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Sega discontinuing HYENAS, cancels other unannounced in-development titles


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Haven Studio:
Antonio Banderas Relief GIF
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I wonder if CA would be willing to do one (not fucking three) Total War: Middle-Earth game. I know it's not as easy to find troops for every faction as it has been in the Warhammer games but an official TW game set in Middle-Earth would be cool.
Or, I personally would love to see a TW game set in WW1. Yeah, I know that Petroglyph have recently released a WW1 game. But I'd love one with the budget of a TW game.

Otherwise, just make Empire II already, for god's sake...
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shit was the game not even in a state to just fart out and recoup some costs, there's been so many closed tests i wonder how in bad shape the game was.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
What a waste of time, money and talent. Whoever greenlit that needs to go.

As well as Total War, CA could be used to make another Alien game or even bring back the Total Warrior series.


I wonder if CA would be willing to do one (not fucking three) Total War: Middle-Earth game. I know it's not as easy to find troops for every faction as it has been in the Warhammer games but an official TW game set in Middle-Earth would be cool.
Or, I personally would love to see a TW game set in WW1. Yeah, I know that Petroglyph have recently released a WW1 game. But I'd love one with the budget of a TW game.

Otherwise, just make Empire II already, for god's sake...
Empires II would be by far the right choice. So much clamoring from the fan base and it’s almost guaranteed to sell well.


To this day, Empire is my favorite Total War game. But I remember very well how fucking butthurt the "fanbase" was when Empire first came out.
It had a lot of problems which were not really fixed. Then they fixed most in Napoleon but the scope was much smaller. Hence the complaints.

If they do proper Empire 2, it will sell.

Deft Beck

No big loss. Game looked generic and designed by committee. Hopefully Creative Assembly can work on something more inspired instead.


Hyenas was a mistake. Sad for them but good decision in the long run. And really, CA are too talented in their areas of expertise to make them do such a game.

Now announce Jet Set Radio you cowards!


Gold Member
Oh man I remember the trailer for this. Good call on canceling it. Had flop written all over it.


Game was cringe inducing in all fronts, I think some people who tested it had a good reaction to the gameplay, but the art style which was a also major selling point for this game as it even used cel shading, was really REALLY the opposite of eye-catching. Having it as a GaaS in a market where you have 1 game taking 50-60% of the market while 2-3 games fight for the other 35-45% and everyone else fails, you really need to strike with either a completely different thing or make the best of a known formula.


Gold Member
CA have run any community goodwill into the ground for a long while.
I'm not surprised Sega is losing faith as well.
the game looked terrible, it’s better for everyone that they foresaw this and cancelled it now instead of sinking more money into it.

Hopefully they stop forcing ugly diverse characters nobody wants to play as into games, enough have flopped at this point surely to get the message across.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Got a feeling Exoprimal's performance has shook a lot of people. Capcom have just been pumping out hits then their GAAS title (albeit at full price) cratered.


creative assembly is such an amazing studio. How do you go from one of the best horror games ever made to making trash like this.

I'm assuming its something Sega wanted them to work on.

The character designs are next level generic trash too; i'd be curious to know who they think this would appeal to.
I mean, the game was not going to make it anyway and I expected a death in the near future after the release. All I can do is

Pretends To Be Shocked Fake Shock GIF by AIDES

I hope the people getting fired get something soon.


I've a friend of mine working on this so not happy for the cancellation, but tbh the game looked really similar to thousands of other GAAS out there.


makes you wonder if Sony is looking at this and panicking a bit.

A lot of their GAAS investments don't seem to be much different.

But if you get at least one of those investments to stick you are golden. Definitely a risky party of the industry.

Honey Bunny


>You and your team of pirates, the eponymous Hyenas, are on a looting mission: take as much shit as you can and land a blow on the uber-capitalist corpo-baddies in the process.

>Think of a battle royale shrunken down, injected with Borderlands’ DNA, and shoved into a spaceship prison that doubles as a mall. That’s the USP. You can play as Doc Hotfix, who thinks he’s in a video game (yes, really), a deadeye sniper with an attitude problem, a drag queen that can literally use sass as a shield to protect her from bullets

>It’s All A Bit Much. But hey, them’s the breaks – that’s what these sorts of games have got to do these days. At least Hyenas has an identity

>The most unpalettable thing about it all isn’t the drag queen clicking her fingers and sending bullets back to sender, a la Bioshock.

>going out of your way to loot VHS players, betamax tapes, Walkmans

>Certain elements of the game’s try-hard nature are palettable: even the drag queen’s ‘oh no she di’nt’ manner has its charm, you know?

>You’d be forgiven for thinking Hyenas was free-to-play; it’s got that Apex Legends feel to it, more than anything else. But Sega says that’s not the case.

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