Aren't there any MRA groups that aren't massively misogynistic? I mean there are issues that deserve discussion, but how can you take them seriously when they say things like that?
No, but only because the issue of "Men's Rights" isn't something they actually address or that, technically, needs addressed.
See, male rape in prison, the display of black men in popular culture, the amount of black men killed by police, the rights of trans men, the rights of men in the LGBTQ+ in general, men being unable to be involved in stereotypically female gendered jobs or roles, etc. are none of their concern. These are things an actual advocate of issues with men would try to address. Unfortunately, as most people can tell, you kinda can't lump all that shit under "men's rights" because most (I'd say the vast majority) of those issues aren't primarily due to being of the male gendered persuasion.
To put it another way, there are issues with men but they are more tied into other complicated bull shit outside of just being a man. Toxic masculinity, systemic racism, unequal job opportunities, etc. aren't tied to being a man they are more tied to other issues that happen to impact men. There's no need for a "men's rights" movement the same way there's no need for a "white rights" movement. The issues men have aren't a problem because they're men, they're a problem because of other societal issues.
All MRAs care about are feminists. They do not care about how patriarchy fucks over men. If they did, they'd actually get some shit accomplished but to do that they'd have to work with other groups due to the complicated issues of intersectionality that impact men, and that shit ain't happening.