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Senate healthcare repeal bill fails - Collins, Murkowski, and McCain voted no


nods at old men
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.

People want Obamacare fixed.
Democrats have constantly acknowledged that it needs a revamp.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I'm glad I was wrong about McCain (this time). I'm so happy that for once McCain backed up his Maverick talk with an actual vote. This was the biggest Maverick move he's ever made. Not only did he flush McConnell's turd but he ensured that they can't do this sneaky bullshit of budget reconciliation either.

A true Profile in Courage today. Good job McCain.


I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.

What did I just read hahaha


Unconfirmed Member
A reddit user,zzzzzzzz414, did a good job explaining how royally McCain F'd up the GOP here

I don't think this is right. It's true that it's only one reconciliation per budget, and it's true that they need the house to give them something to amend first, but this was just a vote on a amendment, same as the full repeal vote, and they can vote on a completely differently amended version of that bill today. They could even amend it into a tax reform bill that doesn't touch healthcare if they wanted to.

I believe the deadline is their vote on the topline budget for next year, which is why they're rushing so they can take that vote, unless they want to keep the same topline budget that has been in place since like 2014 i think.


I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

You lost me here.

I doubt many here are trying to argue that Obamacare is perfect. I, and many others, think we should fix it. This is not the way to go about doing that.
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.

Obamacare passed with no Republican votes but yet it still had 3 Republican amendments put into it.

The rest is...wtf are you talking about?

What I took from this is that you have no clue how health insurance works.
Quite off topic but Trump is now speaking and maybe he'll bring up healthcare. He's in front of about 150 cops. I'm pretty sure they are all white. Good look Trump.
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Your pro-LGBT president tried to ban transgender people from the military and told his Justice Department to oppose the inclusion of gays in the Civil Rights Act.

Your ignorance not only astounds but offends me.
Thank you goodness for all the senators that voted against this.

My stomachs was in knots thinking about how I could along with potentially so many people will lost their coverage yesterday.

Whether he meant to or not McCain voting yes prior forced this final vote through and with it be defeated with him voting "no" the ACA repeal is finished for the rest of the year as all they needed was 50 votes for a reconciliation vote and not the required 60.

The outcome was a good as I can realistically hope for and buys us more time and breathing room.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash.

Hahahaha....you can't be serious. The GOP is anything but "afraid" of liberal backlash. They thrive on it. The only reason they ever get anything done is to piss off liberals. They stopped being a governing body for almost a decade. They are strictly governing by trolling now. Big surprise that when they have to actually do some governing ( even with 7 year lead time) they can't even come up with a passable bill.

The GOP is a joke.


Your pro-LGBT president tried to ban transgender people from the military and told his Justice Department to oppose the inclusion of gays in the Civil Rights Act.

Your ignorance not only astounds but offends me.

This. Where the fuck has this guy been for the past week, let alone 6 months?


Your pro-LGBT president tried to ban transgender people from the military and told his Justice Department to oppose the inclusion of gays in the Civil Rights Act.

Your ignorance not only astounds but offends me.

Somehow I expect he'll spin the travel ban as an LGBT move because it "protects" LGBT from the horde or something.
Otherwise I'm ready to hear what pro LGBT move the orange did.
Was that the transgender ban or was that when the DoJ threw LGBT under the bus?


Ho-ly smegma, the astroturfing is strong with YT.

Makes me wonder if the White House is deleting comments that don't make them look good.

That seems like something the Mooch would actually do.


So let me get this straight. Republicans nickname the ACA Obamacare as some kind of slur in order for people to want to kill it. Now, it being ObamaCare is one of the major reasons why Democrats and most of America (according to polling) want to keep ObamaCare alive?



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.
you also forgot, ignorant, jerk, with zero political experience, corrupt, and a bad businessman.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.
The hell are you even talking about. Republicans have gone further to the right since Obama's election. Just because they've been dragged literally kicking and screaming on LGBT rights and a few other things doesn mean they've done so willingly. In fact, I ain't never heard of anyone giving a single flying fuck what bathroom anyone used until gay marriage was ruled on by the SCOTUS. Funny since that fight is dead its like the bible belt right needed something else to stir their base up.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.
You and i remember "MSM" (btw Fox is literally the definition of main stream media) coverage of ACA differently. I remember a lot of talk about death panels and killing old people.

No one has ever said ACA was perfect, but its been literally smeared and talked bad against since day one by republicans and right wing media.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)
this is too stupid to even formulate a response to.

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.
His name is only tied to it because of ring wing media and republicans calling it that.
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.

1. Trump isn't friendly to the LGBT community. Please see the last week for proof of that.

2. This country is far more to the right than it was in the 90s. We've had victories and progress on things like gay rights, but then see number 1. We aren't remotely where you think we are.

3. People not having access to medicine that they need to leave, kind of equates to letting someone die that didn't need to.

4. I would agree that corruption is one of the worst things we can see in a president. Which makes the situations currently surrounding President Trump even harder to swallow. He was elected by a group of people that believed that Trump was going to help them. Trump has no interest in that. Amongst the litany of conflicts of interest, we have an administration that's concerned with leaks rather than doing the right thing. Trump is a con man, and there's a rap sheet a mile long of people he's conned and fucked over. He's the epitome of corruption in our current political system because he doesn't care about anything or anyone. He can't say he cares about the troops because he's attacked gold star families. He can't say he cares about LGBT rights because of what he just pulled with the military. He can't say he wants better health care for all when he threw a kegger over a house bill that would kick 26 million people off health care. He can't say he wants loyalty and then drag his own people through the mud when they don't do what he wants. He's entirely compromised and corrupt and he stands for NOTHING. THAT is the scariest part.

5. Fox news isn't some scrappy upstart, they ARE the MSM. And they're a part of the MSM that manipulates people in all of the ways that republicans accuse every other network of doing. For examples, please see how they've spun everything I wrote about in number 4.
I disagree, the last thing you want in a president (and any politician) is corruption. Yes, Trump is a rude, crude, bull in a china shop and that rubs certain people the wrong way.

The current Obamacare disaster is a bit deeper and scarier to me than I see it being portrayed. The Democrats have won in many many ways but they seem oblivious to it. I'm sure you've seen the videos comparing Trump's speeches to Bill Clinton's. Everyone has moved left and the current Republicans are as liberal now as the Democrats were in the 90's....probably more so considering Trump's pro LBGT stance.

Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote and with ample help from the MSM to lie to the "stupid American people" (those were Jonathan Gruber's, Obama Care's architect's words). On a very very high level the government was paying for healthcare for certain people. They hoped that by getting more people and young people to sign up (those people statistically pay more for insurance than they would incur healthcare costs) healthcare companies would win and be happy. It didn't work out that way and the free government money by design ran out Jan 2017.

So if someone is paying your bills, and they stop, now you have to pay your bills. If we s/bills/Obama Care/g the liberals have successfully equated this to murder. And so the scary thing is Republicans are afraid to vote for the thing they want/need for fear of the liberal backlash. (Quick tangent the same thing happened with the Russia sanctions vote. Liberals have falsely equated the confirmed "Russia interference" with "wikileaks". Since wikileaks seemed like a big deal then Russia interference was a big deal and punishments should be big. And in our post McCarthism if you didn't vote for the big punishment you'd be opening an investigation into yourself that you're a Russian agent.)

Obamacare didn't work. But people love Obama and his name is tied to it so they want it even if its completely irrational, broken, and unsustainable. Even worse, its already leaving counties uninsured which liberals equate to murder but now justify as long as its still called Obamacare? That level of idiocy and hypocrisy should be really really concerning to the American people.
That's an interesting, and revisionist, interpretation of events but that's typical today in our new "alternate facts" reality. No Republicans voted for the ACA but the were deeply involved throughout the process of crafting it. It was drafted in bipartisan committees in both the House and Senate. Ultimately the Republicans decided they were against the mandate (which they introduced earlier in the debate) and chose to fight the entire bill that they helped to draft and then spent the better part of 6 years doing everything they could to destabilize and defund it. The ACA needs repair and you won't find many Democrats who don't want it fixed.

You should probably read up on the history of the bill and what's actually in before entering a thread and accusing people of cheerleading it for the sake of God Emporer Obama.


So let me get this straight. Republicans nickname the ACA Obamacare as some kind of slur in order for people to want to kill it. Now, it being ObamaCare is one of the major reasons why Democrats and most of America (according to polling) want to keep ObamaCare alive?

Pretty sure millions want to keep Obamacare alive because Obamacare keeps them alive.


His name is only tied to it because of ring wing media and republicans calling it that.

And it worked! The ACA was unfavorable in large part because of it being nicknamed ObamaCare. It's ludicrous to imply now that public favor has turned BECAUSE it is called ObamaCare. No, it turned because
A- People realized they were going to actually lose their insurance.
B- The Republicans were offering a worse alternative. Even AARP said hell no.

Pretty sure millions want to keep Obamacare alive because Obamacare keeps them alive.

Of course.


Fuck this man. Honestly he is losing his mind and people are clapping for it. Also notice how he isn't naming people in these stories.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The whole ACA wasn't bipartisan is such BS given what we know aboit mconnell. Obama could have given the gop tort reform, buying insurance across state lines etc etc and they would have not voted for it.

HOW do I know? Because it's the exact same shit that happened with other admendments.


Can't listen to the speech (for sanity sake) but I did peek. Seriously, what is up with his eye? No sleep (poor baby...) or did he get in a physical scuffle?
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