Honestly I am all for celebrating at the moment; and yes that includes *thumbsup* for McCain in this moment. However he arrived here (mostly through the incompetence of his fellow GOP members) he voted 'no' and was in the minority of votes for his side. And that killed this thing.
Doesn't excuse past behavior or future fuckery he may get himself into. But in this moment; he didn't take the easy route and vote along his party's line.
So everyone try to breathe, be happy we're back from the brink for a bit. I'm still frankly stunned at McCain's last second flip; but it works and the result matters. Okay I'm rambling I should go to sleep. z___z
It was a nice glimpse into a McCain that used to vote for and create bills like McCain/Feingold. And i'll certainly give credit where it's due.
I have no idea if the 3 of them will have saved Republicans from a bigger defeat in 2018.
Probably? If this passed, the markets would be in really really bad shape running into the 2018 midterm, and with a clear bill passed, it won't take any genius to have seen what the proximate cause was.
As it stands, getting all of the votes on record with nothing passing was the best outcome for the