.
Japanese developers couldn't handle American AAA insane workload and crunch time.

Delay 10 years like FF15 and Last Guardian or Cancel? Cancel this shit. Satya the man in the cloud ain't got time for Spencer's shit.
Both have a huge fanbase unlike Scalebound though.


So where are we on that list of Xbox one exclusives announced on E3 a few years ago?

Two big ones gone from E3 2014. Crackdown remains, although outlook for that does not look good to me. It was suppose to have multiplayer beta last summer.
Both have a huge fanbase unlike Scalebound though.
I would never call fan-base for Ueda games 'big," and Shadow of Colossus is my favourite game. Although we are very vocal, that's for sure.

Salty Hippo

Why because he possibly cancelled a game that looked like shit in every viewing ever for it? If anything he's ending a disaster before it even takes more money that he can use for something else. Nothing is wrong with that but I see your hatred for Xbox so that's fine in your eyes.

Sure, spin this into a "good thing". Whatever makes you sleep at night.

I don't have any hatred whatsoever for Xbox, quite the opposite in fact. I like the brand. I just dislike the people who are currently in charge and are running the division into the ground. If you are an Xbox fan you should feel the same way. Nobody more than myself wishes I was more wrong about Microsoft and Phil Spencer. Nobody.


Heard he took time off for his mental health, yea :-/

Yeesh, the stress of desperately trying to reach development deadlines and the possibility of 4 years of development time going up in smoke has to be soul-shattering.

I could absolutely understand Kamiya taking a significant break.


I will be absolutely furious if this is true! This has been my most anticipated game since they first showed the CG trailer at E3. Wtf is going on... There's been way too many cancellations. Fable Legends/Lionhead closing, Project Knoxville/Press Play closing, Obsidian's RPG (MS has to regret this as Pillars of Eternity turned out to be a smash hit), Phantom Dust getting "different devs" (if it's not at this year's E3, I'm counting it as dead)... Come on MS, you gotta get this under control! :/

This, in addition to Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, and Recore bombing, betray some incredibly poor judgment and mismanagement at MS vis-a-vis exclusive games and studios. Extremely disappointing display from MS.


Shit, this is huge. I don't have an XBO nor am I planning on getting one, but I remember Scalebound having quite a big presence at MS' previous E3 shows. Really weird that it's just gone now, after that.

Damn, guessing this is another mismanagement like the Phantom Dust reboot.
The Phantom Dust reboot was exactly what I thought of when I read this, actually.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Remember this is a publisher so toxic that Bungie took all their royalty money from the immensely successful Halo series and *bought themselves* to get the fuck away from Microsoft. When has that ever happened? This is just 1 example of many.

I'd say that's actually a counter-example. Bungie bought back its independence so it could move beyond Halo, true, however the decision was ultimately Microsoft's to rule on as it owned the studio. There was nothing preventing Microsoft from scoffing at the idea and forcing Halo 4 into production, but instead it agreed to let Bungie return to its independent roots.
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