Capcom are hardly first time offenders..
My problem with oversexualization is that it is so so so so so so derivative. And it's so cynical lol "men gonna love legs and jugs and 14 year olds who look ready to have kids let's put them in".. some people on this forum get offended by ugly women in games, that's retarded -- i get offended by developers thinking that can play me like a fiddle by dangling ersatz babes in front of me. Laaame.
I don't think Yennefer is derivative crap. I think the entire female cast of certain games looking like subtly different but unanimously fun bed buddies is crap.
Disclaimer: I'm not like permanently offended by the stuff, i don't wheel this complaint out whenever taking to gamer friends.. but it is annoying. And i live in Japan so it's really ubiquitous, perhaps a bigger thing here.