explodet said:I'd love to see the protesters that turn out for THIS bill.
Slo said:Fucking Republicans.
Slo said:Fucking Republicans.
maharg said:Should be illegal?
Pimpwerx said:Why the hell do they sign so many stupid bills banning crazy things like this? Yeah, it's fucking sick and gross, but is this something that the legal system needs to be concerned with? Or is there some sort of potential cash cow in the form of necropheliac fine revenue? I really don't get it. PEACE.
"Prosecutors didn't have anything to charge these people with other than breaking and entering. But if they worked in a mortuary in the first place, prosecutors couldn't even charge them with that," Ochoa said.
The state's first attempt to outlaw necrophilia, in response to a case of a man charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl in Southern California, stalled last year in a legislative committee.
Gribbix said:From the link:
XMonkey said:"stalled last year in a legislative committee. "
Who the fuck would be against this.
A law making necrophilia a crime was brought before the state Legislature last year in response to another case in San Bernardino, where a man was charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl. In response to that case, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, R-Lancaster, introduced a bill that would have made necrophilia a felony crime punishable by up to eight years in prison.
The bill was killed in the state Senate's Public Safety Committee because members hesitated at making necrophilia a felony and therefore eligible for California's controversial three-strikes law, according to Runner's office.
CVXFREAK said:Sometimes I wonder why the hell earth still exists.
XMonkey said:"stalled last year in a legislative committee. "
Who the fuck would be against this.
Yes, yes you will.AniHawk said:I'm going to be a virgin forever!
...or will I?
Koshiro said:My name's Buck.
:lol :lol :lolopen_mouth_ said:
AniHawk said:I'm going to be a virgin forever!
...or am I?
It's not like this law would have made this man go to jail, what with ex post facto and all.A law making necrophilia a crime was brought before the state Legislature last year in response to another case in San Bernardino, where a man was charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl. In response to that case, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, R-Lancaster, introduced a bill that would have made necrophilia a felony crime punishable by up to eight years in prison.
Maybe. But now they can't do it repeatedly.Diablos said:Hey! Way to go ahhnold, our economy sucks, our president sucks, a lot of social issues suck but MAN I am so happy that you put a ban on fucking corpses. :rolleyes
People that sick are going to most likely do it ANYWAY...
I'm having a hard time figuring out how someone could possibly argue this without jeopardizing their political careers. In order to say that making necrophilia a felony would be a problem for the three strikes law, you'd have to basically say, "hey, it's not that bad." Crazy.The bill was killed in the state Senate's Public Safety Committee because members hesitated at making necrophilia a felony and therefore eligible for California's controversial three-strikes law, according to Runner's office.
Hitokage said:Dead people can't offer informed consent. As long as they didn't waste much time debating this bill, and as long as the bill does nothing but ban necrophilic sex... more power to them.
But yeah, I can see some debate going on just what punishment to give for it.
Certainly, but how much? IMO, they should just copy over normal sex offender penalties and tweak them slightly.Jonny said:seriously, imo, if you are out having sex with corpses, some jailtime sounds quite appropriate.
Jonny said:seriously, imo, if you are out having sex with corpses, some jailtime sounds quite appropriate.
What about the victim's family? I don't think a simple fine and sex offender title really does much for either justice or to deter the act much.ShadowRed said:Why, who are they hurting?
Dan said:What about the victim's family? I don't think a simple fine and sex offender title really does much for either justice or to deter the act much.
Sir Willoughby said:It's not just about digging up a body and going at-it. It's also about having one more charge to bring up on those that murder and then have sex with victim. More time to serve,one more strike to life-without. How can any sane and rational person have a problem with this.
ShadowRed said:Bullshit, they are not physically hurting the family. Throwing someone in jail because they hurt someone feelings is bullshit.
The Shadow said:Don't you ever get tired of making the dumbest arguments in a thread?
WTF are you talking about? How is it dumb? Throwing people in jail because someone did nothing too physically or monetarily harm another person is bullshit.