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Sega / Sammy TGS 2004 Lineup announced


Sega und Sammy stellen Tokyo Game Show Lineup vor

03.09.04 - Sega und Sammy wollen auf der Tokyo Game Show (24.-26.09.04) folgende Spiele zeigen:

- Shining Tears (PS2)
- Shining Force (PS2)
- Shining Force: Kuroki Ryuu no Fukkatsu (GBA, aka 'Resurrection of the Dark Dragon')
- Altered Beast (PS2)
- Dororo (PS2)
- Sakura Taisen V Episode 0: Arano no Samurai Murasume (PS2)
- Sakura Taisen 5: Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo (PS2)

- Guilty Gear Isuka (PS2)
- The Rumblefish (PS2)
- Victory Wings Zero Pilot Series (PS2)
- Standard Daisenryaku: Dengekisen (PS2)
- Berserk (PS2)
LOL @ the people getting upset because they aren't supporting the Cube much (in this list)

Besides it's a TGS preshow list, haven't people learned yet that it's not the actual full show list for these companies?
I used to be the biggest Sega fan since they won me over with Altered Beast and Space Harrier, but this current gen is pathetic. The Dreamcast days were Sega's best and now they're catering to the PS2 crowd with watered down shit. And my god, is that list unexciting. Sega hasn't done anything for me, save the few titles Sonic Team puts out and VF4 (years ago). FUCK OFF SEGA!
evilromero said:
I used to be the biggest Sega fan since they won me over with Altered Beast and Space Harrier, but this current gen is pathetic. The Dreamcast days were Sega's best and now they're catering to the PS2 crowd with watered down shit. And my god, is that list unexciting. Sega hasn't done anything for me, save the few titles Sonic Team puts out and VF4 (years ago). FUCK OFF SEGA!

IAWTP + the crap ports + the kiddy crud + games that make you go WTF were they thinking + XBOX support. They're so broken right now its not funny; itd take a grade AAAA+ universally beloved game to restore faith. Sonic is passe.. They need something fast.
"The Dreamcast days were Sega's best and now they're catering to the PS2 crowd with watered down shit."

Yah, how could they be supporting the biggest fanbase right now? It makes no sense! Just goes to show how some people will complain about Sega no matter what. They go and support the PS2 mostly, which is a very good decision, and yet they're still somehow doing something wrong. Tell me, what game on that list would fit better on the GC (in terms of sales) than it would on the PS2? Because i'm not seeing any.
"SMB would not work on the dead zone that is the PS2 controller."

Where's SMB on that game list? So what exactly is your point? There's no SMB even announced for any console other than the GC, there are just rumors.
SolidSnakex said:
"SMB would not work on the dead zone that is the PS2 controller."

Where's SMB on that game list? So what exactly is your point? There's no SMB even announced for any console other than the GC, there are just rumors.

oops. I missed the on that list bit. My bad. In some ways I think going all PS2 is smart for Sega but I also think its bloody tragic seeing how the PS2 ran the DC into the ground. I guess Sammy is calling the shots and they did say... :| ...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheGreenGiant said:
oops. I missed the on that list bit. My bad. In some ways I think going all PS2 is smart for Sega but I also think its bloody tragic seeing how the PS2 ran the DC into the ground. I guess Sammy is calling the shots and they did say... :| ...

I still don't believe the PS2 was really at fault for the DC's death...

There were so many additional factors. The PS2 was just one of many...

Of course, I used to hate the PS2 for that very reason...but it is obvious that it is an incorrect idea.


Well, I think supporting the PlayStation 2 the most is probably the smartest thing to do, no matter how much it sucks for people who refuse to buy a PlayStation 2. I'm not sure why Sega ever gave Xbox and GameCube so much support to begin with. I could see fast ports going to those two systems just to make a few extra sales, but I wouldn't make any exclusives for them unless Microsoft or Nintendo paid enough to offset the lost sales.
SolidSnakex said:
"The Dreamcast days were Sega's best and now they're catering to the PS2 crowd with watered down shit."

Yah, how could they be supporting the biggest fanbase right now? It makes no sense! Just goes to show how some people will complain about Sega no matter what. They go and support the PS2 mostly, which is a very good decision, and yet they're still somehow doing something wrong. Tell me, what game on that list would fit better on the GC (in terms of sales) than it would on the PS2? Because i'm not seeing any.
Supporting the largest install userbase isn't always the best move. Sega has to be noticed among this gen of GTAs and Halos. Will a Monkey Ball game really find that much attention on PS2? I don't think so.
I'll be playing PDO and JSRF and wait for Outrun 2. Otherwise Sega is realy boring me to tears. I just hope the Smilebit team behind PDO and JSRF is somewhat in tact and working on something cool. I'm still scarred from playing the ps2 Shinobi and Billy Hatcher. It's tough to swallow them going for that type of shit over, say, a new Skies or a Panzer Dragoon RPG or something that has the same level of artistry as JSRF and Shenmue.
snapty00 said:
Well, I think supporting the PlayStation 2 the most is probably the smartest thing to do, no matter how much it sucks for people who refuse to buy a PlayStation 2. I'm not sure why Sega ever gave Xbox and GameCube so much support to begin with. I could see fast ports going to those two systems just to make a few extra sales, but I wouldn't make any exclusives for them unless Microsoft or Nintendo paid enough to offset the lost sales.
Hmmm. Let's see. Can someone pull out those sales charts for Sega across all platforms? Then we'll see what the "smartest" move is.
"I'm not sure why Sega ever gave Xbox and GameCube so much support to begin with. "

Supporting the GC in some cases is a smart move (platformers and SMB), so they made the right decision in some cases. The majority of their support should go to the PS2 though, and Sammy will make sure of that since they've said their main goal is to put Sega back at the top. There's no real reason for them to support the Xbox though outside of Sega Sports.
I want a new Panzer Dragoon and some Phantasy Star Universe stuff please...

Also a Naomi 3 (VF5?) announcement would be nice.


SolidSnakex said:
Supporting the GC in some cases is a smart move (platformers and SMB), so they made the right decision in some cases.
I think the smartest thing to have done was to put it both on PlayStation 2 and GameCube. The installed base alone on PlayStation 2 would've made sure that SOMEONE out there wanted, and on GameCube, it also made sense because those games target the GameCube demographics.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
SolidSnakex said:
Tell me, what game on that list would fit better on the GC (in terms of sales) than it would on the PS2? Because i'm not seeing any.
SSX has a point, but riddle me this.

What game on that list (outside of Sakura Taisen) has a chance of selling onthe almighty PS2?

It just seems like a retarded call on Sega/Sammy's part not to at least show any GC games.
snapty00 said:
I think the smartest thing to have done was to put it both on PlayStation 2 and GameCube. The installed base alone on PlayStation 2 would've made sure that SOMEONE out there wanted, and on GameCube, it also made sense because those games target the GameCube demographics.
Ports=crap. Spreading your dev teams out to manage ports only takes time away from perfecting the title.
"What game on that list (outside of Sakura Taisen) has a chance of selling onthe almighty PS2?"

All the Shining games should put up decent numbers depending on how well they turn out.

Like I said, this isn't Sega's full TGS list. They'll likely have some GC games at the atual show. Don't expect the GC support to be anything like it was early on now that Sammy's in charge.


olubode said:
SSX has a point, but riddle me this.

What game on that list (outside of Sakura Taisen) has a chance of selling onthe almighty PS2?

It just seems like a retarded call on Sega/Sammy's part not to at least show any GC games.

So it isn't smart to put your product on the platform with the most potential buyers? Yeah it's true some of those titles may get lost in a sea of PS2 titles, but going by the odds is still the best bet.
snapty00 said:
I think the smartest thing to have done was to put it both on PlayStation 2 and GameCube. The installed base alone on PlayStation 2 would've made sure that SOMEONE out there wanted, and on GameCube, it also made sense because those games target the GameCube demographics.

with Amazing Island and Billy Hatcher? How hard did BH bomb and how hard will AI bomb. Fuck, cube gamers aren't all kiddies. How then does MP cross a million? Sega really ought to rethink their releases. Seriously fucked in the head.... And they should retire Sonic already.


Outrun2 is being outsourced. I doubt it will sell though. How many car games on the xbox again? Too many and the OR name is unknown to the mainstream. Bomb bomb
"And they should retire Sonic already."

Yah lets retire their most succesful series this generation. Seriously what are you thinking?


TheGreenGiant said:
with Amazing Island and Billy Hatcher? How hard did BH bomb and how hard will AI bomb. Fuck, cube gamers aren't all kiddies. How then does MP cross a million? Sega really ought to rethink their releases. Seriously fucked in the head.... And they should retire Sonic already.


Outrun2 is being outsourced. I doubt it will sell though. How many car games on the xbox again? Too many and the OR name is unknown to the mainstream. Bomb bomb
Holy shit, dude. You really went off the deep end. lol
SolidSnakex said:
"And they should retire Sonic already."

Yah lets retire their most succesful series this generation. Seriously what are you thinking?

Um. Heroes was rubbish and the SONIC line has run it gauntlet. That's what I'm thinking. The voice acting is horrendous, the plot non existant, the gameplay crap and the camera work.. needs work. Sonic hasn't aged well - his one real spinoff title; shuffle failed to capture the glory of Mario boardgame outing. Sonic and his animal friends have been superceded by downloadable animal porn or animal crossing (same imo)
Alot of people still like and buy Sonic games though. So why can it? Even if some hardcores don't like it, what sense does it make to can your most succesful series? It'd be like Nintendo canning Mario Party because alot of hardcores don't like them. They still sell alot, so there's no real reason to can it when so many people are still buying it.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, I'm waiting to see what SEGA AGES Phantasy Star 2 looks like...and was hoping for more about PS Universe...


LOL @ SEGA...Hajime Satori is very lucky that the vg world is not full of "radicals"...Otherwise his whole family would be kidnapped.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
No Virtua Quest 2? Oh no.
SolidSnakex said:
"The Dreamcast days were Sega's best and now they're catering to the PS2 crowd with watered down shit."

Yah, how could they be supporting the biggest fanbase right now? It makes no sense! Just goes to show how some people will complain about Sega no matter what. They go and support the PS2 mostly, which is a very good decision, and yet they're still somehow doing something wrong. Tell me, what game on that list would fit better on the GC (in terms of sales) than it would on the PS2? Because i'm not seeing any.

amen..Solid Snakex! I agree with you 100%
sonic4ever said:
amen..Solid Snakex! I agree with you 100%
Ass-kisser if I've ever seen one. The point isn't what is ON that list. It's what ISN'T. I think first and foremost we're all upset that Sega's line-up just plain sucks. Then, secondly, why isn't there a Super Monkey Ball 3, NiGHTS 2, etc, etc, etc. Instead Sega's doing exactly what they shouldn't be, making the games that pretty much hold to the Japanese market exclusively. What does Sega plan to do when they bring those games over here?


You know it's bad when long time sega fanatics like myself just don't give a shit anymore. Either sort it out or give up Sega.


evilromero said:
Ass-kisser if I've ever seen one. The point isn't what is ON that list. It's what ISN'T. I think first and foremost we're all upset that Sega's line-up just plain sucks. Then, secondly, why isn't there a Super Monkey Ball 3, NiGHTS 2, etc, etc, etc. Instead Sega's doing exactly what they shouldn't be, making the games that pretty much hold to the Japanese market exclusively. What does Sega plan to do when they bring those games over here?

Who says that it's Sega making the choices? I think Sammy is the one pushing their focus more towards big Japanese PS2 titles. For all we know, Sammy doesn't give a shit.
Koshiro said:
You know it's bad when long time sega fanatics like myself just don't give a shit anymore. Either sort it out or give up Sega.
That's exactly how I feel. I've come to the sad conclusion that Sega is just spreading itself too thin now. They have lost that Sega aesthetic, which was so attractive over the company's history (even through a few years of PS2/Cube titles). But the Sega today just doesn't give me that magic.
evilromero said:
Ass-kisser if I've ever seen one. The point isn't what is ON that list. It's what ISN'T. I think first and foremost we're all upset that Sega's line-up just plain sucks. Then, secondly, why isn't there a Super Monkey Ball 3, NiGHTS 2, etc, etc, etc. Instead Sega's doing exactly what they shouldn't be, making the games that pretty much hold to the Japanese market exclusively. What does Sega plan to do when they bring those games over here?

I think people expect too much from Sega. This is how I see it, Sega has done real well this generation. They have made alot of Great games after going 3rd party. The problem was these Games were all Spread out on 3 systems, and you had to own all 3 sytems to get the best. So not every person got to experiecbce all the games. This never happened when it was just the Sega console. Sega should have gone with one machine when they went 3rd party, be it PS2, GC, or x-box, so all the Fans would know were to get thier games, though with some "fans" I am sure that wouldn't have been enough.

yes this list is small. Thier could be more on the list later, at the actual show. Also,I don't expect all the games to come to America ( mainly sakura wars games :( ).

Shining Tears (PS2)
- Shining Force (PS2)
- Shining Force: Kuroki Ryuu no Fukkatsu (GBA, aka 'Resurrection of the Dark Dragon')
- Altered Beast (PS2)
- Dororo (PS2)
All of these games I see coming to america or have already been announced. Heck, Shining Force has always been popular here. I don't understand why anyone is not excited about that.

Like I Said earlier, People expect too much From Sega. "where is Nights 2, Monkey Ball 3, scud racer, a new daytona, ect... " Sega is in a no lose situation with thier past fans, lets say they release Monkey Ball 3. Instead of going, wow, this is great, more likely they will go this is just more of the same. It happened when Sega made the Crazy Taxi sequels, and with Monkey Ball itself I remember when some here said that Monkey Ball 2 wasn't as good as one. At this Point in time, a new monkey Ball game would de-rail the franchise. It is best to save it for next generation. Games like Nights2, are probaly not coming, I want a new Burning Rangers, heck even a remake would be Great. If Sonic Team had made THAT game on the Gamecube at launch I would have bought the system for that game alone, but I knnow it not coming. You can't force certain games. Games like nights were created by inspiration and to try and force them to come about would just bring disaster. Also Many Fans for Years have been wanting certian games, and Sega doesn't listen. Can we say Scud Racer and Daytona 2. Being a Sega fan is hard, but it is worth it to me in the end
It's a shame that we won't be getting any of the Sakura Taisen games, considering that the spinoff was originally made with North America as the target audience.

Also, did Sega cancel the online Trigun game?
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