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Sega discontinuing HYENAS, cancels other unannounced in-development titles


Gold Member
Got a feeling Exoprimal's performance has shook a lot of people. Capcom have just been pumping out hits then their GAAS title (albeit at full price) cratered.
It does feel like we’ve reached a point where the chances of making a GAAS that ‘hits’ is so difficult that the investment required is seen as too risky.


Very unfortunate for the studio, but man, from what I played that game was.... not very good at all. So this was a good call.

Sucks so much about Creative Assembly.... It should've been Alien Isolation 2.... 😞


Gold Member
Wow I never heard of this game until now.
Another victim of mandatory trend chasing, I guess.
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Gold Member
I could totally see why Creative Assembly wanted to try something different, and I think it's great that Sega let them do it. But why the hell did they decide to make of all things, a soulless, derivative, cynical, ugly, gachashit shooter? It's such a misstep and people are going to lose their jobs over it.


Very unfortunate for the studio, but man, from what I played that game was.... not very good at all. So this was a good call.

Sucks so much about Creative Assembly.... It should've been Alien Isolation 2.... 😞
Yeah, but seeing this thing makes me worry how an Alien Isolation sequel would turn out.
I mean, the game was not going to make it anyway and I expected a death in the near future after the release. All I can do is

Pretends To Be Shocked Fake Shock GIF by AIDES

I hope the people getting fired get something soon.
Really? People should get fired for doing their jobs? You're a special one :D :D

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I think people, mostly bean counters forget that the traditional model of gaming (particularly console gaming) has existed for nearly 50 years.

This concept of GaaS by that measure is relatively new and in its infancy. As such, you have some successful players in the space making tremendous money, but they currently take up the space.

To enter into that space you need to largely be unique and innovative. These generic entries are all going to result in lost capital. Especially as everyone sees this as a gold rush. I don't think a lot of companies and studios realize that you have to recalibrate your entire company around the live service aspect to maintain that popularity. Look at Epic and Bungie for example.


Zoomer hip quirky activist games in shambles:
1.Saints Row reboot killed the studio
2.Redfall critically panned, disaster
3.Hyenas literally cancelled after it had a showing at gamescom, probably not received well at all

That Haven studios with Jade Raymond is next. I cant wait until we are done with quirky hip trap activist diversity infused characters in video games. Burn baby burn.


Yeah, but seeing this thing makes me worry how an Alien Isolation sequel would turn out.
I don't think there was much to worry about there personally. What sucks is that they were asked to really go outside their comfort zone with this, and they did....

Jinzo Prime

Zoomer hip quirky activist games in shambles:
1.Saints Row reboot killed the studio
2.Redfall critically panned, disaster
3.Hyenas literally cancelled after it had a showing at gamescom, probably not received well at all

That Haven studios with Jade Raymond is next. I cant wait until we are done with quirky hip trap activist diversity infused characters in video games. Burn baby burn.
They refuse to make characters that a straight dude would want to play, but they talk up 'diversity' and wonder why no one plays this shit.


I guess the minorities represented in these games arent showing up to support it, so for who are they making these games? I'm sure so many black gamer women went and supported Saints row reboot due to that main char :messenger_beaming:
The main character of Saints Row is whatever you want cuz you create it using a character creator. The game is just mediocre.
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The main character of Saints Row is whatever you want cuz you create it using a character creator.
I know but the marketing, the person on the cover etc, it still leaves an impression. Doesnt help that the "squad" in-game was pretty much the same, the effeminate black dork, the asian no shirt hip guy...like...WHO ARE THESE GAMES MADE FOR MAN? the zoomers and younger are playing fortnite or cod on their phones...
Really? People should get fired for doing their jobs? You're a special one :D :D
That is not what I said. When I watched the first video of this game it did not look anything special/interesting, so I was expecting it to sell really bad and be closed down (the game, not the company), in the near future.

It was the same with Immortals of Aveum, looked interesting, but at the same time was not something that would "WOW" me, I could see it not selling that well, and it happened.


WHO ARE THESE GAMES MADE FOR MAN? the zoomers and younger are playing fortnite or cod on their phones...
The problem with Saints Row is exactly that, not the characters or side characters. All the jokes seems written by vegan college students. Also big lack of imagination since pretty much every mission objective is about killing waves of enemies.
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Got a feeling Exoprimal's performance has shook a lot of people. Capcom have just been pumping out hits then their GAAS title (albeit at full price) cratered.
Exoprimal looking healthy compared to a lot of these games that release to no fanfare other than the mandatory paid twitch promotions. The only people who like these games are streamers because they make bank for them.
CA are absolutely fucked. They've alienated and pissed off every single fanbase they've garnered over the years. Their Influencer shills openly shit on them.

Their engine and technology is dogshit, and feels like it's held together with bubblegum. Serious bugs take forever to get fixed. 40k game on that? seriously?

Historicals are dead, and that's even if they remember how to make one considering their Warhammer titles are all spreadsheet/single model based.

China's gone.

Pharaoh is DOA at that price.

And Warhammer III, their only money maker has been left in an absolutely dire state and nobody bought their last DLC -which is saying something considering the Warhammer fanbase are the biggest mugs on the planet.

Honey Bunny

CA are absolutely fucked. They've alienated and pissed off every single fanbase they've garnered over the years. Their Influencer shills openly shit on them.

Their engine and technology is dogshit, and feels like it's held together with bubblegum. Serious bugs take forever to get fixed. 40k game on that? seriously?

Historicals are dead, and that's even if they remember how to make one considering their Warhammer titles are all spreadsheet/single model based.

China's gone.

Pharaoh is DOA at that price.

And Warhammer III, their only money maker has been left in an absolutely dire state and nobody bought their last DLC -which is saying something considering the Warhammer fanbase are the biggest mugs on the planet.
On the flipside, you clearly play a lot of their games


This is honestly really upsetting. I just played the last beta and the game finally felt ready to go. It was a ton of fun and there were even permanent unlocks.

I didn't expect it to be the most popular game, but to cancel it at this point makes absolutely no sense.

Never thought I'd say this, but fuck SEGA for this one.
CA are absolutely fucked. They've alienated and pissed off every single fanbase they've garnered over the years. Their Influencer shills openly shit on them.

Their engine and technology is dogshit, and feels like it's held together with bubblegum. Serious bugs take forever to get fixed. 40k game on that? seriously?

Historicals are dead, and that's even if they remember how to make one considering their Warhammer titles are all spreadsheet/single model based.

China's gone.

Pharaoh is DOA at that price.

And Warhammer III, their only money maker has been left in an absolutely dire state and nobody bought their last DLC -which is saying something considering the Warhammer fanbase are the biggest mugs on the planet.
Hopefully they just refocus on a smaller scope RTS or FPS. I'd hate to see them just go away with the history of the team. I'm not even a fan of any of their games, but obviously they've had success in the past.


CA need to release quality remasters of Medieval 2 and Shogun 2 without shitting their pants by charging 10 dollars for every unit or adding random trolls and wizards and stuff.
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Feel bad for Creative Assembly guys getting laid off but I can't imagine a worse project for Sega to task them with than Hyenas.

I don't care if it would have been fun (probably would have been), I don't care if it was technically competent (probably was), but I and I'm sure many others instantly rejected it solely on the fact that it looks like another purple piece of cynical GaaS crap.

And now re-release Outrun 2 & CtoC for modern platforms !

I'd vote for this man.
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Man, CA has taken an absolute beating lately. A well deserved one though for trying to screw over their most loyal user base like that.



>You and your team of pirates, the eponymous Hyenas, are on a looting mission: take as much shit as you can and land a blow on the uber-capitalist corpo-baddies in the process.

>Think of a battle royale shrunken down, injected with Borderlands’ DNA, and shoved into a spaceship prison that doubles as a mall. That’s the USP. You can play as Doc Hotfix, who thinks he’s in a video game (yes, really), a deadeye sniper with an attitude problem, a drag queen that can literally use sass as a shield to protect her from bullets

>It’s All A Bit Much. But hey, them’s the breaks – that’s what these sorts of games have got to do these days. At least Hyenas has an identity

>The most unpalettable thing about it all isn’t the drag queen clicking her fingers and sending bullets back to sender, a la Bioshock.

>going out of your way to loot VHS players, betamax tapes, Walkmans

>Certain elements of the game’s try-hard nature are palettable: even the drag queen’s ‘oh no she di’nt’ manner has its charm, you know?

>You’d be forgiven for thinking Hyenas was free-to-play; it’s got that Apex Legends feel to it, more than anything else. But Sega says that’s not the case.

Oh it was free to play? Then it might have had a little chance, after all. When I saw the trailer and a little of the gameplay it reminded me of Rogue Company, a f2p game that I like quite a lot, albeit the game isn't receiving a lot of attention nowadays (new champions and new maps have been very few and far between). I thought that the game looked OK but it would only have a chance if it was free because otherwise no one would try it. But I didn't knew this game had all this woke propaganda behind it... I guess they had it coming, then.

I was reading this article of vg247 and the dude seemed very pleased with all the capitalism criticism in the game and the woke stuff, but was very upset about all the SEGA references in the game, which is exactly the opposite of what I felt. What a cunt, why that would have been a problem? Capcom does this stuff in almost all their games and people have zero problem with that, I wonder if he doesn't mind when Nintendo and other companies do that too.
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The most unpalettable thing is the obtuse Sega easter eggs crammed into every spare orifice Hyenas has. The loot in the demo we saw? A doll of the renowned Sega mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog. The bomb you use to blast open vault doors? A Sega Mega Drive (or Sega Genesis, if you’re a heathen) wired up to act like a plastic explosive.

Why are you going out of your way to loot VHS players, betamax tapes, Walkmans (or their brand-neutral siblings) and other relics of a doomed earth if you can just pull a Mega Drive out your ass and use it to blow up a door, anyway? Narrative pitfalls aside, it just feels a bit… odd. There are some lovely visual ideas in Hyenas – entire piazzas dedicated to musical instruments of days gone by, zero-g sections illuminated by GTA-style sardonic adverts – but the Sega nods all feel a bit trite.

This is the oddest thing to criticize about the game. I wonder how this guy would feel about games like Dead Rising?

Neon Xenon

The basic concept of Hyenas - an extraction shooter set in zero gravity areas - sounds interesting on paper. Putting aside that it's another Game as a Service.

But then there's the aesthetics. The game looks like what comes to mind when people ask questions like, "Who is this for?" I could easily picture people taking one look at the trailer for the game and being almost immediately turned off. And that's before the tone of the game comes in.

Speaking of, there's a comment on the latest trailer for the game that feels like an appropriate summary for the game.



Gold Member
Never heard of this, but it sounds like nothing of value was lost.

Hopefully they can at least salvage those iconic character designs for another project.

Like lining the bottom of a trash bin.

It's a shame Volition shut down, I'm sure they might have struck a deal to use some of these designs for the next Saints Row


Gold Member
They refuse to make characters that a straight dude would want to play, but they talk up 'diversity' and wonder why no one plays this shit.
In a lot of companies the thinking is if you gung ho it with minorities and representation that the core base of customers will stick around (which for most western countries is straight people and whities). So whatever they promote is simply bonus bucks and market share pts. Kind of like the bud light fiasco.
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