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Scream Queens |OT|


Tears in the rain
Man this is awful. It was going so well up until this last episode.

I think it's utterly perfect and brilliant. I was so sure it was Grace hahaha. Hester and Chanel No5 were my runners ups, but I am still slack-jawed at the stupidity and fun on display. This is amazing hahaha.


Tears in the rain
I'm a bit disappointed that Hester never killed anyone except Pete. It was Boone the entire time. I thought the final Red Devil would be the biggest killer of all. But no, Boone killed everyone except 2 people.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So, the question must be asked: Now that the season is done, where do you guys sit on Scream Queens?

And would you watch Summer Camp if that actually goes through?
I've loved almost every episode, but didn't enjoy this finale. Grace's dad and the dean was amazing, but the complete lack of tension combined with the lack of laughs in the second hour just bored me.


Tears in the rain
Goddamn it's brilliant. Pete as the Red Devil is unexpected because he was innocent at first. But from what Hester said...fuck he was basically the Devil from Ep2 and up. That's one hell of a fucking plot twist. I don't think anyone saw it coming.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I've loved the series overall, but not a great fan of the finale. Some good-great bits here and there, but a bit of a fumble for me. Not really interested in a continuation of the series without the Chanels, to be honest. Grace was the worst thing about the show, Zayday might as well have not been there, and Hester was only fun when she was completely over the top.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Goddamn it's brilliant. Pete as the Red Devil is unexpected because he was innocent at first. But from what Hester said...fuck he was basically the Devil from Ep2 and up. That's one hell of a fucking plot twist. I don't think anyone saw it coming.

It's who I was expecting since episode 4, wrote on why a few weeks ago here:

This episode was very good, in a number of ways actually. In general, I've enjoyed this ride for the over-the-top dumb series it is.

Killer has to be #5 or Pete. I feel #5 might be the lampshade suspect left, so my actual suspicions go towards Pete.

#1: Yes, the, "Let's remove those breasts!," comment from GiGi before the Red Devil killed her was more than a little suspicious. I'm in camp, "We're going reverse Sleep Away Camp."

#2: Pete was one of the first people who was casted suspicion and then quickly, and kind of non-conclusively. Likely the whole, "Early dismissed suspect is the killer," deal.

#3: I'm not putting it past this show to not go with Pete creepily and incestuously being in love with his sister.

#4: Pete is the only person we know that owns a Red Devil costume. They passed it off as nothing, but this show seems like the twist is going to be somewhat hinted by the obvious things, going by how Boon was one of the two.

#5: In the first episode he said he was investigating the Kappa House for a while, and he has known a LOT about the house. Yet, no one has ever questioned how or why he knows so much about the Kappa House specifically, outside of a passing making moves on Chanel comment.

#6: Have you SEEN how many times the series has lingered on Pete making creepy faces before transitioning scenes?

#7: One kill that has bothered me the whole series was the older Kappa member in the trailer. They could of killed her any time, she has apparently been there for years, but it's Pete who goes digs up where she is, and only Grace and Pete know that they went to see her. Yet the very night they go to see her, she gets murdered.

#8: Coney was killed. Who was Coney? The new school mascot. Coney is the only out-of-line death in the series so far. Who is Pete? The old Red Devil Mascot of the school. Who would be the only person who would resent to randomly off Coney? The old school mascot.

There's more bis and pieces, but I seriously think it's Pete. Not to mention with Grace's self-importance dramatic stance, Pete out of everyone in Kappa would be the most dramatic to her to be the killer, as it's who she's been working with the whole series.

(some of that didn't fall through but some of my reasons for suspicion, especially the last few, were justified it seems.)

On-top of this, in the Ghost Stories episode, in the scene where they're telling the ghost story of the woman driving home with the killer in the backseat, the song playing on the radio is literally singing about, "Butcher Pete." And how he, "Kills all the women meat."

But I thought he was the sibling, not he took up the role, though that fits with the theory some had someone else became the killer when the killings started.


So #5 wanted to kill them for being evil/supporting the system that caused her birth circumstances..

.. but was ok with Grace and Zayday agreeing to kill Dean Munch?

Sure Grace changed her mind but Zayday was still convinced and was left unscathed?


So #5 wanted to kill them for being evil/supporting the system that caused her birth circumstances..

.. but was ok with Grace and Zayday agreeing to kill Dean Munch?

Sure Grace changed her mind but Zayday was still convinced and was left unscathed?

Grace and Zayday wanted to kill Munsch because they thought she was the killer, and she was also a horrible person anyway.

They were nice to Hester


Tears in the rain
It's who I was expecting since episode 4, wrote on why a few weeks ago here:

Well I sure didn't see it coming haha. Bravo. Seriously I never truly suspected Pete. But I expected that the female baby was the other main killer. I didn't think that Boone AND Pete were the Red Devil murderers all along. We were so hung up on the sister, that we thought about every girl's whereabouts during the killings haha...Except we weren't looking at the right place.


Seeing Chanel #3 with the actual earbuns instead of the head phones was the icing on this awesome cake of a series.

Really enjoyed the finale and the series as a whole. Hopefully they make another and its at least as half as good as this was. To be deprived of more #3 and Emma Roberts would be just too much to handle.


Have to admit I was a bit let down that it ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger. It felt anti-climatic and wasn't quite the bang I was expecting but then again, the show has always been subverting expectations.

At least Chad got some screen time and a hilarious last laugh in the memorial. The show's zaniness and tongue-in-cheek characters is what keeps it going. If there's a Season 2 and the remaining Chanels are killed off, it's going to be a bit of let down going forward. I have faith it'll be good either way if it keeps the self-awareness and ridiculousness. Gotta wonder if they're gonna wrap up the Red Devil half way through a Season 2 and introduce a new masked killer in the second half.
Have to admit I was a bit let down that it ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger. It felt anti-climatic and wasn't quite the bang I was expecting but then again, the show has always been subverting expectations.

At least Chad got some screen time and a hilarious last laugh in the memorial. The show's zaniness and tongue-in-cheek characters is what keeps it going. If there's a Season 2 and the remaining Chanels are killed off, it's going to be a bit of let down going forward. I have faith it'll be good either way if it keeps the self-awareness and ridiculousness. Gotta wonder if they're gonna wrap up the Red Devil half way through a Season 2 and introduce a new masked killer in the second half.


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh yeah, the summercamp stuff you guys have been talking about! Interesting. I expect plenty of Friday the 13th references and a Jaws reference.

The things we know if a second season happens is that it will be summer camp themed, and the main cast will be more varied in age... The said summer camp would include things like tweens, adult consumers, and the like as part of the camp roster. And we know a few survivors from the first season would be in it as well, at the very least four of them.


The things we know if a second season happens is that it will be summer camp themed, and the main cast will be more varied in age... The said summer camp would include things like tweens, adult consumers, and the like as part of the camp roster. And we know a few survivors from the first season would be in it as well, at the very least four of them.

I'd assume the returning cast would be counselors for the camp. More Chanel and Chad would be great.


I'd assume the returning cast would be counselors for the camp. More Chanel and Chad would be great.
This is what I'm assuming as well which would be fitting for the setting since it would set up some hilarious rivalries and prank scenarios. And Jamie Lee Curtis has been hilarious so hopefully she returns to be a foil.


Well, all of the characters I wanted to survive, did survive, so I suppose I'm satisfied. It would have really bothered me that the real killer didn't get brought to justice, but that last exchange between Hester and Dean Munsch is worth Hester getting away with it.

Pity about Sadie ending up in an asylum along with the other Chanels, but at least she seems okay with it. I would have thought that at least her rich-guy-who-thinks-he's-her-father would have bribed her out of it, though. Maybe she didn't bother asking him.

But that last scene... definitely a poor note to end the season on. I hate it when horror movies play that trope, and I'm not happy about it here. But at least it confirms once and for all that Chanel was the main character, since that sort of thing only ever happens to the main character.

Notes for the next season: More Chad Radwell. I don't know how you can possibly justify someone as rich as him having any involvement in a summer camp, but there needs to be more of him.


Pity about Sadie ending up in an asylum along with the other Chanels, but at least she seems okay with it. I would have thought that at least her rich-guy-who-thinks-he's-her-father would have bribed her out of it, though. Maybe she didn't bother asking him.

After Thanksgiving she wanted nothing to do with her family.
I totally fucked up tonight.. I watched 13 before 12 due to me thinking 12 was last week episode...

No wonder I was mad at the way they reveal the killer in episode 13
Ep 12 was the best of the series and 13 one of the worst (while still entertaining), but the whole reveal while funny killed any tension for the episode. I'd have been ok if it wasn't for that cliffhanger button as the whole court room scene on was hilarious and I kinda liked that the Chanels looked like they were going to get a happy ending of sorts. The button is lame in most horror movies that play it straight it's worse in horror movies that are so brutally self-aware.

Though as I typed this I'm kinda ok with revealing Hester the way they did because she was so obviously the killer that that was literally the only thing that made people guess anyone else, so having her just monologue it is kinda cool because a shock reveal would have been a lame well duh sort of thing.

I think the biggest issue I have is that the two honestly lamest boring characters ended up being just that lame and boring. Neither Zayday or Grace did anything remotely entertaining and them having some sort of darkside would have been the only thing to make them worth it. Especially if they become our main characters for season 2 (That may never happen, all the more reason that button on the end is fucking lame, though I suppose that can easily be undone in season 2).

All the Pete stuff was fucking brilliant though. As were all the Hester flashbacks.

Also needed more Chad Radwell.

Also it's funny for a show that promised a death per episode the finale was super bloodless (honestly did anyone actually die other than the cut to black maybe kill of Chanel Oberlin?) and in the end none of the actual main cast died, like none of them. Not even the Dean or Grace's Dad, nobody we actually spent any real time with actually fucking died.

Weird finale in that I can't hate it because it was hilarious but that I can't love it because it was largely unsatisfying.

Plus who actually killed Gigi (they made it sounds like Hester only killed Pete) but maybe she meant specifically on the memorial.

Highlight was Chanel #3 just immediately accepting that she had a split personality with a ridiculous name, totally explains why she just believed Boone was a ghost. Other highlight was the reveal that even Neckbrace Hester was a character, the behaviour shift when Hester was her real self and not either Chanel #6 or Neckbrace was beautiful acting. I dug that a lit and made her being the killer more enjoyable. I like that she turns out to be kinda brilliant instead of just crazy

In the end great series and nothing the finale did made the rest of it not worth it and I think maybe even rewatching the series with that ending in mind will make me enjoy the finale more. I guess I was just expecting something a little bit more batshit.
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