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Scary movie fans, I saw Ju-On: The Grudge...

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GameFan Alumnus
So about a week ago, I rented the Eye, a Hong Kong horror movie and was pleasantly surprised to find it extremely scary... up there in my top 3 scariest movies of all time. I posted my findings on this board and some of you recommended other movies that were scarier than The Eye. One of those recommendations was the Japanese movie Ju-On: The Grudge.

I finally got around to seeing this movie tonight, and I have to say... "WTF?!" In terms of quantity, the movie had more scares than The Eye, but the story in this movie made no sense at all. Whereas The Eye kept me constantly with a feeling of fear and apprehension for what was next to come, Ju-On left me spooked one minute and scratching my head the next going, "What the hell is going on?" I think if there was a better story holding together Ju-On or it was explained better, it would be the better movie, but right now I'm leaning more towards The Eye for overall fear factor.

I did like a lot of scenes in Ju-On though. It also had excellent use of sounds, and I like how all the scares were low-budget, no special effects needed. Does anybody know if Ju-On 2 is worth seeing? What about other horror movies I should try to be scared? More specifically, imports since I don't think I've seen many of those. Saw The Devil's Backbone on recommendation and that was mildly scary, but somewhat slow in terms of pacing. I plan to rent Dark Water, but I need a region-free DVD player before I can see it. Will be ordering that soon.
"What about other horror movies I should try to be scared? More specifically, imports since I don't think I've seen many of those."

A Tale of 2 Sisters
Sweet Home

Kiyoshi Kurosawa rocks (although the first one isn't his the other 3 are).


GameFan Alumnus




if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ju-on 2 made me crap in my pants... but I am a big wuss when it comes to scary movies.. and I am the first to admit it...
DeadStar said:
Arent they remaking this here?

Yah it's being remade. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, Shimizu is directing it and he also made sure that it was remade in Japan so he'd have his own crew around him.


Another vote of Kurasawa.

But be warned, he trades in a similar kind of dreamy, disjointed narrative that Shimizu does.

Personally, I love the disarmed feeling movies like Kairo and Cure give me thanks to their disregard for crystal clear plot.

El Papa

Juon 2 was pretty good, I was expecting it to suck, but it was probably just as scary as the original to me. I think because I didn't really know what was going on made it more scary for me. I watched 1 & 2 with my Taiwanese friend who watches asian ghost movies all the time, so I really had a better understanding of the whole asian ghost/superstision thing. Like that cats are the closest animal to the spirit realm, ways of trying to get rid of ghosts and why they do some of the things they do. It still didn't explain everything in the two Juon movies, but it helped me understand the premise better. Cool thing is that she works at a chinese video store, so she rents them for free, lets me borrow them or comes over and we watch them, because I'm not going to watch them by myself. I'm gonna tell her to get Kairo and Cure for this weekend! Thanks peeps for the suggestions, keep 'em coming!


Hollywood Square
SolidSnakex said:
Yah it's being remade. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, Shimizu is directing it and he also made sure that it was remade in Japan so he'd have his own crew around him.

I would worry much about it because it stars Sarah Michelle Gellar.
A Tale of Two Sisters is the fav horror movie of all time. I really like how "dreamy" the movies feel and love the art direction.
Fifty said:
I thought Ju-On would be scary, man, what a letdown. Compared to stuff like The Eye, this was nothing.

Well, now I know not to watch Ju-On, considering I found The Eye to be a complete borefest.
I liked The Eye as a movie, but I do not get how that film was scary at all. There's some weird things going on, but if anything, most of it almost seemed more heartwarming (by the end especially) than anything... except, of course, the extremely small amount of jump out scenes. I didn't find it disturbing or scary, honestly.


Yeah sames. I didn't find The Eye to be that scary, it had a few tense moments but I just didn't find myself being really gripped by the story. I sort of lost track of the movie when they were in Thailand, but the ending was actually pretty good, sort of reminded me of the Sixth Sense in a way.
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