This was my first thought.
The second thought was "oh right this is how the English language works", as in breaking into the homes of other languages and pilfering whatever words it likes. It already broke into Japan for tsunami, sushi, and karaoke, now it's back for some more words to make off with.
I'd graph that, if you know what I mean. 😏
This was my first thought.
The second thought was "oh right this is how the English language works", as in breaking into the homes of other languages and pilfering whatever words it likes. It already broke into Japan for tsunami, sushi, and karaoke, now it's back for some more words to make off with.
Please no.
I already had to explain the type of people who use "kawaii in English speaking countries and why it's weird two weeks ago and yes it's officially in the textbooks here, don't make me do this one too.
this is your fault atlus
Can we go back to crotchety old men being the ones to steal words from other languages? People my age are shit.
Sugoiiii!GAF-kun is so tsundere
My keikaku has worked.My gaf-senpais have noticed me
GAF-kun is so tsundere
Can we all sing anime pussy together or???
GAF-kun is so tsundere
Translator's note: Keikaku means "plan."
The top definition (as chosen by users) is "someone who will never notice you."
This was my first thought.
The second thought was "oh right this is how the English language works", as in breaking into the homes of other languages and pilfering whatever words it likes. It already broke into Japan for tsunami, sushi, and karaoke, now it's back for some more words to make off with.
Well, yes, but I'd prefer loan words to not be from anime![]()
As a great philosopher once said..
It's even seeped into our normal western cartoons
won't someone think of the children
This was my first thought.
The second thought was "oh right this is how the English language works", as in breaking into the homes of other languages and pilfering whatever words it likes. It already broke into Japan for tsunami, sushi, and karaoke, now it's back for some more words to make off with.
I don't understand the concept of Merriam-Webster trying to define a foreign word that already has a meaning.
The funny thing is, that there's a higher chance that a clerk in Japan will understand what you want if you say that than if you switched to English in the middle of the sentence to say "Playstation 4" properly.I can't wait until western people start pronouncing words like japanese katakana. "Sumimasen clerk-san, what does that puresudeshon 4 cost, and is the doragonbooru XV bunduru still available?"