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SCOTUS backs man who's lawyers argued because he is black he's more dangerous

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Im really confused. Someone dumb it down for stupid people like me.

A person's own defense lawyers introduced evidence at his sentencing that said because he was black, he was more dangerous and thus deserves the death penalty.

His. Own. Defense. Lawyers.

The SCOTUS ruled in favor of person on death row,, ruling that his previous lawyers did in fact "demonstrated both ineffective assistance of counsel".


The whole 'Uncle Tom' thing or whatever you wanna call it, is completely new to me. I figured a black man, especially one so familiar with the workings of the law would be more receptive to the idea that justice isn't as entirely 'blind' as it should be.

But then again, I'm not American.
He's a hypocritical piece of shit.
Thomas is a complete disgrace. Utterly loathed by every black man and woman who comes across him.

Basically the black Scalia. Completely despicable human being and an AWFUL Justice.
Scalia is better than him.


The whole 'Uncle Tom' thing or whatever you wanna call it, is completely new to me. I figured a black man, especially one so familiar with the workings of the law would be more receptive to the idea that justice isn't as entirely 'blind' as it should be.

But then again, I'm not American.

There are a certain contingent of us who think they are "one of the good ones" and parrot white racism.
Shit started 400 years ago on the plantation.

This winner is a perfect example of this mentality:



Crossing my fingers that Gorsuch is better than these justices.

This story is really pretty disgusting on many fronts.
The psychologist, Walter Quijano, had been called by the defense, and he testified that he did not believe Mr. Buck would be dangerous in the future. But on cross-examination, the prosecutor asked Dr. Quijano more detailed questions about the factors used to determine whether Mr. Buck might be a danger later in life.

”You have determined that the sex factor, that a male is more violent than a female because that's just the way it is, and that the race factor, black, increases the future dangerousness for various complicated reasons," the prosecutor asked Dr. Quijano. ”Is that correct?"

”Yes," the psychologist replied.



Sean C

How come this man's defense at eys were trying to get him executed? How do you pitch that to your client as a strategy?

Or did I miss something?

It's a bit more complicated than that.

The defense introduced an expert to argue that the accused was unlikely to offend again, which he did. But in the course of making that argument, the expert said that one of the factors weighing against the defendant was that he was black and thus statistically more likely to be violent.

Texas already allowed resentencing in all of the other cases where the expert made this claim, as in the others it was the prosecution that called him. But they objected in this case because the expert had been called by the defense.


This the second time in the past year Thomas was on the dissenting side of a ruling that found racial bias played a major role in a black man's conviction.

Last time he was the sole dissenting vote in a 7-1 decision that found "overwhelming evidence of racial bias" that even Alito signed onto.


A person's own defense lawyers introduced evidence at his sentencing that said because he was black, he was more dangerous and thus deserves the death penalty.

His. Own. Defense. Lawyers.

The SCOTUS ruled in favor of person on death row,, ruling that his previous lawyers did in fact "demonstrated both ineffective assistance of counsel".

Thank you,
I literally couldn't make head or tail from the OP and the title.


A person's own defense lawyers introduced evidence at his sentencing that said because he was black, he was more dangerous and thus deserves the death penalty.

His. Own. Defense. Lawyers.

No, they didn't, or at least not like you're framing it. The defense lawyers did not introduce any evidence with the intent to demonstrate that being black makes a person more dangerous. Rather, called a psychologist as a witness to testify that the defendant was not a future danger, which he did. The fact that fact that the psychologist claimed that the fact the defendant was black made him more likely to be dangerous came up in cross examination by the prosecutor.

The basis of the ineffective assistance claim was that the psychologist had made the same claim in his written report that defense counsel had available to them and they called him to testify in court anyway.


Reading this makes it seem like the defense intentionally "poisoned" the establishment of "future dangerousness" in order to get their client out of the death penalty.


Yeah that's what I'm getting. Dude is a cold blooded murderer, no question about that. The National Black Law Students Association took this case to present the case in this exact way to receive this decision.


How the hell do Alito/Thomas justify their dissent?

There are a lot of procedural issues in the case, but the substance of their point on the merits is that the witnesses's racist comments couldn't have prejudiced the jury that sentenced him to death due to the relative heinousness of defendant's crime.

For the record, the defendant broke into his ex-girlfriend's home and shot her in front of her children while they begged for her life.
There are a certain contingent of us who think they are "one of the good ones" and parrot white racism.
Shit started 400 years ago on the plantation.

This winner is a perfect example of this mentality:

My god.

I know Clarke is a giant piece of shit. A giant, festering piece of trash. And somehow, he finds new ways to surprise me. Like, he WORKS on that. He tries his hardest to be the biggest fucking shitstain he can possibly be. It's almost impressive.
Was the defense lawyer Nicolas Cage?

"I've got an idea. It's kind of... wacky."

actual movie line from The Trust, yes

I guess it worked? I don't know? Help? Fuck Texas?
edit: oh, just fuck the "expert", upon reading above posts.


Here's a better summary.


When a Texas jury was deciding whether to sentence Duane Buck to death for the 1995 murders of his former girlfriend and another man, the key question in their deliberations was whether Buck was likely to be violent in the future. Buck's attorney put Dr. Walter Quijano, a psychologist, on the stand, where Quijano testified, among other things, that Buck's race – he is black – made him statistically more likely to commit violent acts. After two days of deliberations, the jury concluded that Buck should be executed for his crimes. Today, over 20 years later, six justices of the U.S. Supreme Court described the prospect that Buck ”may have been sentenced to death in part because of his race" as ”a disturbing departure from a basic premise of our criminal justice system." But Buck's case is not entirely over; rather, the justices sent the case back to the lower courts for additional proceedings that are likely to lead to a new sentencing hearing.

After Buck was sentenced to death, his case plunged into what Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, characterized as a ”labyrinth" of appeals and post-conviction proceedings. Things seemed to improve for Buck in 2000, though, when Texas filed a brief in which it urged the Supreme Court to send the case of death row inmate Victor Hugo Saldano, in which Quijano had testified that the defendant's race – he was Hispanic – ”was a factor weighing in the favor of future dangerousness," back to the lower courts. The state told the justices in that case that ”the infusion of race as a factor for the jury to weigh in making its determination violated his constitutional right to be sentenced without regard to the color of his skin." A few days later, John Cornyn – then the Texas attorney general – issued a statement in which he decried the use of race in sentencing and identified as similar to Saldano's six other cases, including Buck's, in which Quijano had testified.

In contrast to its treatment of the other five cases identified by Cornyn, the state never agreed to allow Buck to be resentenced. That prompted Buck to return to federal court, where he would eventually argue that his case should be reopened under a federal rule that allows a federal district court to revisit an earlier ruling in cases of newly discovered evidence, fraud, and ”any other reason that justifies relief." The district court declined to do so, concluding that Buck's case did not involve the kind of ”extraordinary circumstances" required to reopen the ruling against him. In particular, it emphasized, even if Buck's trial lawyers should not have called Quijano to testify, that testimony likely had only a minimal effect on the jury's decision to sentence Buck to death. The district court also denied Buck's application for a certificate of appealability – a threshold requirement for appealing a final decision by a federal post-conviction court – and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit did the same.

As the case came to the Supreme Court, it involved only the technical question whether the 5th Circuit had used the right test to decide whether to give Buck a certificate of appealability. That inquiry, the court emphasized today, does not hinge on whether an inmate's arguments are correct. Instead, the court stressed, the question is whether judges could reasonably disagree about the merits of the inmate's claims. But because the 5th Circuit had ”essentially decid[ed] the case on the merits" before rejecting Buck's application for a COA, and because both sides had ”essentially briefed and argued the underlying merits at length," the court opted to look at the merits of Buck's claims as well.

The court began with Buck's argument that his lawyer's decision to put Quijano on the stand violated Buck's constitutional right to the effective assistance of an attorney. The district court agreed with Buck that his attorney should not have allowed Quijano to testify, and the majority today reiterated that point: ”No competent defense attorney," Roberts wrote, ”would introduce such evidence about his own client."

But the majority rejected the district court's conclusion that the choice to have Quijano testify likely did not make a difference. The court acknowledged that Quijano had only referred to Buck's race twice, but it did not find that fact dispositive. ”When a jury hears expert testimony that expressly makes a defendant's race directly pertinent on the question of life or death," the court reasoned, ”the impact of that evidence cannot be measured simply by how much air time it received at trial or how many pages it occupied in the record." ”Some toxins," the court pointed out, ”can be deadly in small doses."

The court then turned to the district court's holding that Buck had not shown the kind of ”extraordinary circumstances" that would justify reopening his case. That ruling, the court suggested, rested ”in large measure" on the district court's conclusion that race did not have any real impact on the jury's decision to sentence Buck to death – a conclusion with which the majority did not agree. The possibility that ”Buck may have been sentenced to death because of his race," combined with the ”remarkable steps" that Texas took in the other, similar cases in which Quijano had testified, the court determined, entitled Buck to have the judgment against him lifted.

Justice Clarence Thomas dissented from the court's ruling, in a 12-page opinion that was joined by Justice Samuel Alito. Among other things, Thomas disputed the majority's conclusion that the jury might have reached a different verdict without Quijano's testimony before it, describing ”the prosecution's evidence of both the heinousness of" Buck's crime ”and his complete lack of remorse" as ”overwhelming." But Thomas' primary complaint about the majority's opinion was the extent to which its ”single-minded focus on according relief" to Buck led it to ”bulldoze obstacles" ”to justify it." The only silver lining, in Thomas' view, was that the unique facts of the case are unlikely to occur again, so that the broader impact of today's decision will be limited.

Today's decision appears to leave relatively little for the lower courts to do when Buck's case returns there: The court closed by indicating that Buck had shown both that his trial lawyer was constitutionally inadequate and that the judgment against him should be reopened. In his dissent, however, Thomas suggested that the ruling ”does not require the lower courts to reflexively accord relief to" Buck on remand, and that Buck will have to show next that his state post-conviction lawyer should have argued that his trial lawyer was constitutionally inadequate. Either way, today's ruling was a major victory for Buck.

Opinion https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/16pdf/15-8049_f2ah.pdf


Uhhhh WTF?!?!?! The dude's own lawyers argued AND introduced evidence that he's expected to be dangerous in the future simply because he's black????

This seriously has me scratching my head.
The whole 'Uncle Tom' thing or whatever you wanna call it, is completely new to me. I figured a black man, especially one so familiar with the workings of the law would be more receptive to the idea that justice isn't as entirely 'blind' as it should be.

But then again, I'm not American.

Watch Sheriff Clarke speak on Youtube. Some of these black people speak up for White Supremacy. They are the black versions of Milo.
Not surprised Clarence Thomas is still bending over backwards for his conservative masters pretending racism doesn't exist unless he can use it for his benefit.


No, they didn't, or at least not like you're framing it. The defense lawyers did not introduce any evidence with the intent to demonstrate that being black makes a person more dangerous. Rather, called a psychologist as a witness to testify that the defendant was not a future danger, which he did. The fact that fact that the psychologist claimed that the fact the defendant was black made him more likely to be dangerous came up in cross examination by the prosecutor.

The basis of the ineffective assistance claim was that the psychologist had made the same claim in his written report that defense counsel had available to them and they called him to testify in court anyway.

There are a lot of procedural issues in the case, but the substance of their point on the merits is that the witnesses's racist comments couldn't have prejudiced the jury that sentenced him to death due to the relative heinousness of defendant's crime.

For the record, the defendant broke into his ex-girlfriend's home and shot her in front of her children while they begged for her life.

And the twists keep coming. I could get why the dissent exists in this context. Reading that part where others were her children were begging for her life boils me over.


When a Texas jury was deciding whether to sentence Duane Buck to death for the 1995 murders of his former girlfriend and another man, the key question in their deliberations was whether Buck was likely to be violent in the future.

If I'm understanding this summary correctly the death penalty on Texas hinges on the idea of a person being predisposed to doing murder again and again. This was clearly a crime of passion and the final ruling is correct that the previous defense lawyers made a shitty arrest. Clarence and Alito are basically saying it's ok to convict even if the circumstances don't match the intent of the law. I've never been a fan of ignoring the intent behind a law even if you could weasel your way around it be using alternative interpretations of a few key words.
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