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Sega Classics?


(more a nerd than a geek)
I recently came across a listing on EBgames for "Sega Classics Collection" for the PS2, listed as a November release. I don't recall hearing about this before... can anyone spread a little light on the subject? Is it PS2 only?


(more a nerd than a geek)
Were the Sega Ages the straight ports/emulations, or the "revamped" games (akin to the Hudson Adventure Island and Bonk games)?


DavidDayton said:
Were the Sega Ages the straight ports/emulations, or the "revamped" games (akin to the Hudson Adventure Island and Bonk games)?

I think they're revamped... Can't remember if the Saturn Sega Ages titles made it over here.


A compilation of remakes from the SEGA Ages series of games in Japan, SEGA Ages: Classics Collection features enhanced versions of Fantasy Zone, Golden Axe, Monaco GP, and Space Harrier.


SEGA Ages: Phantasy Star Trilogy

Kind of bizarre because its missing Generations of Doom, Phantasy Star Trilogy will boast the remade iterations of Phantasy Star: Generation 1, Phantasy Star II, and Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium. Just like the Classics Collection, Phantasy Star Trilogy will boast improved graphics, enhanced soundtracks, and additional features not present in the original versions of the games. RPG fans should mark their calendars now; PST is due to hit retailers in Q1 2005.



Woo! I guessed right! Might pick up Classics Collection just for Golden Axe. Phantasy Star Trilogy will be a bday gift for my sister who loves PSIV and PSO.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Ok. That makes sense... Sega is releasing the Sega Ages stuff over here... at first I thought it was some package of emulated games, and I was baffled as to why it was only being released on the PS2.


AniHawk said:
Might pick up Classics Collection just for Golden Axe.
Please, for your sake, don't do that.

After all the Ages threads, you'd think people would've gotten the message that they suck.


aku:jiki said:
Please, for your sake, don't do that.

After all the Ages threads, you'd think people would've gotten the message that they suck.

Never heard of that little tidbit. Guess I'll stick to the good ol' Genny then. PST still worth it though? Would think if they just upgraded everything they wouldn't suck.


AniHawk said:
Never heard of that little tidbit. Guess I'll stick to the good ol' Genny then. PST still worth it though? Would think if they just upgraded everything they wouldn't suck.
For Golden Axe, definitely stick with the classic versions.

The term "upgrade" is used loosely here. These games are full remakes, made by teams that usually publish games under the "Simple 2000" budget label. And like the Simple games, they vary wildly in quality but with the average being quite far below the general average for games. Like Fantasy Zone is pretty great in remade form, Golden Axe is fucking terrible and Monaco GP is like "ok".

Can't speak for PST, though. I think only part 1 is out in Japan and, well, an RPG in japanese isn't my thing.
Yeah, the shittines off the Sega 3D Ages line is well known. Seems like the only one which does not suck is Virtua Racing (not included of course) and the upcoming Virtua Fighter 2.

Regarding the Phantasy Star compliation, I'm still confused if part one is a straight on port, or if it's the ultra stupid looking "anime-ized" redux, or if that's simply going in the Sega Classic compilation.


I though Out Run, After Burner 2, Space Harrier, Alien Syndrome, and Fantasy Zone turned out pretty good for budget titles.
zmet said:
I though Out Run, After Burner 2, Space Harrier, Alien Syndrome, and Fantasy Zone turned out pretty good for budget titles.

Out of all of those, I hear Fantasy Zone is the best one, though I hear the load times are ridiculous.
Why isn't Virtua Racing in that list. C'mon Sega,do the proper thing here,release that baby here in the states already. Hell I'd probably buy a force feedback wheel for this game alone.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
T-1000_Model3 said:
Why isn't Virtua Racing in that list. C'mon Sega,do the proper thing here,release that baby here in the states already.



That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Decathelete Collection is a great enhancement of Decathlete and Winter Heat, as well as a port of Virtua Athlete.

Columns doesn't seem to be an enhanced version at all... not sure though.
And now, the official announcement...


Sega bringing classics to PS2

Sega Classics Collection, containing 10 remakes of classic arcade and console titles, will hit in January.

At an otherwise uneventful press event held yesterday in San Francisco, Sega announced that it will publish Sega Classics Collection in the US. Due in January 2005 for the PlayStation 2, the title will contain remade versions of 10 of Sega's classic arcade and console games: Outrun, Golden Axe, Space Harrier, Columns, Fantasy Zone, Virtua Racer, Decathlete, Alien Syndrome, Monaco GP, and Bonanza Bros. & Tant R.

The collection was originally under the auspices of publisher Conspiracy Entertainment. In February 2005, Conspiracy is scheduled to release Sega Ages: Phantasy Star Trilogy, with remade versions of the Phantasy Star I, II, and IV role-playing games that were originally released on Sega's Master System and Genesis consoles.

In Japan, the games were released individually as part of the Sega Ages collection at 2,500 yen ($23) each. While a price point for Sega Classics Collection has not yet been determined, Phantasy Star Trilogy will retail for $19.99.

By Chris Kohler -- GameSpot
POSTED: 10/12/04 02:36 PM PST


Holy crap, 10 games!! Even though only 4 of them are any good, it's still a great deal. :)

Too bad VF2 didn't make the cut though.
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