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PAX is dope, man. You're going to have a blast. Yes, there will be lines and lots of them, but when you're surrounded by people with mutual interests it's really not all that bad. I've made a number of new friends in line each year.

Besides that, there's plenty of things to do outside of the expo floor. The free play rooms are great. Tabletop (if you're into that) is fantastic. The panels are fun. The after-parties are typically fantastic. Oh and it's traditionally one of the nicest weekends a year here in Seattle. It's a great time, dude. You'll be glad you showed up.


Wife and I love PAX, it's madness.

Was at the Mariners game last night.

Pro tip: don't buy Hit It Here Cafe tickets unless you aren't interested in eating or drinking anything in a timely fashion. Their food is some of the worst in the stadium and good luck even getting it. Was the 3rd inning before we got our first drink, then ordered a pizza which we asked about several times and never showed up. An hour and a half later I got up to complain only to find an entire table of their drunk employees...eating pizza. Lol
Hey Seattle GAF strong possibility I may be moving out there at the end of summer. Two questions:
1) I'm sort of tired paying out the ass for rent (long time NYC/NJ resident) Any nice affordable areas outside of Seattle proper to look at with an easy commute?
2) Any bad areas to avoid when looking for apartments?

BTW, any east coast transplants here? Wonder your thoughts on life over there.
What is your definition of affordable?

Also, our public transportation is an absolute joke compared to where you live.

Well previously in NYC I was paying $2000/mo and had to pay for all utilities now in NJ I'm paying $1400 with everything included (not bad tbh). Don't want to go over that really. I see lots of places under that on the outskirts of Seattle on craigslist, just not sure what are the best areas to look in or to avoid.
Well previously in NYC I was paying $2000/mo and had to pay for all utilities now in NJ I'm paying $1400 with everything included (not bad tbh). Don't want to go over that really. I see lots of places under that on the outskirts of Seattle on craigslist, just not sure what are the best areas to look in or to avoid.

Name some places, and I'll tell you. Born and raised native.
I was looking at Shoreline, Lynnwood, Burien, Renton, Federal Way to name some. They all seemed relatively close. Not sure where else to look

Shoreline and Lynnwood are north of Seattle. Burien and Federal Way are south of the city. They're all pretty much the suburbs but right along the I-5 corridor.
Shoreline and Lynnwood are north of Seattle. Burien and Federal Way are south of the city. They're all pretty much the suburbs but right along the I-5 corridor.

So are they decent areas? That is my main concern. I mean I'm guessing (going by google street view) you guys don't have bad areas like we have here.


So are they decent areas? That is my main concern. I mean I'm guessing (going by google street view) you guys don't have bad areas like we have here.
If you live in Federal Way there is 100% chance you'll get killed by a serial killer.

But seriously, those places are not generally super sketchy (most certainly by NYC/NJ standard) , but they're not really great either, and you can't really rely on public transportation (I mean, it's possible, but it's going to be fucking terrible).
I'm from the South King county suburbs in Auburn, just down the hill from Federal Way. I had a great upbringing but I'd never move back.

You should come visit before deciding on somewhere.


Shoreline is the closest to the city among the one's you listed, also probably the nicest. Although still plenty of property crime.


Burien is improving. I still wouldnt leave Seattle to live there, but it's better than it used to be.

I just like Shoreline's proximity to things; I don't know as much about Burien though.

Shoreline has Northgate 5 minues away with multiple routes.

Ballard / Fremont via either 99 or Greenwood->Holman is quick.

U-district via I-5 or 15th, or Lake City -> 25th, or 35th.

Queen Anne via 99 is fast.

Greenlake is right there.. tons of routes to it.

You can get downtown from multiple routes; 99 / I-5 are the obvious one's.. but can also get there via 15th->Roosevelt. That route can also take you to Capitol Hill fairly easily.

And Alderwood Mall is nice as far as malls go, and only there are a lot of backroad routes there.

I'm fairly ignorant about Burien, but I feel like there isn't much between Burien and downtown Seattle. West Seattle might be convenient to get to though. And the airport obviously; but living near an airport is a give and take lol.
I just like Shoreline's proximity to things; I don't know as much about Burien though.

Shoreline has Northgate 5 minues away with multiple routes.

Ballard / Fremont via either 99 or Greenwood->Holman is quick.

U-district via I-5 or 15th, or Lake City -> 25th, or 35th.

Queen Anne via 99 is fast.

You can get downtown from multiple routes; 99 / I-5 are the obvious one's.. but can also get there via 15th->Roosevelt. That route can also take you to Capitol Hill fairly easily.

And Alderwood Mall is nice as far as malls go, and only there are a lot of backroad routes there.

I'm fairly ignorant about Burien, but I feel like there isn't much between Burien and downtown Seattle. West Seattle might be convenient to get to though. And the airport obviously; but living near an airport is a give and take lol.

White Center and West Seattle aren't far. If you can't afford the city and want a little more house it's not terrible. Friends of mine have a nice place in Normandy Park down that way.

Still not gonna sell my house in Green Lake and move there or anything.


I was looking at Shoreline, Lynnwood, Burien, Renton, Federal Way to name some. They all seemed relatively close. Not sure where else to look

Renton and Federal Way are pretty sketchy. I wouldn't live in either. Burien a little less so. Lynnwood is okay but it would be a terrible commute (if you work in Seattle). Shoreline is probably the best option of the ones you mentioned. In general, the north suburbs are nicer than the south ones. You'll probably need a car if you live in any of these areas as our public transit isn't great.


Another day of Agua Verde kayaking.

Another incredible biscuit which solidifies my opinion that they have the best biscuits every.


Yes! I've never actually been there for lunch/dinner. Just grab a quick breakfast at their window which opens early long before the restaurant.

Not even their fancy breakfast biscuit, just the plain one.

So freaking good.
Name some places, and I'll tell you. Born and raised native.

Shoreline and Lynnwood are north of Seattle. Burien and Federal Way are south of the city. They're all pretty much the suburbs but right along the I-5 corridor.

If you live in Federal Way there is 100% chance you'll get killed by a serial killer.

But seriously, those places are not generally super sketchy (most certainly by NYC/NJ standard) , but they're not really great either, and you can't really rely on public transportation (I mean, it's possible, but it's going to be fucking terrible).

I just like Shoreline's proximity to things; I don't know as much about Burien though.

Shoreline has Northgate 5 minues away with multiple routes.

Ballard / Fremont via either 99 or Greenwood->Holman is quick.

U-district via I-5 or 15th, or Lake City -> 25th, or 35th.

Queen Anne via 99 is fast.

Greenlake is right there.. tons of routes to it.

You can get downtown from multiple routes; 99 / I-5 are the obvious one's.. but can also get there via 15th->Roosevelt. That route can also take you to Capitol Hill fairly easily.

And Alderwood Mall is nice as far as malls go, and only there are a lot of backroad routes there.

I'm fairly ignorant about Burien, but I feel like there isn't much between Burien and downtown Seattle. West Seattle might be convenient to get to though. And the airport obviously; but living near an airport is a give and take lol.

Renton and Federal Way are pretty sketchy. I wouldn't live in either. Burien a little less so. Lynnwood is okay but it would be a terrible commute (if you work in Seattle). Shoreline is probably the best option of the ones you mentioned. In general, the north suburbs are nicer than the south ones. You'll probably need a car if you live in any of these areas as our public transit isn't great.

Thanks for all your input guys. Will keep this in mind while apt. hunting. BTW, if I'm able to visit out there ahead of time can you guys recommend some stuff to check out? Not necessarily in Seattle but in Washington in general. Nature type stuff I mean. Just googling a bit I see I should check out Hoh rainforest, hurricane ridge, ruby beach etc. I grew up in New England so hiking and mountain biking were something I enjoyed as a kid but haven't been able to do really living in the NYC/NJ area so would love to get back into it.


Yes! I've never actually been there for lunch/dinner. Just grab a quick breakfast at their window which opens early long before the restaurant.

Not even their fancy breakfast biscuit, just the plain one.

So freaking good.

They got good fish tacos, mang. Solid post-kayaking eatin'.


So I finally got a place in Fremont. Is there an online community hub for it of some sort? Only the community college seems to pop up
So I finally got a place in Fremont. Is there an online community hub for it of some sort? Only the community college seems to pop up
Great choice. I've worked in Fremont for the past 3 years. Lots of great places to eat/drink/hangout (Add-A-Ball for instance, one of my favorite bars), and the bus line will take you directly to the Convention Center in like 10 minutes. Check out Milstead Coffee and of course, Paseo.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I do sometimes wish we could live in Fremont, Ballard, or Greenlake, but whatever we *might* save in rent - which I'd increasingly unlikely anyway - would just be squandered on daily bus fare (and annoyance with the time wasted in traffic).


Great choice. I've worked in Fremont for the past 3 years. Lots of great places to eat/drink/hangout (Add-A-Ball for instance, one of my favorite bars), and the bus line will take you directly to the Convention Center in like 10 minutes. Check out Milstead Coffee and of course, Paseo.

I passed Paseo today on my way back from Greenlake and I was wondering what it was!

I'm guessing Add a Ball is pretty friendly in terms of people? Outside of my yoga class I've definitely been feeling the "Seattle-Freeze"
I passed Paseo today on my way back from Greenlake and I was wondering what it was!

I'm guessing Add a Ball is pretty friendly in terms of people? Outside of my yoga class I've definitely been feeling the "Seattle-Freeze"
Add-A-Ball definitely has a friendly vibe to it, but if you go on the weekend, there will be a lot of groups.

As for the "Seattle Freeze," what is it exactly that you've noticed? That you initiate conversation and nobody is willing to commit to hanging out? Or that nobody talks to you in general? I think Seattle people are definitely willing to talk and converse with you (assuming it's in the right setting), but from my experience (native and life-long resident), most Seattleites just don't want to be the one to initiate it. A lot of people just mind their own business here. You might just have to be the one to reach out in those settings.
Another native reporting, but Ive honestly got a good group of friends that I do tons with on a regular basis. I'm also married and have a kid, so I'm not really seeking out new friends since my time is limited. I'm nice to people and talk to strangers when I'm out, though. [shrug]


Add-A-Ball definitely has a friendly vibe to it, but if you go on the weekend, there will be a lot of groups.

As for the "Seattle Freeze," what is it exactly that you've noticed? That you initiate conversation and nobody is willing to commit to hanging out? Or that nobody talks to you in general? I think Seattle people are definitely willing to talk and converse with you (assuming it's in the right setting), but from my experience (native and life-long resident), most Seattleites just don't want to be the one to initiate it. A lot of people just mind their own business here. You might just have to be the one to reach out in those settings.

As in i initiate a conversation and people will go along with it for a few sentences then dip out. Now I'm almost sure it isn't cause I'm super weird, I've been able to carry out conv and hang out with complete strangers in other states so, idk. Maybe I'm just giving off "outsider" vibes.
on the subject of freezes are you lazy buttholes going to set up another seattle meet soon or not

i would but a) i am a lazy butthole and b) live in puyallup so i technically am off the hook on that.
As in i initiate a conversation and people will go along with it for a few sentences then dip out. Now I'm almost sure it isn't cause I'm super weird, I've been able to carry out conv and hang out with complete strangers in other states so, idk. Maybe I'm just giving off "outsider" vibes.

Well me personally I've never dip on anyone because I thought they were an "outsider" I dip for two reasons. Either A) you're boring, or B) I legit have to go.


Well me personally I've never dip on anyone because I thought they were an "outsider" I dip for two reasons. Either A) you're boring, or B) I legit have to go.

M well maybe I'm just too boring. I'll hit up the bars tomorrow and see how it goes. Now that my roommate is here it won't be too awkward to go to the bars.


on the subject of freezes are you lazy buttholes going to set up another seattle meet soon or not

i would but a) i am a lazy butthole and b) live in puyallup so i technically am off the hook on that.

I was just out that way.

Lovely part of the area if you like not-lovely parts of areas.


I was real close to buying a house around downtown Puyallup. One of my visits around rush hour completely dissuaded me of that option. I don't mind a commute but I loathe the kind of traffic that particular commute would entail.
JB putting me on blast. I see you man.

I'd definitely be down for a meetup, it's been too long since we've gotten together and PAX is still super far away.

How about the weekend of Friday 6/5 or Saturday 6/6? That's two weeks from now. Thoughts?
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