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Senate's McConnell says Obamacare repeal high on agenda.

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That's nice of you to say. Consider the poster above who won't be able to get affordable coverage now because he is a cancer survivor. These are the people who will suffer from this ignorance about ACA.
I have asthma. I am unemployed. The ACA has actually made it more expensive for me to get health insurance.

So yeah, fuck it.
Good for me. This is pretty much the only thing I agree with Trump on. Obamacare hurted my family, which is unfortunate since my family voted for Obama due to the initial idea of Obamacare.
Every time a change is made to something like healthcare, premiums go up.

Cancelling Obamacare will ALSO make premiums go up, as well as taking away healthcare altogether for many people.

I hope the GoP sees this.

They won't offer a better alternative. They will offer: "Here's what you have to choose from, but if you can't afford them, it's ok. You won't be fined for not having any healthcare."

Having no healthcare coverage is not a better option. But the GoP think's it's a better trade off since it's "free" to not have any coverage.


Don't you worry guys, Trump will make 'something better'

A great plan, you'll see, tremendous, the best plan.



I think the whole Obamacare fiasco is a big factor to why Trump really won. How many people have seen their premiums and deductibles skyrocket? What other policy in our lifetimes have caused such a clear financial burden on the average joe?

I just pity the people who believe that blowing up Obamacare will solve everything.

This for profit healthcare system needs to be blown up altogether.
Low information all up in this thread. No wonder this was such a winning issue for Republicans. Obama successfully turned into the Bogeyman.


get some go again
You are right and that's even sadder. In 2 or 3 years their health care will continue to rise, their wages will continue to stagnate, and they will probably still blame Obama.
that or they will deflect to some other social problem and get more people in congress/senate.
We need some sort of universal health care.
I'd prefer to see it revised and improved, but I guess we can just readdress it in 4-8 years.
Pro tip: when Republicans say something better, they mean something worse unless you are extremely rich.

Also fuck this piece of shit wanting us to go back to using more coal because climate change is a hoax.
We need some sort of universal health care.
I'd prefer to see it revised and improved, but I guess we can just readdress it in 4-8 years.

After the results of last night we are probably 20 years away from even being able to bring up the subject of Universal Health Care. Fucking dark ages. All this progress destroyed in one fell swoop, just because a certain segment of the country voted with their feelings.
Did you think without the ACA your premiums would have stagnated?

They would have gone up.
Ok, that's a potential scenario. But given the real one that I'm currently facing where my coverage is prohibitively expensive and getting more so, I can't say I am happy with Obamacare. I never once experienced a hike this severe on my old insurance.
I wonder what will replace it. It doesn't seem like something that can just be undone with the way pre-existing conditions are handled. It has to change into a third new thing.


So, Republicans will just keep ignoring healthcare issues and not come up with a replacement or improvement, because as privileged rich people it doesn't affect them? That'd be depressing. What would it take for them to want to improve it? Cause if they don't, they're basically saying they don't care for anyone who happens to be middle class or lower.


They won't improve it unless it affects them and their base (but only to a large degree, such that it may impact voting).

They don't care.
It'll be like Obama was never president at all. It's fucking heartbreaking.

Yes, I'm sure the three conservative-dominated branches of government will now implement a single-payer system.

I was more thinking healthcare will turn to such shit under them that whoever comes next may implement single-payer.
We need some sort of universal health care.
I'd prefer to see it revised and improved, but I guess we can just readdress it in 4-8 years.

Good luck with that.

People will just scream "SOCIALISM!" at the top of their lungs and keep it from happening.

Fuck Joe Lieberman for killing any chance of Universal Healthcare.


I think the whole Obamacare fiasco is a big factor to why Trump really won. How many people have seen their premiums and deductibles skyrocket? What other policy in our lifetimes have caused such a clear financial burden on the average joe?

I just pity the people who believe that blowing up Obamacare will solve everything.

This for profit healthcare system needs to be blown up altogether.

I hate to break it to you but we're gonna go backwards, not forwards. Oh, and most analysts expect your rates probably won't go down either.
damn this blows.. just started taking advantage of that recently

got free health care, vision and dental

it even covered mental health i think
We need some sort of universal health care.
I'd prefer to see it revised and improved, but I guess we can just readdress it in 4-8 years.

You won't see it for at least 10-15 years.

Politics only looks at the win, not the reasons for loss. The GOP see this as a full backing of their ideas. Even if they lose the Presidency and the majorities, they'll fight.

I hate to break it to you but we're gonna go backwards, not forwards. Oh, and most analysts expect your rates probably won't go down either.

I am oddly surprised that people don't realize this.


So, Republicans will just keep ignoring healthcare issues and not come up with a replacement or improvement, because as privileged rich people it doesn't affect them? That'd be depressing. What would it take for them to want to improve it? Cause if they don't, they're basically saying they don't care for anyone who happens to be middle class or lower.

Paul Ryan's answer is to give each state some funding to handle medicaid and hope they do a good job, expand HSA usage where you save your own non-taxed money (with an upper limit each year) in case of emergency and pay extraordinarily high premiums, and take all of the high risk people and pool them up for insurance companies, but no one knows what that would cost.
Low information all up in this thread. No wonder this was such a winning issue for Republicans. Obama successfully turned into the Bogeyman.

The ACA did negatively affect some people. The mandate and tax penalty, combined with high deductible, useless plans to prevent the penalty were not a step in the right direction.


Don't worry guys, Trumpcare will save us! I mean, it won't cover any preexisting conditions, or really inside anyone, but you'll get a shiny, golden statue of Donald J Trump to display in your home!*

*Only available to straight white males who donate to the DJT Foundation.
After the results of last night we are probably 20 years away from even being able to bring up the subject of Universal Health Care. Fucking dark ages. All this progress destroyed in one fell swoop, just because a certain segment of the country voted with their feelings.

Dark times indeed. And you know what? Millennials will have to be the ones to clean up all this bullshit.


Honestly as someone whose benefitted from the aca and will be fucking lost without it... This is like lowest on my totem poll of concerns.

Fucking supreme court... EPA... Lgbt protections... Fuck


You won't see it for at least 10-15 years.

Politics only looks at the win, not the reasons for loss. The GOP see this as a full backing of their ideas. Even if they lose the Presidency and the majorities, they'll fight.

I am oddly surprised that people don't realize this.

But trump has a plan! Just.. no details or information..... This shit is embarrassing. totally brexited.
Ok, that's a potential scenario. But given the real one that I'm currently facing where my coverage is prohibitively expensive and getting more so, I can't say I am happy with Obamacare. I never once experienced a hike this severe on my old insurance.
That's fair and I do empathize with you because I'm a liver transplant recipient with crohn's who has medical payments out of the roof.

I'd be down with Obamacare being repealed if single payer was the replacement, but it won't be.
Good for me. This is pretty much the only thing I agree with Trump on. Obamacare hurted my family, which is unfortunate since my family voted for Obama due to the initial idea of Obamacare.
I know it's no small consolation but the initial idea of Obamacare was gutted due to compromise with the Republicans.

I guess the 63rd time's the charm.....
This time they have the backing of all 3 branches, before they only had the backing of 1.
I was more thinking healthcare will turn to such shit under them that whoever comes next may implement single-payer.

It was already unmanageably high before ACA, They didn't care then, they won't care now.

They will just blame it on immigrants or people of color for leeching off emergency room services.


Wait cancer survivors are considered as pre-existing conditions? What the fuck my mom is already getting railed as is.


Kills Photobucket
There won't be a replacement. It will be a blanket repeal. MAYBE the pre-existing conditions stuff stays, but I doubt it.


Unconfirmed Member
I hate to say this, but after what I saw what my new premium will be next year on the ACA (67% monthly increase ), I won't miss it too much. Hopefully Trump truly does replace it with "Something better"
Your premiums aren't going to go down. you also aren't going to change the rate of increases. Unless "something better" is single payer or nation wide public option)


I hate to break it to you but we're gonna go backwards, not forwards. Oh, and most analysts expect your rates probably won't go down either.

Oh I know, maybe I could have been clearer. I was talking about other peoples expectations, I fully expect things to get shittier.


Tax cuts, the end of obamacare, and no nuclear war with Russia are 3 things you can 100% count on for Trump's first term.

Its finished.

How much is Trump going to increase the deficit and debt with all the tax cuts, and then increasing spending on useless government programs like a deportation force, or whatever and then cutting spending on EPA and other things.


Trucker Sexologist
Ok, that's a potential scenario. But given the real one that I'm currently facing where my coverage is prohibitively expensive and getting more so, I can't say I am happy with Obamacare. I never once experienced a hike this severe on my old insurance.
The core problem is that health care in the US is subject to the whims of capitalism, and repealing the ACA doesn't change that.


People don't want to do research. They don't want to check facts. They just want the easy answer, and most of the time the easy answer is to just blame someone else. Story of America.

Same here in the UK. We have a great health care system but people can't see it and want change. People flip out that the NHS is underbstrain and has poor results in many areas. They blame the NHS, not realising the government are the ones fucking it up.


The only thing I hope doesn't go away is the protection for those with pre-existing conditions. That will be a clusterfuck and a half if it does.
I seem to hear this a lot. Are there that many people out there that will be royally screwed if it goes away?

Over 20 million. Taking away a benefit without replacement would give a massive boost to dem chances in 2018. Whether they're actually dumb enough to try and repeal without replacement we'll see.

This is a good reminder that the law itself will not be repealed because that would require a supermajority. The Republicans can "gut" the law by altering parts of it so what they do as a replacement remains to be seen.

Hey look, poor people voted for a platform that fucks poor people. What a shock.

Yup, it will be the same lower middle class whites who went for Trump who will suffer more than the college educated base that backed Clinton. I'll be totally unaffected and I'd be fine leaving them to their fate of they weren't taking poor people not voting against their own interest with them.
If they outright repeal it, they will destroy themselves as too many (20+ million) voting Americans will be negatively impacted immediately and the knock-on effects will be felt through the entire health industry, including old republican voters who want their meds and medicare.

They won't do this.

They will grandstand for a while (probably a long while, especially if obstruction is left open and the filibuster isn't attacked immediately), tear it apart little by little, but they won't outright tear it down unless they are insane and want to immediately start dismantling themselves. They will also use it as an blame-space against ever-rising premiums (as its not going to stop), and scapegoat on Obama for years further.

If the filibuster isn't addressed Day-1, then what little sanity remains will gridlock government for four years.

Yeah, we gave the insurance companies an excuse to jack up prices and nothing short of additional regulation, which repubs will never do, will ever convince them to pull them down. Single payer is our only hope in this.
If they reinstate pre-existing condition exclusions, they will literally alter the outcome of my autistic son's life. He is only 3 years old. I will hold every one of these mother fuckers to account for this. There is no America anymore as I see it. There are 2 separate unreconcilable cultures here.
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