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sending text messages online?

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I know Verizon's site does it, or used to do it, but I can't find it any longer.

Anyone know where Ican go to text message a cell phone online?


I can AIM (aol instant messenger) my cell phone that uses cingular. i set the buddy list up to recieve mobile text messages. is that what you mean?


What I like about vtext.com (and I'm not sure if other carriers do this as well), is that I can assign an actual address to my phone, like xsarien@vtext.com. (Not my actual one, I don't trust you guys. :p )
Is there a site (or even an easy to use program) that lets you send MMS messages to phones for free? Seems like most programs want me to use a wireless LAN to do so and I don't have one.
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