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Sequence |OT| Rhythm, Role-Playing, and Ronald Jenkees


MatthewB92 said:
I have 0 input lag and I love it. Seeing a defence arrow come down and a spell arrow coming down at the same AND hitting both is just so satisfying!
Wait, you can hit notes that aren't on the screen you are focused on?


I think when you set the game on hard or higher the controls become a little iffy, on keyboard or on controller. At least for me it's too much to handle.
rabhw said:
Wait, you can hit notes that aren't on the screen you are focused on?
Hit one note early switch screens and press the arrow at the same time and you can get the other arrow. Works most of the time for me.


My controls are a tad weird, but it works well once you intuitively map your brain.

Left - J
Down - K
Up - L
Right - ;

Rotate Left - H
Rotate Right - '

1 - Y
2 - U
3 - I
4 - O
5 - P
6 - {

Okay - Enter
Cancel - R. Ctrl

I was also considering trying to put the directionals higher up on the keyboard so I could set rotate left/right to both of my thumbs to make it easier, but whatever, I'm getting the hang of my current control scheme.

Playing on hard. Very nice difficulty level for the time being.


Great game so far, love the dialog and voice acting. Though the game does stop working sometimes, not sure if that's a known issue. Other than that small thing, great game. Thanks for the steam key :)

Card Boy

I have a 100% crash success rate when trying to check the spellset. Was working before the patch and before the second boss battle. Not sure what one the trigger is between the two, doesn't matter what floor i do it on.



Oh good God.

I won't be able to patch it again tonight, everyone at Valve has gone home. It'll have to wait until morning...but man, but man did I screw this up.

Sorry, guys.


Gez said:
I have a 100% crash success rate when trying to check the spellset. Was working before the patch and before the second boss battle. Not sure what one the trigger is between the two, doesn't matter what floor i do it on.

Having the same problem. Just loaded my game right after the patch and completing the tutorial. Wanted to check my Spellset and it crashed. I replicated it three times.

Feep said:
Oh good God.

I won't be able to patch it again tonight, everyone at Valve has gone home. It'll have to wait until morning...but man, but man did I screw this up.

Sorry, guys.
No release is perfect. Don't sweat it ;)

Card Boy

Feep said:
Oh good God.

I won't be able to patch it again tonight, everyone at Valve has gone home. It'll have to wait until morning...but man, but man did I screw this up.

Sorry, guys.

Don't be sorry man, it's cool.


I'm getting the spellset crash too.

Here is my hardware if it helps Feep:

Q9550 CPU
GTX 470
4GB Ram
Windows 7 64 bit


Tutorial 3 is slightly bugged:

1) When Naia activates your controls for the spell, only WASD works. Arrow keys did not work (and I got promptly scolded by Naia).

2) After casting the spell, the music volume doesn't attenuate properly, making it very hard to hear Naia's instructions.

In general:

Slightly annoyed at going to the controls screen and seeing... gamepad settings. I don't have a gamepad. It should show the keyboard controls if there's no gamepad installed.

Feep, I'm somehow not surprised that you did the voice of Ky yourself. Don't worry, you did a great job. Dig up a copy of the CD version of King's Quest 5 for a painful lesson in what happens when the entire cast of your game is the programmers. ;)

What has impressed me the most so far: Sucessfully adapting mouse input for a gamepad-oriented menu design. Specifically, I love how clicking the left and right sides of the screen rotates the menu and I can click through dialog to fast-forward the text scrawl without affecting the spoken dialogue.


Yep. Spellset just crashes now in both windowed and full screen mode. Don't sweat it though - it's cool.

I guess that's a harsh lesson for when you rollout patches at such a quick rate without testing it out.
squall23 said:
My game crashes when I press 1.

Same here.

Feep said:
Oh good God.

I won't be able to patch it again tonight, everyone at Valve has gone home. It'll have to wait until morning...but man, but man did I screw this up.

Sorry, guys.

No worries, it happens. When it's fixed, I'm more than happy to try again.
It crashes when I try to learn a new spell and it took me 3 retimes to find out it took my XP away everytime I restarted lol. I'll wait for tomorrow for the fix :)


MatthewB92 said:
It crashes when I try to learn a new spell and it took me 3 retimes to find out it took my XP away everytime I restarted lol. I'll wait for tomorrow for the fix :)

Yup, seems the patch makes the spellset option crash the game. Came here to post the same thing.

Card Boy

Chesskid1 said:
can someone recommend if i should play on controller or keyboard? about to boot it up :)

I'm playing with an Xbox controller on Normal, it seems pretty good so far. Minus the crap D-pad i mostly use the ABXY buttons anyway.


Hmm I put the panel change on left and right arrows, and play one handed with my right. Feels more fluid that way for me for some reason.


getting the "press 1 crashes game" glitch as well, will wait for patch, no biggie

really liking the writing!
My game crashes at the "select Spellset" part of the tutorial as well. Not a big deal. I can wait for the fix. :p

Thanks a heap for the game, Feep!


Hit the third floor before the crashing began. I've really enjoyed my time with the game so far. The writing is very funny, and the combat is definitely unique. I'm looking forward to playing some more when this bug is cleaned up.


To everyone,

My absolute, sincerest apologies for this. We worked so hard to get the windowed mode fix out by the end of the day, we didn't have time for full testing. It's absolutely no one's fault but our own.

You, as gamers, shouldn't have to put up with this kind of unprofessional behavior from any studio, indie or not. Rest assured this WILL be fixed by morning, and until then, please accept our deepest condolences.

We're gonna be planning some free DLC to make up for it, as well.


Feep said:
You, as gamers, shouldn't have to put up with this kind of unprofessional behavior from any studio, indie or not. Rest assured this WILL be fixed by morning, and until then, please accept our deepest condolences.

We're gonna be planning some free DLC to make up for it, as well.

dude chiiiiiill

hardly something that would be considered "unprofessional", not like you pulled a techland and uploaded a dev build. Something else breaking when you fix something is bound to happen, just a shame that this particular glitch happens to hampers everyone's ability to play the game till its fixed. I personally appreciate the windowed patch since i play at 1360x768 and the 720p resolution makes the "auto-adjust" thing go crazy. Shit happens Feep, we all know you guys will fix it.

no need for free DLC, not over this i mean.


joy2key'd a ps2 controller and did about a half dozen fights (enough to get key the first).

i'll be back for you tomorrow: floor the second!

getting the hang of it. very satisfying to pull some fast panel switching already. fun.

playing on medium and semi-tempted to re-start hard... i've got rhythmn, but not-so-good action game skills... hrm.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
I'm on level 2 and just got my 4th item slot.
Whenever I try to go into spellset, it crashes.

But other than that, I'm liking it. Thanks Feep!


Yeap i got that spellset crash thingy as well.

Will be waiting for a patch, and the music is really really nice! Very very nice game indeed! Thanks for this awesome game Feep! :D


Okay. I know why spellset is crashing, and I fixed it. But it's a separate problem from the "hitting 1" thing, which I cannot replicate on my machine. I *did* actually test through the tutorials, and it seemed okay.

Very odd...


brazen editing lynx
This game is actually pretty fun. I don't normally go for DDR style games, but with Feep's giveaway, I couldn't say no. The writing is lolworthy, both for the characters and item description. And I just love how the first boss is basically the Joseph Ducreux meme. I'm playing on hard, and it feels like the perfect difficulty for me. The others were too boring, but my brain just stopped when I tried the hardest one. The music is also very good and worthy of listening to multiple times, especially since I'm hellbent on completing every recipe.

Also, I haven't run into any glitches. There's some slowdown whenever I cast the Fallout spell, but I don't know if it's my computer or if it's a legitimate issue. None of the other spells have caused problems so far.

Thanks a hundred times for the game Feep.


Okay, may I request that a couple people whose game crashed at the "hit 1" thing verify their Steam install? This appears to be a common problem.


Tentacle monsters huh Feep. Is this some kind of cross promotion for Ika Musume? ;)

Seems fun so far, just got to the safe room or w.e


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
NameGenerated said:
This just happened to me too.

"Go ahead and hit the 1 key"

*hits 1*

"Sequence has stopped working"

That's a powerful spell.

Powerful enough it kills the game. :lol

At least Feep is going to hopefully do something about it. From the little I've seen the game sounds interesting. Sort of like "Sequence" (*ahem*) on PS2.

Dead Man

Feep said:
Oh good God.

I won't be able to patch it again tonight, everyone at Valve has gone home. It'll have to wait until morning...but man, but man did I screw this up.

Sorry, guys.
All it means is that I get some homework done! Don't sweat it man.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Feep said:
Okay, may I request that a couple people whose game crashed at the "hit 1" thing verify their Steam install? This appears to be a common problem.

I just did that and it still crashes at "Press 1." I dunno what the error is as Windows 7 64-bit doesn't give me much.

Edit: And yeah, trying to view the Steam achievements just takes me to my profile page and doesn't load the achievements. WTF Valve?


Okay, one more thing will really help me out.

Can anyone who has an Xbox 360 controller attempt tutorial 3 1) With the game pad connected to the computer, and 2) Without the gamepad (disconnect it from the computer)? If it's fine with the controller and crashes without, that'll tell me where the problem is.

/crowdsourcing bugfixes

I can't understand this error. Not only does it not occur on my machine, it doesn't occur on my roommate's either...
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