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Seeking advice from FitnessGaf, if there is any


I'm trying to get back in the game of getting myself into a little bit better shape, other than a round shape lol. I recently picked up a fitbit, because it was a pretty good price, and I do at least do somewhat better when I can track stuff it does. Although, I don't know how much I trust it's step pedometer, because it seems like it goes up a bit when I'm driving. Either way, for the past week I've been trying to get some kind of walking in. Today I added a little jogging into my work out, but I get so winded, because my lungs always hurt when I run. They did when I was kid too, so I was always a short sprinter. I usually have to end up jogging for a bit, go to walking, then jog some, walk...etc. I can't seem to keep just running. Maybe that'll change if I keep doing it, we'll see.

Anyway, I'm not really here to ask advice on what actual exercises to do, but I'm more confused about how to count calories. I'm not looking to become some kind of fitness machine. I'd like to lose some weight, and hopefully keep it off. I don't expect to do it by just dieting, but I don't see myself becoming a work out every day type person. Probably 3-4 times a week once I get in better shape. Right now I'm trying 4-5 days a week. I'm the type of person who likes looking at the numbers and know when I've finished my workout for the day, but I'm still not sure what I should be aiming for beyond what my fitbit tells me. It has the 10,000 steps a day, 10 flights a stairs thing..etc. If I'm wanting to watch my calories though, how many can I consume if burn off 2000-3000 a day? I never quite understand how that works, and I feel like I'm starving myself some days because I'm barely eating since I'm always trying to keep it under the 2000 range. However, since I'm burning some, doesn't that mean I can consume more than that? Fitness never is an exact science, so it frustrates me because I like things to be more concrete lol.


You get winded because you’re not fit. It doesn’t happen instantly — you need to keep at it but it will take months. It’s worth it once you feel your first runner’s high though.

If you’re a mega fatty I would advise against going straight into running because that will fuck your knees up. Focus on diet first, specifically low carb, and the weight will fall off pretty easily. Lift weights and build muscle because muscle burns energy 24/7 so it’s like a passive energy use. Get your cardio from walking initially then once you’re at a more reasonable weight you can start thinking about running.
i'd return that fitbit don't need that shit

get that money back and buy some PROTEINNNNNNNNN

if you want to lose weight and get shredded YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO A SINGLE MINUTE of cardio, EVER

if you want to lose weight you gotta eat less and that's it

low carb, no carb, keto, low fat, all full of BULLLLLSHIT because all they do one way or another is reduce calories

calories are all that matter

find something you find fun and you'll stick to it whether it be weight lifting, sports, running, whatever it is that you find fun
What i do is exercise at home, no diet, no calories counting (like a freak), no protein ( don't do that), no heavy lifting, i eat whatever i want you just have to train at least 5 days a week, keep the heart rate up and you are good.


Unconfirmed Member
Join a gym and take it slow. Make sure you don't exert yourself. Eat whatever you want just count your calories.
t.formerly fit desu


drink water
eliminate sugary snacks
get some dark chocolate or cookie dough protein bars
do push ups, sit ups, squats, pull ups
eat a lot of chicken and broccoli

don't count calories just do an elimination diet where you start cutting out stuff

don't forget to get a lot of sleep and sex
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
1 lb of body fat (adipose tissue) = approximately 3500 Calories.

Calculate your resting metabolic rate with your age, height, weight using an online calculator e.g. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/rmr . That's your baseline Calories burned per day before exercise. Add in your exercise calories burned.

Count what you're eating and drinking, and stay below what you're burning. Stop drinking anything with sugar/calories in it, stop drinking alcohol if you drink, stop eating desserts, cut down your sugar intake in general.

Your body adapts to stressors. Lift weights and you'll get stronger and gain muscle mass (you'll also release testosterone and growth hormone, and you'll feel better and more masculine/assertive). Do cardio and your cardio will improve and you'll be able to do running/cycling/swimming/etc. for longer and at a higher intensity (cardio releases endorphins, so you'll feel better too). Being more fit makes it easier to stay active and maintain what you have. Getting off the sugar and other junk may be really difficult at first, but your body will adapt to that too and you won't have addiction pangs after a few weeks.
i agree with this part, literally counting calories is a bizarre way to live

but you do need to be wary of the amount of energy you take in if your goal is to lose weight and/or get shredded
if you have in mind "get shredded" as a goal you doing things wrong, you gonna set yourself for a failure and get discouraged, just train every day at home and you gonna start to notice some changes then you can say to yourself ok i know how it feels and i know what to go for, if you start hard you gonna crash fast, JUST DO IT every day slowly but surely.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I posted extensively in the Fitness thread years ago, but a mostly low-carb/keto diet combined with resistance training (calisthenics, weight lifting) have done wonders for my health and I've been able to easily maintain my lifestyle and weight while gradually putting on more muscle and gaining strength over the years.
if you have in mind "get shredded" as a goal you doing things wrong, you gonna set yourself for a failure and get discouraged, just train every day at home and you gonna start to notice some changes then you can say to yourself ok i know how it feels and i know what to go for, if you start hard you gonna crash fast, JUST DO IT every day slowly but surely.

having the goal to get shredded is an excellent goal to have

but going balls to the walls on the first day is not a good idea, it's important to stay realistic, and most importantly, TO HAVE FUN

like firas zahabi says, your training should be addictive and you should look forward eagerly to doing it again

having the goal to get shredded is an excellent goal to have

but going balls to the walls on the first day is not a good idea, it's important to stay realistic, and most importantly, TO HAVE FUN

like firas zahabi says, your training should be addictive and you should look forward eagerly to doing it again
lol training is no fun i HATE it, you know the hardest thing is the mindset (specially beginners like Shantae Shantae ) , i don't feel exited to train i do it because i have to but feels good at the end when you shower :messenger_grinning_smiling:, can you guys PLEASE post some training routines for people like me to try it at home, thank you very much.
lol training is no fun i HATE it, you know the hardest thing is the mindset (specially beginners like Shantae Shantae ) , i don't feel exited to train i do it because i have to but feels good at the end when you shower :messenger_grinning_smiling:, can you guys PLEASE post some training routines for people like me to try it at home, thank you very much.
the way you train is a personal thing and varies from individual to individual

if you're not having fun with your routine then you best change it up and make some adjustments to where it becomes enjoyable

that way you'll love the feeling during AND after

if youre in the middle of your training wishing for it to end and go through with it you fit to release alllllll kinds of cortisol

all kiiiinds


Lol, I'm not really looking to get shredded or ripped. I just want to feel better in my body, and have more energy. Losing weight I feel is a start to that. I don't consider myself fat...just overweight. I'm 5'9"-10"ish, and I'm 220lbs. More of a gut than anything in terms of looking heavy. Running isn't going to mess up my knees too bad, because I think I'm far from obese looking. At the same time, I know I have work to do.

Some people here are saying that you don't need to exercise, and eating right is all you need to do, but I don't think that's a smart choice simply because I always hear that dieting can just lead right back into weight gain. I want to adapt a healthier lifestyle at least, while still enjoying some foods. My greatest weakness is chocolate. I love chocolate, and having iced coffee every day. I don't consume large amounts of chocolate, but it's just something I get withdrawal from.

Other than that, I probably could do with less grains, but I feel like so much food in America is made with some kind of bread, so it's hard to avoid. One thing I'm pretty proud of is I haven't really drank soda for almost 2 years. I've cut it out, with the exception of a root beer at the restaurant once every few months, or a beer if I just feel like relaxing. Very infrequently though. My drinking is 90% water, or seltzer water (plain, I don't like the flavored ones, but I do enjoy the carbonation).

I decided to do a little jogging in my workout today mainly to save time. Walking takes up so much more, and the lack of time in the day to get things done is why I wanted to do something that might burn calories faster.


Well, what I do is adapt exercise as part of my daily life. I walk whenever possible, work as an auto painter which is a very physical job that I enjoy. I love physical work and never felt comfortable sitting for extended periods. I eat sugar and junk, I had an apple fritter ( unbelievable ) from a bakery today lol, but I just watch my diet. I tend to be less active in winter and can gain weight so I just adjust my eating accordingly. Try to gain some kitchen skills, I worked as a chef for a few years just to get better at it. You can make healthy food that’s really satisfying. Take opportunities to exercise, if the store is a half mile away, walk there and carry that heavy stuff back. It’s good exercise that isn’t just burned energy, it’s burned energy with a purpose in your daily life.

I know that a more regimen type calorie counting thing would never work for me but everyone is different.
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Lol, I'm not really looking to get shredded or ripped. I just want to feel better in my body, and have more energy. Losing weight I feel is a start to that. I don't consider myself fat...just overweight. I'm 5'9"-10"ish, and I'm 220lbs. More of a gut than anything in terms of looking heavy. Running isn't going to mess up my knees too bad, because I think I'm far from obese looking. At the same time, I know I have work to do.

Some people here are saying that you don't need to exercise, and eating right is all you need to do, but I don't think that's a smart choice simply because I always hear that dieting can just lead right back into weight gain. I want to adapt a healthier lifestyle at least, while still enjoying some foods. My greatest weakness is chocolate. I love chocolate, and having iced coffee every day. I don't consume large amounts of chocolate, but it's just something I get withdrawal from.

Other than that, I probably could do with less grains, but I feel like so much food in America is made with some kind of bread, so it's hard to avoid. One thing I'm pretty proud of is I haven't really drank soda for almost 2 years. I've cut it out, with the exception of a root beer at the restaurant once every few months, or a beer if I just feel like relaxing. Very infrequently though. My drinking is 90% water, or seltzer water (plain, I don't like the flavored ones, but I do enjoy the carbonation).

I decided to do a little jogging in my workout today mainly to save time. Walking takes up so much more, and the lack of time in the day to get things done is why I wanted to do something that might burn calories faster.
you can eat 2-3 bars of chocolate and bread and rice as long as your total calories is less than the calories you need to maintain your weight

exercise is excellent for overall health, it's just as great on the mind as it is on the body

but exercise is not needed at all for weight loss, not a single bit
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you can eat 2-3 bars of chocolate and bread and rice as long as your total calories is less than the calories you need to maintain your weight

exercise is excellent for overall health, it's just as great on the mind as it is on the body

but exercise is not needed at all for weight loss, not a single bit

I suffer from some pretty strong depression at times, and I must admit, my moods have been better the past week since I've tried to at least get 10000 steps in every day. It's not much exercise, but it's more active than I've usually been, and I already feel a little better about myself. Like I said before though, walking does take a lot of time, so I might try to keep working on improving my stamina to at least jog. I have a sit down job, so I kinda have to find the time to do it outside of work.

I wanna go back to Japan next spring, and not feel winded from walking around the city again. It was so fun last time I went there, but my lazy ass wasn't used to all the walking lol.
the way you train is a personal thing and varies from individual to individual

if you're not having fun with your routine then you best change it up and make some adjustments to where it becomes enjoyable

that way you'll love the feeling during AND after

if youre in the middle of your training wishing for it to end and go through with it you fit to release alllllll kinds of cortisol

all kiiiinds
I like to do hard stuff, high reps keeping myself busy from multiple exercises, any suggestions ? routines ?
Some people here are saying that you don't need to exercise, and eating right is all you need to do, but I don't think that's a smart choice simply because I always hear that dieting can just lead right back into weight gain.
Not mentioning EXTRA SKIN ding ding ding.

It's Jeff

Dang, I hear what you're saying about wanting a concrete formula, but thinking about like that can lead to disappointment. If you calculate intake plus output then by this time I should be this weight... which rarely ever works that way. Given that your body is engineered to store calories as a survival design, 1 + 1 does not always equal 2.

Why do people say low or no carb? Because a basic vanilla, small milkshake with nothing else is 500 calories. Cut that out and you can eat another entire steak, and you're going to feel full. Sweets aren't going to do a thing for you.

There is no shortage of material regarding healthy food. At this point, we know what healthy choices are. Don't bother using calories as a metric - just use the scale and get a tape measure. Check yourself once a week or every few days. If you're losing weight, you're on the right track. If you're not losing weight, but inches are coming off your waist, you're doing great. Even when I was running 13 miles a day, I wasn't losing weight but I was buying new pants. If you're not trending in the right direction, assess what you've been eating and fix it.

You learn to accept the lifestyle change as your identity - and you stop fighting it or feel like you're suffering against food temptation. You are a person that eats healthy and works out. It's who you are.

Also - one last thing I always stuck with. Do you have a dog? Dog will keep you honest. They never get tired of running laps or going for long walks. I always advocate for pups, but they can really be your best fitness buddy!


Try get in the mindset of doing something while you’re watching TV. Watching TV is something we all do and there’s no reason you can’t multi-task. Thus your not trying to find time out of your normal routine.

Even put something on the couch as a reminder that you should be spending at least 10mins doing crunches while a show is on. The little things add up.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
From my experience, burning large amounts of fat requires the pyramid attack. 1) eat better, 2) lift weights, 3) do cardio.

Doesn't have to be crazy weight, just something. Doesn't have to be crazy diet, just don't drink your calories and eat smaller portions. And you dont have to do a ton of cardio, just do a good 20 minutes.

From my experience walking won't do much for you. You have to get your heart rate up. 20 minutes of breathing hard beats 8 hours walking. Get in, get out.

And yeah I recommend stairmaster, elliptical machines, and other cardio that doesn't involve repeated impact of your joints on concrete. Start slow and just keep going. You will feel like a different person in 2 months. In 6 you will look like a different person.
do a lot of pull ups and push ups

like, do a lot
how about legs ?

I suffer from some pretty strong depression at times, and I must admit, my moods have been better the past week since I've tried to at least get 10000 steps in every day. It's not much exercise, but it's more active than I've usually been, and I already feel a little better about myself. Like I said before though, walking does take a lot of time, so I might try to keep working on improving my stamina to at least jog. I have a sit down job, so I kinda have to find the time to do it outside of work.

I wanna go back to Japan next spring, and not feel winded from walking around the city again. It was so fun last time I went there, but my lazy ass wasn't used to all the walking lol.
exercise will destroy depression if done regularly

you feel down? go walk 10 mins in one direction, then 10 mins to come back and you'll see how much better your mood is

I like to do hard stuff, high reps keeping myself busy from multiple exercises, any suggestions ? routines ?

fill a bucket with ground beef and do body weight squats over the ground beef while maintaining a full boner

every time you squat down you fuck the beef

i disagree with that, walking has it benefits, you can burn some areas that you can't while jogging.

i'd say walking is the single best exercise for anyone to do
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Try get in the mindset of doing something while you’re watching TV. Watching TV is something we all do and there’s no reason you can’t multi-task. Thus your not trying to find time out of your normal routine.

Even put something on the couch as a reminder that you should be spending at least 10mins doing crunches while a show is on. The little things add up.
I actually don’t watch tv at all. We have cable service in my house, but I don’t even have the cable box hooked up in my room, tv sucks lol. I only use my tv for playing video games. I’ve tried walking in place while playing something, but my brain has a hard time doing both lol, I’ve tried playing fire emblem while I was pacing, but even that was hard cuz I needed to stand still and plan my moves and unit deployment.


I started a workout regimen probably 2 months ago. I've lost probably 20 lbs by just going to the gym fairly religiously (~4 times a week) and eating less bullshit. You really don't need to "count calories" as such, at least in the beginning, if you're exercising and eating reasonably.

You can worry about counting calories or doing actual diets later once you hit a plateau.
Forget calorie counting if you are way out of shape. Just do some good cardio every day and cut out all junk food.

That’s all that’s needed for the first 6 months at least.


Gold Member
I only eat between 12:00 and 6:00 pm and limit pasta and no soda. Kept me lean on my way to 50. Of course I break my own rules around events, work dinners, date night etc.... But self control is the trick.

Every one is different, but ' eat less + move more' is all there is too it. All the fad crap is just a variation on that, and I have seen them all come and go over the decades.
If you want to really simplify things to their most basic. (It's what my simple brain likes.)

Eat real food, move your body, sleep enough, remove stressors as much as possible and get fresh air and sunshine. That's it .

There can be some nuance to those rules, of course, but that is the fundamental essence of health.

Edit: Warning : you can still get hit by a truck or have a nasty disease. :messenger_winking:
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I recommend cardio and dieting.

The “it’s all about diet!” people are loud but if you can manage to exercise you’ll lose weight way faster. The tricky part is that exercise can make you feel hungrier, but if you have self control cardio + calorie restriction will shed weight quickly.

I’d also recommend a bit of resistance training as it helps burn calories while at rest.

And once you reach a healthy weight and are in the habit of working out, you can find a permanent lifestyle where you can cheat pretty heavily on the weekends as long as you keep working out.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Put pressure on yourself like you're seeing ghosts chasing you that aren't there, can you motivate yourself OP? Every single rep should be 100% effort.
I'm trying to get back in the game of getting myself into a little bit better shape, other than a round shape lol. I recently picked up a fitbit, because it was a pretty good price, and I do at least do somewhat better when I can track stuff it does. Although, I don't know how much I trust it's step pedometer, because it seems like it goes up a bit when I'm driving. Either way, for the past week I've been trying to get some kind of walking in. Today I added a little jogging into my work out, but I get so winded, because my lungs always hurt when I run. They did when I was kid too, so I was always a short sprinter. I usually have to end up jogging for a bit, go to walking, then jog some, walk...etc. I can't seem to keep just running. Maybe that'll change if I keep doing it, we'll see.

Anyway, I'm not really here to ask advice on what actual exercises to do, but I'm more confused about how to count calories. I'm not looking to become some kind of fitness machine. I'd like to lose some weight, and hopefully keep it off. I don't expect to do it by just dieting, but I don't see myself becoming a work out every day type person. Probably 3-4 times a week once I get in better shape. Right now I'm trying 4-5 days a week. I'm the type of person who likes looking at the numbers and know when I've finished my workout for the day, but I'm still not sure what I should be aiming for beyond what my fitbit tells me. It has the 10,000 steps a day, 10 flights a stairs thing..etc. If I'm wanting to watch my calories though, how many can I consume if burn off 2000-3000 a day? I never quite understand how that works, and I feel like I'm starving myself some days because I'm barely eating since I'm always trying to keep it under the 2000 range. However, since I'm burning some, doesn't that mean I can consume more than that? Fitness never is an exact science, so it frustrates me because I like things to be more concrete lol.

You really need a gym with weights and shit.

Burning 2000-3000 excess calories a day is not possible for long. By day 2-3 you will be in severe pain and unable to continue. With cardio alone, 300-400 calories a day is plenty. Throw in some weights and you will burn ~600-800 calories a day. But this can only be sustained 2-3 sessions per week, your body can't take more.
Just reduce the amount of calories you eat. Whether you work out or not the Key is consistency and lasting though the cravings.

Drink lots of water.

Don't lose the weight and then go back to your old lifestyle, or you will gain it all back. That's why it's important to struggle through the loss having ups and downs because you will realize that you need a permanent lifestyle change.
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Report me if I continue to console war
Remember your calories are dictated by activity level, so your calorie deficit (less calories then your body uses) will be different if your at home playing gears 5 all day compared to being a day of working as a postman.
2000 calories is really low, that's what I need for a videogame doing nothing day, but for an active day I need 2400 - 2600

To work out your calorie needs u find out your basel metabolism ( BM) which is the calories your body needs at complete rest.
You do this by finding out your lean mass

So a 200lb person with 20% bf will have a lean mass of 160lbs to find there BM multiply there lean mass by 10, so 160 x 10 = 1600 calories is there BM

For extremely active BM x 1 + BM
For very active BM x 0.7 + BM
For moderately active BM x 0.4 + BM
For the coach potato BM x 0.2 + BM

So if this person is an extremely active person like a construction worker they will need 1600 x 1 + 1600 = 3200 calories to lose weight.

But the macronutrient ratios need to be correct, I personally like 45% carbs 30% fat 25% protein.

Use my fitness pal to track this.
Your main goal is sticking to your calorie and macro nutrient goal, so you can have a dessert and a burger.
However healthier food choices will probably make you lose weight quicker and be healthier and feel better, but even then your diet should not be hell.


I only eat between 12:00 and 6:00 pm and limit pasta and no soda. Kept me lean on my way to 50. Of course I break my own rules around events, work dinners, date night etc.... But self control is the trick.

Every one is different, but ' eat less + move more' is all there is too it. All the fad crap is just a variation on that, and I have seen them all come and go over the decades.

Is that 12:00 midday or midnight?


Regarding food:

Eat normally, just avoid eating meat and food with much oil and fat more than 1-2 times a week for lunch
Eat fruits and vegetables, they help with digestion a lot
Avoid eating food with many calories at night. A snack or fruit would be better
Have a full breakfast. This is the most important as it helps with the rest of the day
Also try to have a steady timetable for food. If your type of job forces you to skip breakfast or eat late at night, find the best possible way to compensate.

As for exercise:

Avoid hard and straining exercises
Walking, bicycle and pool swimming should suffice
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