watDisappointing. The industry railroaded him into doing what he did, rewarded him, and now shames him??!
I'm drunk too.Disappointing. The industry railroaded him into doing what he did, rewarded him, and now shames him??!
I don’t know why would they even put YouTubers as NPC in the first place?
Censorship is not a good idea. Just live with the decision to include him in the game in the first place.
I already dont like the idea putting Hollywood celebrities in video games let alone youtubers. I personally find it super cringy and just takes me out of the experience.Seriously. I guess it guarantees at least 1 shill video and if they have a huge audience it could be worth it. It just feels lame to me. Like imagine fuckin Markiplier popping up in a Tarantino movie.
Deleting a part of a digital product people have already bought falls in the domain of censorship. I wrote nothing about speech.Having him in the game isn't "speech" so how is removing him censorship?
Having him in the game isn't "speech" so how is removing him censorship?
Disappointing. The industry railroaded him into doing what he did, rewarded him, and now shames him??!
Having him in the game isn't "speech" so how is removing him censorship?
As shit as the bloke is I do personally stand withCensorship is not a good idea. Just live with the decision to include him in the game in the first place.
Deleting a part of a digital product people have already bought falls in the domain of censorship. I wrote nothing about speech.
The complete (hah!) edition of this game is now the physical unpatched version.
A man after my own heart. Hats off to ya gent.The thing I hate about assholes like this guy is their bullshit encourages other assholes to get up on their soapboxes and brag about why they don’t give nothing to help others out. Like they ever did in the first place. This fuckin scumbag should be dragged. He’s a fuckin lowlife. That doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t be helping out in whatever ways we can. You don’t hafta donate cash. You can donate your skills. You can help a charity out in ways that reward you and them. It doesn’t hafta be a one way street. I work in the local soup kitchen a couple of times a month. It ain’t much but it helps them and it makes me feel good doing something that benefits our community. All I’m saying is you don’t hafta spend money you don’t have or make some big sacrifice to help people in your area. Go find a local charity your interested in and give them a hand.
What did you mean by this? Were you joking? Genuinely curious.Disappointing. The industry railroaded him into doing what he did, rewarded him, and now shames him??!
it's not "censorship" because it is the devs removing this character from their own game. I assume that you believe that people should have some control over their own artistic works, and that is all this is. Plus, Jirard didn't have a speech platform in the game - he was literally a character speaking lines that were written by the devs. He is not being silenced.Is content being changed or removed for reasons related to subjective moral, political, or religious values? If yes, that's censorship.
This particular case is actually pretty debatable though, especially with the developer specifically saying "it is not our place to pass judgement." No one is leading the cause to protect scam charities here, so it's not a subjective moral disagreement. It's more a matter of some people wanting to see more evidence and for him to have his day in court. That's not exactly a moral judgement, so this isn't exactly censorship.
I guess I agree with you that this isn't censorship, but I have a different way that I reached that conclusion.
What did you mean by this? Were you joking? Genuinely curious.
This, 100%.Simple as this, don't add influencers in games.
I think their gripe is more with people pretending to be nice in front of a camera but then being shitty behind it. I agree with the rest of your rant though.The thing I hate about assholes like this guy is their bullshit encourages other assholes to get up on their soapboxes and brag about why they don’t give nothing to help others out.
If Jirard's response wasn't so atrocious, I don't think they would have done this.
But his attitude towards being called out and doubling down on lies made the situation worse.
I think if he just makes the style of videos he's known for, he'll get by for sure, despite having lost some subscribers.I agree.
Anyway, i think this news is going to hit Jirard hard. Being in the game was extremely special to him. Not only did he loved their previous game, but Sabotage's choice of genres and inspiration for their games resonated with him too. Seeing himself in the game was super emotional given that he kickstarted the game but forgot (i know) to fill out the form to be immortalized as a statue in the game as a thank you to the backers. It's funny cause he says he always forgets to do that stuff...
A part of me thinks this news could possibly make him stop doing youtube altogether. After all, this is a developer he loves and fully respects. To see them do this is going to devastate him.
Is content being changed or removed for reasons related to subjective moral, political, or religious values? If yes, that's censorship.
This particular case is actually pretty debatable though, especially with the developer specifically saying "it is not our place to pass judgement." No one is leading the cause to protect scam charities here, so it's not a subjective moral disagreement. It's more a matter of some people wanting to see more evidence and for him to have his day in court. That's not exactly a moral judgement, so this isn't exactly censorship.
I guess I agree with you that this isn't censorship, but I have a different way that I reached that conclusion.
No once it's shipped that should be it unless it's new content or fixes. Imagine they do this to a whole quest because some thin skinned special identity/interest group throws a hissy fit on x/Twitter or what not. I can see that shit coming. Don't change the past as it's part of the product.Err, it's their game. That's not censorship.
That's editing.
Bro .. the industry didn't lead him to scam charities.
You forgot this. /sThe industry spent 30 odd years filling his mind with crime simulators like Grand Theft Automobile and murder simulators like Mortal Combat and Call of Duty, then it waves its toys in his face “you can’t afford me, I am so much fun nya nya nya” and you have the absolute GALL to tell me the industry didn’t lead him to scam charities?
The industry spent 30 odd years filling his mind with crime simulators like Grand Theft Automobile and murder simulators like Mortal Combat and Call of Duty, then it waves its toys in his face “you can’t afford me, I am so much fun nya nya nya” and you have the absolute GALL to tell me the industry didn’t lead him to scam charities?
Again, I don't think the situation with Jirard was censorship, for the reasons I mentioned above.it's not "censorship" because it is the devs removing this character from their own game. I assume that you believe that people should have some control over their own artistic works, and that is all this is. Plus, Jirard didn't have a speech platform in the game - he was literally a character speaking lines that were written by the devs. He is not being silenced.
Censorship would be YouTube removing him from the platform.